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Six Flags Magic Mountain Terminator Salvation: The Ride


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Sir Clinksalot - "Awesome stuff, although sorry Sarah wasn't feeling great. I think I saw you sitting at the eatery across from Gold Rusher when we went to ride Batman, but I wasn't sure. Still should have said hi."


Thanks! Sarah is doing great now and ready for Ohio. Yeah, That was us sitting at the Waterfront with CreditCrazy's parents. I'm not too good with greetings, well not when I'm Sober... Just ask Crazy4Coasters about our awkward greeting at West Coast Bash! Maybe next time, like 6/28! I'm fighting off the shyness!


robbalvey - "I was with Tyler when it happened. Both times it was a good 10 minutes we were on the lift."


I see... I think you were on the train (Last Car) when it stopped for just a few seconds at the top of the lift hill. I didn't know of any time consuming issues until now.


DCody - "Overall, I think this coaster is a much-needed addition to the park and an important ride for Cali."


Your'e Right! It was totally an important ride for me!


I'm afraid to ride GhostRider now! My last two rides were deadly.

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I didn't see anything about this, but were they using groupers today? Or could you choose whichever row you wanted to sit in?


"Also, the station is the same size as every other ride we do" (SupermanFan from Page 247)


Maybe the station seems smaller because of the fly-by track above. That reduces overhead space and could give the impression of a smaller station even though the square footage of floor space is the same.



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For everyone that went to SFMM and rode Terminator today: Were the lights and mist on in the tunnels?

The mist was on for both of my rides but I never saw any lights.

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As far as Six Flags getting the rights, I think it's cause the terminator franchise was sold to warner brothers ( please correct me if Im wrong!) And isn't Six Flags affiliated with warner bros some way?



Close, The Halcyon Production company acquired all future Terminator rights (meaning the first two films and the Universal ride are off limits to them basically) but any future Terminator rights would have to go through them. Warner Brothers has the exclusive North American distribution rights for the films (Coulumbia holding the international distribution rights), but Warner Brothers has nothing to to do with Six Flags and Terminator Salvation: The Ride, although I'm sure the Warner Bro and Six Flags relationship didn't hurt.

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"Also, the station is the same size as every other ride we do" (SupermanFan from Page 247)


Maybe the station seems smaller because of the fly-by track above. That reduces overhead space and could give the impression of a smaller station even though the square footage of floor space is the same.

I'm going to assume that Evan may have meant every station they do INCLUDING those others with a station fly by. I've been in all the GCI stations with a fly-by and Terminators does seem smaller, but I'm assuming it's because this one was more enclosed than Troy or Thunderhead.



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You will have to forgive me as this is my first post, but I wanted to add my two cents about Terminatior opening day today.


First, my daughter and I went to the park today mainly for Terminator. We arrived early and were among the first few trains of the day. The ride was as great as everyone else has been saying, and I believe they took the advice from media day and turned down the volume on the onboard soundtrack. We sat in the front row and could barely hear anything. As for the effects, at opening the lights and mist were in all the TUNNELS, though the lights were barely visible in the bright sunshine. The ride was incredible.


I also wanted to give thanks to the management of the park. I have been going to SFMM since Revolution was the new ride, and I have never seen the park run better and with more care than now. The employees at every ride, show, and concession seemed pleasant and friendly. I have also been very impressed with the visibility of Jay and Neil in the park. In my 3 visits this year, I have, almost literally, run into one or both of them just walking the park. Even today, as you would expect, Jay was observing and assisting with the preshow. After the ride, he saw my daughter and I both wearing our WCB t-shirts and introduced us to GCI reps that were walking with him and we got to thank them for a fantastic ride.


Finally, the park seemed to be running great today. Though Tatsu and X2 had huge lines most of the day, I found they were doing their best to get trains in and out quickly. The only exception was Batman, which we walked out of line as soon as we realized they were running only 1 train. My daughter recently passed the 54 inch height mark, so she wanted to ride all the coasters with that height limit and with the exception of Batman, she did. We were there all day and managed to see both shows and ride 10 of the coasters, far exceeding my expectations.

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Basically I got there 950ish no parking line which was surprised, got in the middle of the line to get into the park, took the orient express up then walked down the hill to the terminator ride (which is good but we just missed one and had to wait a few mins for the next) Queue was full and a 10 minute wait to get across the bridge, the wait was sort of entertaining, theming was cool and music videos were interesting, was hoping for a X2 approach to the wait screens with logos and clips or something, but maybe in the future, Pre Show amazed me, didnt think six flags had this in them, it was a tad bit long however but not voting for another line to skip it, would just confuse things, maybe only have it up on busy days? Not sure if this was covered but ALL the lines were long that day, TATSU had extended que out, X2's line was on da bridge, not sure about others but got the hint it'd be a busy day.. Seemed like Terminator had the 3rd longest line in the park but i'm guesing cause of tatsus and x2's laggy loading and didnt stay long enough to check it out again. Terminator was first ride and line seemed shorter when I got off, (wait was 90 minutes and there was down time (11:45ish) issues when we got done with phase 3 of pre show. No fire or mist during my trek and could of been due 2 it breaking down not so long before I rode. Well this was long i'll post my pics later of my trip, it was a Terminator Saturday as I did extra credit stuff for the hallibute. oh and ride thoughts!!!

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At park in line to get in. The line has already filled up the little corral. We are a few people away from front. I'll upload pics of the line when I get home.


Please post a report on the wait time throughout the day if you can! The middle day of a three day weekend is typically the busiest, so I'm interested to see how things are going.


As far as what I thought of the ride on KROQ night, it's pretty much all been said here already. Just in case anything hasn't, here's a recap:


-The ride is a typical GCI. Which means it's simply good fun. It's not going to crack my top-10, but it is still easily my favorite wooden coaster on West Coast and new favorite ride at SFMM. The ride really hauls ass, and the only bad thing I could possibly think of is that the layout sort of fizzles out at the end. But the first half of the ride and the speed it carries all the way through are awesome!


-The themeing was also very impressive for SFMM. I say "for SFMM" because it's still below what you would get at Universal or Disney, but the effort is much appreciated. Robb said it best when he described it as a "well done haunt maze."


However, there are some issues...which, to be fair, might be the result of the KROQ night not being the finished product:


-Audio. Holy crap it's loud. In the 3rd preshow and on the ride. I literally could not hear Elissa next to me as we were stuck on the lift while the whole track played through. Sounds like they might have corrected that, but I think they should also look for a way to shut the audio off when the ride stops. In the 3rd preshow, it was just as bad. I bet that exceeds OSHA guidelines for the poor employees who have to be in there. The funny part was when I asked a supervisor about that, the response was "No one has complained yet. I think the employees are into it."


-The preshow. It's too long and drawn out. Not only that, there is no way they will be able keep operating things how they currently have it where you HAVE to watch all three preshows before going into the station. It's staffing intensive and kills capacity. I suspect Terminator can't be doing more than 600pph right now (if that). Hopefully they can re-design things to where the preshows are on a loop and part of the queue.


-Operations. It was obvious the crew that night wasn't prepared. You could tell they were training people, I didn't really appreciate being stapled, nor did I appreciate not having a choice of seats. If a guest requests a row, you would think that a park that is trying to turn itself around would be all about granting the request to keep the guest happy. Guess not!


Again, my complaints could all be solved by the end of summer. I look forward to coming back in a few months to see how things may or may not have changed.

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I ended up getting first train, first row in the morning. I am currently in line right now and I just got through the first switchback. It is about an hour and a half line right now, but I think it might be a bit shorter. I'll give an update in about half an hour.

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^ Yeah that is what I thought. On another note they seemed to rush opening to be on time. There were ladders in the middle of the foundation, and lots of wood bits especially in the back still being cleaned up. Also you could see the Tyvek covering on the station.

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At park in line to get in. The line has already filled up the little corral. We are a few people away from front. I'll upload pics of the line when I get home.


-Operations. It was obvious the crew that night wasn't prepared. You could tell they were training people, I didn't really appreciate being stapled, nor did I appreciate not having a choice of seats. If a guest requests a row, you would think that a park that is trying to turn itself around would be all about granting the request to keep the guest happy. Guess not!


Again, my complaints could all be solved by the end of summer. I look forward to coming back in a few months to see how things may or may not have changed.


Sometimes the Operators get warned for letting guests have choice of seating. If one guest gets a choice then all others will expect the same treatment which backs up the queue.


Of course this isn't always the case but it's the first reason that comes to my mind against it.


Back when I was an OP on Deja Vu we were told to not allow choice of seating however if a guest was polite enough in there request and the line was not long I would have them wait to the side for the row they requested, which usually meant they had to wait an extra train.


In the end though, it depends on which OP you ask. Some don't mind and others are quick to deny you.

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