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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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I believe now this little structure being built by the entrance to Terminator, is actually the photo viewing/pick-up area, exiting the ride. The other side is entering the queue line. I thought first it could be lockers for riders to store any carry-ons, however looks too small for lockers for the amount of riders who'll be riding the coaster daily.


Could it be on-ride viewing/pick-up, or lockers?


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I think there are pros and cons to putting the lockers up front. On one side, its good to let people see them up front and catch them as they get in line. The drawback is that you'd need more lockers because people would use them for more of the 2 hr time limit. Meaning the turnover rate isnt as high.


Thats why I like the approach they took at Riddler, Scream and X2 where the lockers are right at/before the station. You can get away with fewer lockers because less people would be using them at any given point and it clears up the bottle neck that can occur on busy days (ala Goliath)

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I'd put money on it that there will be lockers on Terminator. They were first added to the highest popularity rides and then were added to this right below them. I trust and hope that Terminator has lockers like found on all the other major attractions.


Its not about the intensity of the attraction, its about building and enforcing a new strict policy about no loose bags or articles on the ride or left in the station area. And I can't see a better way to further that than with the addition of the locker system on Terminator.

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I think there are pros and cons to putting the lockers up front. On one side, its good to let people see them up front and catch them as they get in line. The drawback is that you'd need more lockers because people would use them for more of the 2 hr time limit. Meaning the turnover rate isnt as high.


Smartcarte has the ability to adjust the amount of free time. I can only imagine the pricing structure will be similar to that of Mummy @ USH, where it is only free for as long as needed and $2.00 for every half hour after that.

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where it is only free for as long as needed and $2.00 for every half hour after that.


Haha what?! Its free for as long as forever but then after forever is over, its 2 for every half hour? I think I am just brain dead from finals but that doesn't make any sense to me.

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^ A light jacket with zippered pockets works just fine. That, and don't bring a lot of stuff you don't need.


I hope there won't be cubbies in the station, and I hope people aren't allowed to put stuff on the side. That completely defeats the purpose of the lockers as well as slow down the load/unload process. Terminator trains will have less capacity than the typical B&M train, so any way of keeping the throughput up is essential.



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^ or a pouch like on DCA's California Screamin or Disneyland's Indiana Jones might also be just as efficent as a locker.


Last time I went on Indiana Jones, I only had a hat and a few small things on me that I put into the pouch, but I found that to be much quicker and easier for me than buying a locker, and it doesnt completely hold up the train as ride ops wait for people to safely put their stuff away.

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^haha so true, but we can't blame only six flags for price gouging the crap out of you, all theme parks are like that, I mean where else can you pay 4 bucks for a vending machine soda? (other than cf, sf, disney, etc)


Edit: Oh right this is the Terminator thread, better get this thing back on track. Soooo.....Anyone else think that's the coolest ride sign at sfmm?

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^^^Haha I was begining to think there was going to be another 15 pages of locker arguments! Yes I think this entrance is maybe the coolest, however I think Goliath is up there too! And if they would have kept up superman's, it would have been up there as well.

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SFMM doesn't even own their lockers. They are owned/operated by Smartcarte. I don't know what their agreement is, but I don't think Six Flags is getting 100% of the proceeds.


But anyways..enough about the lockers. There's nothing new that can be said on the topic other than Terminator will have lockers as well. Lets leave it at that and keep the discussion on topic with Terminator discussion.

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It's hard to believe that there are only about 18 days till Terminator opens to the public. I'm guessing that those mysterious trains will be winding their way around the track pretty soon. Not being an expert, I don't have a clue as to how many cycles are required for testing, or how many hours the ride has to operate.


Photos of trains being tested should appear soon...



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