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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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/\ There is no amount of cycles a new ride needs to do, normally at the beginning of a season for seasonal parks or after a train comes out of rehab it does 50 cycles before its loaded with people (fond memories of sending DejaVu/Ragin Cajun/Giant Drop at SFGAm out over and over again and initialing the box after each one. One pre-season day I was doing that at Big Easy Balloons and watching them rehab the resturaunt into Johnny Rockets and they were there all day and got literally nothing done )...the exact amount of cycles required probably varies park to park though.

...anyway, they normally dont worry about doing that for new rides because they know with the large amount of testing done it does well more than that. The one new ride ive been involved opening (TDK) they were there pulling all nighters for many days tweaking things.

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That's his point. Six Flags is passing off the lockers as a way to speed up dispatch times (and I'm sure they do) but I have to believe that their true reasoning is to make money.


I don't think anybody could deny that the dispatch times have been sped up by the lockers. I certainly think they have, except for maybe Tatsu, which I still don't get why they can't get in gear on that one.


The only older ride that has slow dispatches is Colossus and coincidence, it doesn't have Lockers. Of course, I don't count X2 and Deja Vu in that.

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/\ There is no amount of cycles a new ride needs to do, normally at the beginning of a season for seasonal parks or after a train comes out of rehab it does 50 cycles before its loaded with people (fond memories of sending DejaVu/Ragin Cajun/Giant Drop at SFGAm out over and over again and initialing the box after each one. One pre-season day I was doing that at Big Easy Balloons and watching them rehab the resturaunt into Johnny Rockets and they were there all day and got literally nothing done )...the exact amount of cycles required probably varies park to park though.

...anyway, they normally dont worry about doing that for new rides because they know with the large amount of testing done it does well more than that. The one new ride ive been involved opening (TDK) they were there pulling all nighters for many days tweaking things.


I think the juristiction the park falls under has a say in that. I know when I worked at Adventuredome, we were mandated by Clark County to run new rides for a certain number of hours before people would be allowed on. When we opened Chaos back in 2001, this wound up being just under 400 complete cycles. We took turns having someone cycle it over and over and didnt take more than a day or two.

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In California, guidelines for cycles are based upon the manufacturer's SOP. So whatever GCI says is what SFMM has to abide to. Theoretically it could be 1 cycle or 5000....the state law only says they have to follow manufacturers SOP's and prove that they do with proper documentation.

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Was at the park today, Man they are working FAST on this ride and random cool stufff is popping up all over the place! It was ridiculously windy (even Scream was closed due to the wind... at least that's what they said) So no pics fromt he Sky Tower, and I didn't have a camera with me so these pics are from my phone.


It's hard to get good angles when your holding your phone above the fence line. But more of the tunnel and "mystery building #4,692"


And now all you crybabies about the bridge can complain some more as it looks like it will be tunneled.


Back half of the station and the beginning of the fly-through


It seems to be coming along pretty good.


Terminator's Station, Through the trees!


mmmm Sexy Tunnel!


YAY Lift Hill! Nothing new here really, just padding my few pictures lol

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It looks like they're digging up some of the concrete for plants! Yay!


I have to say though I really didn't think that this coaster was going to be so... Complicated. The line is crazy and goes everywhere and there are little buildings and structures popping up in ever direction. Looks really cool!

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Man its so hard to believe this was a slab of concrete a few months ago and now its almost complete!


The sign looks awesome, but I'm really interested in seeing the ride's theming and the trains even more.


Hopefully SF went all out with the new theming!

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An air conditioned queue would be great! But I think the first half might be outside, with shade, and the second half after the pre-show will hopefully be inside with AC.


Terminator looks like it'll be a great wooden coaster. I really want to see that station-fly-by and that drop! The ride went up so fast. I can't wait to ride my first GCI on Memorial Day! I hope there's some decent theming, too.

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