Guy T. Koepp Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Personally, this thing screams Terminator to me! But then again, I play with puppets and dolls. They talk to me as well. They tell me not to trust anybody. Oh, and every now and then I get a, "Kiss the Devil!" from my Dr. Phyl puppet. He's not so nice to everybody. I think he has a hidden agenda. Guy "Mommy, why are all the kids laughing at me?" Koepp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tchu Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Why does everyone have to negatively critique this ride? Why doesn't wood fit the proposed theme of Terminator and why don't the trains fit the coaster? You haven't seen the movie and you have not been on the ride to see all that it offers. Just appreciate the ride for it's main purpose--fun. I mean, what's next--the electrical wiring is too complex or the lift chain is too slow, or the wheels are too shiny? Just appreciate the ride for what it's main objective is. If people are allowed to say the trains look fantastic and fit perfectly, people are allowed to say they look ugly/silly/etc and don't seem to fit the coaster. Fair is fair. When people complain that a roller coaster has no air-time, or is too slow, or not intense enough... before the coaster has even opened... that's stupid and without merit. But criticizing the look of the trains? Fair game. We've seen up-close, detailed pictures. Either you like how they look or you don't, and there's nothing unfair about holding either viewpoint. The coaster looks gorgeous and seems like a layout that will be a lot of fun. The entrance sign is incredible (if those spotlights on top are working, and not just for show... that will be phenomenal). But the trains... don't care for the look of 'em at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jamesdillaman Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 The Wheels are way too shiny! Seriously, though. I appreciate Six Flags having GCI theme the trains. They didn't have to attempt any theming at all. I'll take whatever I can get, especially in the tough economy. We're lucky to get new coasters at all! And I don't think they look that bad, either... -James Dillaman Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spacemtfan Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 That is awesome! Very Terminator like! The steel looks great! Can't wait til Memorial Day Weekend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CreditCrazy Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Here's a couple pictures from my visit last Sunday. It's like it just went vertical yesterday... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magic70 Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 How many vipers have you actually heard of being made of steel, or how many mavericks have you seen or heard of racing on looping roads? The point I'm trying to make is that this is a coaster and not everything has to be so literal. Some of you guys and gals can be so critical over little silly things but really over look the fact that regardless of the theme, it still looks like a fun coaster. I know everyone has their own opinion and I truly respect that, but now it just sounds like complaint after complaint. While your riding, are you really gonna be saying " I still don't see how a wooden rollercoaster has to do with an apocalyptic movie"? My guess is probably not. Anyway lets just enjoy the fact that Magic Mountain is actually Theming this coaster and hopefully this sort of attention carries on to future attractions as well. This is very exciting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boose Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Somewhat offtopic (please tell me if its too far from the topic) : I'm 14. I'll be going to ride this beast on May 25 if any TPR Fanatics or brake nerds want to ride with us Give me a PM! (no creepers) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
topthrill2 Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 those cars are pretty beast. i may have just j*zed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ebl Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 My only concern is that Terminator is a good ride, and I think it will be. Even without the soundtrack. Eric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Wood Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Disney is going to change the name of Nemo to the Mountain Express. I mean really........ I have always thought this ride being themed to the Terminator franchise is silly. I don't really like the cars but who cares if it's a good ride. Look at Pony Express it looks great but it's only a 6 sec.ride. I know one is more for kids but hell it's SFMM you're lucky to get any theming at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manic Monte Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Um... are we ever going to get past this stupid theming issue? We've known about this for a year now. Why are people still complaining like this is something new. It's getting so tiring Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UberBeavis Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 I'll take Terminator: Salvation over an ingenious name like "Flight Deck" anyday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KGA29 Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 How many vipers have you actually heard of being made of steel, or how many mavericks have you seen or heard of racing on looping roads? The point I'm trying to make is that this is a coaster and not everything has to be so literal. Some of you guys and gals can be so critical over little silly things but really over look the fact that regardless of the theme, it still looks like a fun coaster. I agree that most coaster enthusiasts are hypercritical. The difference between Viper and Maverick is that they are not based on a very popular film franchise. I'm not one who loves hypercritical coaster enthusiasts, but I do find the theme of this coaster to be funny. Does that make it a bad coaster? No. Because the coaster itself is independent of the theming. Does that make it a bad attraction? It could, because an attraction is the coaster, theming, story, trains, etc. It's the same concept of when Universal announced their Transformers ride. If they announced it being an amazing wooden coaster, I would still think WTF?! But it's something else, that seems to make a lot of sense. Regardless, I am excited about the theming going into this and I think regardless of the chosen theme, it will sure beat the theming of most wooden coasters (which is none, that's a little redundant). I think magic has a decent point. You claim that the only difference is that this coaster is themed after a movie. What about FaceOff (now Invertigo at KI)? That's named after a major movie that has nothing to do with going forwards and backwards. The only similarity might be that the riders face each other on the trains. So the trains represent the theme of the movie (kinda). In this case, I think the trains of Terminator look great, and truly add to the theme of the coaster, wood or not. Another example is Survivor the Ride at CGA. In no way is a giant spinning disk related to the majorly popular reality show. The main point is that the ride can be adapted to the theme. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rawrtotheargh Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ^^ Agreed And I'm not gonna lie when I say that I do like the way the sign looks. Simpy yet interesting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boose Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 I wonder if that sign gets paid for by the $1 Million funds for theming. That sign looks pretty pricey . Cant wait until its done! Gonna ride on the 25th Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
netdvn Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 How many vipers have you actually heard of being made of steel, or how many mavericks have you seen or heard of racing on looping roads? Personally I think that Viper and Maverick have suitable names which can be interchangeable for a wood/steel coaster. But a name like Steel Phantom or Iron Wolf wouldn't suit a wooden coaster, nor will a name like Shivering Timbers or Timberhawk suit the name for a steel coaster. I kinda think that the name Terminator does suit the name for a wooden coaster if it isn't tied to the franchise. But SFMM's does and I think they did an excellent job with the trains (although I do think the front panels could be changed). Now as long as it delivers an incredible ride, I probably wouldn't have a problem. And I really hope SF didn't cheap out on the theming either, although I've been pretty impressed at their recent attempts to theme rides. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
magic70 Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 One thing that you have to consider is when a park designs a coaster the name usually is already chosen most of the time, but also the coaster type represents the feel that the park wants, like an out of control, fast, yet not overly thrilling enough to entertain a lots of peeps. The only coaster type that I could really see other than this unexpected wooden design would have been like a MotorBike Coaster with area special effects like the movie trailers. I'm cool with this and really pleased to see them going the extra steps to engage regular visitors and not the over zealous critics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Clinksalot Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 I actually like the trains. They are certainly more themed than anything else SFMM has to offer. I'm sure they don't compare to some other parks out there to be sure, but I gotta give Six Flags credit for at least "trying". Hell, this ride is already more themed than CA Screamin'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jew Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 The only reason there is so much debate on the themeing is the fact SFMM management were the ones who pushed this as "the most themed attraction" at the park with "1 million in themeing" during WCB. It wouldn't be an issue if they pushed the ride as "a kick ass wooden roller coaster that just happens to have decent themeing in the queue." I personally think that is how they should be selling the ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manic Monte Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ^ I feel just the opposite. It's their job to sell the hell out of this ride, and if I were Mark Shapiro and they didn't, they'd have some answering to do. Technically, it will be the most expansive theming they've ever done at the park. And if they aren't extremely proud of it, no one else will be either. I certainly wouldn't be worried about what TPR has to say about it, especially not having seen the finish product yet, and given the fact that enthusiasts are always going to be your harshes critics. Heck, it worked with X2, and that ride has less than half the crap that was advertised. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jew Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ^The point I was trying to make is that for all the people complaining about others who aren't big on the was SFMM management themselves that were boasting about the themeing in the first place! They were the ones who made it a topic of discussion in the first place. There wouldn't be so much discussion about the themeing if Tim's presentation was more along the lines of "This will be the best GCI will feature the most airtime, a new element, etc...AND will also have $1 million in themeing to make it the complete package." (which for the record is how I view the ride: I'm happy there will be an awesome new ride at SFMM for me to enjoy. I don't care about the themeing at all. I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment either.) But to your point: The thing that makes it really stand out is the fact it will most likely end up being the best wooden roller coaster on the west coast. There's already a Terminator themed attraction in So Cal, but there sure as hell isn't a brand new GCI elsewhere in So Cal! As a side note: I would be slightly concerned about what TPR members are saying about the ride. Not only has Jay said numerous times himself that this site provides great feedback and that we should be posting our opinions...if you google "Magic Mountain Terminator," guess what is the #1 link? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manic Monte Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ^ I agree with you, but ride the darn finished product first. Until then, it's just a bunch of noise. The theming aspects aren't even done yet. Who knows, this may exceed people's expectations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jew Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ^We can only discuss what we do know. Which so far is only what Tim said at WCB and the pictures/details that have been released. This thread would be pretty boring if we waited for the finished product to discuss anything. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 Robb is at the park now and will update us shortly! BTW, Kristen heard Robb say Magic Mountain and started freaking out wanting to go! She's been very 'mommy's girl' lately so this was very exciting! I only hope she has a good time and wants to go back! She had such a great time at Port Aventura and Tibidabo last week, I hope she isn't too disappointed that she can't ride as much at our home park. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manic Monte Posted May 10, 2009 Share Posted May 10, 2009 ^We can only discuss what we do know. Which so far is only what Tim said at WCB and the pictures/details that have been released. This thread would be pretty boring if we waited for the finished product to discuss anything. Discuss, yes. The same gripes about the theme not matching a wooden coaster, noise. Yes, yes, we know already. We've known this since September. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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