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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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I like the Dejavu comment


I was very surprised last spring when I went to SFMM during spring break and they had Dejavu running. Magic Mountain seems to be doing a much better job than SFOG and SFGAM with keeping Dejavu running smoothly.


Right now for us coaster enthusiasts it's boring watching construction because they're doing all the groundwork. Once they get all that stuff done the construction of the supports will take off, considering a lot of them are already put together.

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^He's averaging 3 to 4 posts per page in this thread and the SFMM discussion one. Methinks he doesn't have much else going on aside from this.


But I'm looking forward to watching this take shape. I think vertical construction on this will be more enjoyable to follow than Prowler, since it's much easier to see the coaster as a whole (especially with the tower) than the tree-hidden WOF ride.

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I was told during a Construction Tour of Prowler at Worlds Of Fun That GCI is ahead of schedule on Prowler and they were still planning on flying in some guys from the Germany Project and the Terminator site. They are also moving to 7 day Work weeks. I assume thats to try and Avoid the Kansas City ICE Storms. That might be why there is a slight hold up out west. We were also told that GCI uses a different Concrete Mix which cures in a little over 24 hours. Which means it should not sit for weeks after it is poured unless they are having Problems else where.

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^^While I too am anticipating Prowler a bit more than Terminator, I don't know that I agree with your reasons, as nothing really strikes me as unique on either coaster, to be honest. While sprawled out terrain coasters are a bit of a novelty for GCI, they certainly aren't unique. However, GCI has proven that they don't need stand out gimmicks to make awesome coasters. They will both be fantastic.

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Hey im new to this site. I have been lookin at the topics and what ppl say so i decided to sign up cause it got boring just browing and not writing..But neways back to the topic. This site named Screamscape had said that there is a company who is making trains now, the train can launch.and that it has on board audio.Do you think it is what the terminator is using?And the name of the company is the Gravity Group but the name of the trains are called Timberliner.

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^...Remember a page or two ago how everyone was talking about how they weren't able to make it to the park because of the freeway closures and the fact that the park was closed on Saturday?...thats why there isn't any new info.


Park is closed during the week.


I imagine will have some news of the progress this next weekend...when the park is open.

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