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I'm mostly addicted to comedies, here's my list;


-South Park

-The Simpsons

-The Office

-30 Rock

-Two and a Half Men

-Saturday Night Live





-Cash Cab


-Dirty Jobs

-Game Shows

-Family Guy

-American Dad

-Robot Chicken

-Aqua Teen Hunger Force

-Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

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Daily Show usually has better interviews because Jon can be serious and ask really great questions, whereas Stephen has to still play in character, so even good interviews get reduced down to easy jokes.




Anyone who doesn't think "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" is very funny, watch the episode "The Gang Gives Back". The basketball game at the end is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Totally agree with you about Jon Stewart, he really does ask some good questions. But for some reason, I like the total nonsense character that Colbert protrays. As for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I really want to check it out. What channel is it on?


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Always Sunny is on Hulu, however a few episodes of season 3 are missing (register with an over 18 birthday as it's considered restricted).


I do agree it's one of the best shows on TV right now though. I think season 4 is slipping a little bit, it does have it's moments (Gas Crisis and tonight's ep were amazing), but it's just not as good as the older stuff. Still better than most shows on right now though.


Along with that, I'm a huge Seinfeld/Curb fan. Love that type of comedy.


Also agree about Arrested Development, that was a really amazing show. It's a shame that FOX pulled it.

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Meh, I'm not really a TV watcher. I mainly watch TV for baseball and football. I had tried not to miss Family Guy every Sunday but the show has gone way south these past two seasons so it's not as much of a priority to watch it anymore. The only show I watch consistently is The Office, which as kind of lost steam as well. I have better things to do then staring at a tube emitting cathode rays.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always say I never have time to watch TV, but I do tend to stockpile shows on tape (yeah, I still have one of those old-fashioned VCR thingamabobs) and watch them when I do have free time. My current lineup:


--My Name is Earl

--The Office

--30 Rock

--Life on Mars



--The Simpsons

--King of the Hill

--Family Guy

--American Dad


I also have a collection of DVDs on loan from my dad that I watch on my lunch hour (I originally watched most of them first-run or in reruns during college). They include:

--Due South

--Early Edition

--The White Shadow

--Adam 12

--The Rockford Files


I wish they would release more episodes of "Quincy, M.E." on DVD beyond season one, and I'm still waiting for them to come out with a "James at 15" DVD set, but as long as they keep putting out new seasons of "CHiPs" (hands down the greatest show in the history of television), I guess I can't complain too much.


Kudos to Wes for bringing up "Arrested Development," by the way. That show was Jason Bateman Awesome!

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  • 14 years later...

Am BUMPING this thread, because ... well ......

Did anyone else see the VERY short series, The Witcher: Blood Origin ?

We just did. And it was done in .... wait for it ..... FOUR EPISODES! I mean, wtf?

NO SPOILERS here .... but, well... we knew it was four, and it was packed with 'stuff'.

Still. Felt a bit cheated, that it lasted only a very short little while. Gotta love TV.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/20/2008 at 7:05 PM, chmilo24 said:

...or just your favorite show.



My all time favorite TV Show is The Golden Girls. Something about that show is just so funny, and it was so far ahead of it's time. Amazing show.

- I am currently really enjoying re-watching NCIS, and How To Get Away With Murder. I'm also watching Sinfeld for the first time.... It's slowly... very very very slowly starting to grow on me. 

🎶 Thank you for being a friend.... 🎶

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Hi there! My name's Sean! I'm 33 years old, and I've got autism. I live near St. Louis with my mom, and since my all time favorite years are from 2008 and before, and since my all time favorite dates are from Wednesday, December 31, 2008 and before (before SkyScreamer opened at Six Flags St. Louis in May of 2011), and since I've been a huge game show fan since I was a kid, and since Bob Barker passed away last year, and since Alex Trebek passed away 3 years ago, and since my all time favorite game shows are from 2006 and before (since Bob retired from "The Price Is Right" in June of 2007, and Drew Carey took over for Bob in October of 2007, and since Alex was hosting "Jeopardy!" and other game shows), what memories do you have watching Bob Barker on "The Price Is Right"? :) #ThePriceIsRight #BobBarker #ComeOnDown #BarkersBeauties #Plinko #ANewCar #ShowcaseShowdownBigWheel #Showcases #HappyGilmore #HelpControlThePetPopulationHaveYourPetsSpayedOrNeutered :) 

And even though Steve Harvey is funny on "Family Feud", but since Steve didn't began hosting "Family Feud" until 2010 (3 years after Bob retired from "The Price Is Right" and Drew took over for Bob), my 2 all time favorite "Family Feud" hosts were Richard Dawson and Ray Combs (even though Ray committed suicide the same way Robin Williams did), and I also liked the other "Family Feud" hosts from 1999 to 2006 as well, like Louie Anderson (even though Louie died from cancer like Richard Dawson did, though Dawson died from esophageal cancer and Louie died from lymphoma), Richard Karn (aka Al Borland, Tim's buddy Al Borland on "Home Improvement"), and John O'Hurley (aka J. Peterman, Elaine's boss on "Seinfeld", even though John continued to host "Family Feud" until 2010 when Steve took over), but Richard Dawson and Ray Combs were my 2 all time favorite "Family Feud" hosts! :) #SurveySays :) 

And even though Buzzr is okay, but I like the old Game Show Network/GSN from Thursday, December 1, 1994 (when Game Show Network launched) to Sunday, December 31, 2006 while Bob was hosting "The Price Is Right" on CBS, and while Alex was hosting "Jeopardy!" :)

Take care everybody, and like Bob said at the end of every episode of "The Price Is Right" (now Drew, but like I said, my all time favorite game shows are from 2006 and before), "Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered!" :)

Sean :)





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  • 11 months later...

We just started watching DVDs of the original "GHOSTS", from  the UK. And seeing the first two episodes of their first season (they did 5, with Christmas specials!), were really fun. Easily laughable jokes here and there. And obviously interesting to compare this original series to the U.S. version, now in it's fourth (?) season. Worth buying if available, I would say. 📺

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streaming online too (via Max, I believe).

I preferred the husband in the British version at first, but have really grown to like the American version.

and I've always loved Rose McIver - so she was a win for me at the start.

I *do* think the ghost cast in the British one is a little better, tho the American version has a couple of additions/changes I prefer.     American no-pants Trevor ghost is much better, as is Hettie *way* better than her British counterpart.     I much prefer the dumb/innocent ghost in the British version over Henrietta, and I think it's a wash for Pete and for General.    Thorfin is fantastic, and love it, and think he'd be a great addition to the British version.      

the scripts for the 1st 2 seasons of the American version burned thru almost all of the British scripts, and the American version really started to hit it's stride after they ran out of British stories and started to do more original things.   Love the greater use of the Basement Ghosts.   Tho I do miss the reduction of the headless ghost to just one appearance a season a shame.


both are great tho.

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^ Well, you never know. What is bothering me, that  Seasons 2 & 3 of the U.S. version are still not available in Blue-Ray DVD style. Grrr. That said, I know you just posted about it all streamlining, etc. But I still get a bit of a kick to actually have a "tangible" (is that the right word?) form, i.e. able to hold the casing w/ what's enclosed.  We have enjoyed figuring out who is who in regards to both series. We felt that the Burned Not-Witch (w/not much in her head), and Flower. And other than "pants off" it would be nice to see more of that...um...  headless stuff, lol. By the way, wasn't there a headless character in U.S. version? In the beginning season? Rode a motorcycle, heh.  These are both fun series to us. Worth Emmy Noms, wouldn't you agree? Talk about Ensemble Casting!  🥰

(Haven't mentioned, but including alllll of those basement ghosts, too LOL.)

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36 minutes ago, Nrthwnd said:

^ Well, you never know. What is bothering me, that  Seasons 2 & 3 of the U.S. version are still not available in Blue-Ray DVD style. Grrr. That said, I know you just posted about it all streamlining, etc. But I still get a bit of a kick to actually have a "tangible" (is that the right word?) form, i.e. able to hold the casing w/ what's enclosed.  We have enjoyed figuring out who is who in regards to both series. We felt that the Burned Not-Witch (w/not much in her head), and Flower. And other than "pants off" it would be nice to see more of that...um...  headless stuff, lol. By the way, wasn't there a headless character in U.S. version? In the beginning season? Rode a motorcycle, heh.  These are both fun series to us. Worth Emmy Noms, wouldn't you agree? Talk about Ensemble Casting!  🥰

(Haven't mentioned, but including alllll of those basement ghosts, too LOL.)

headless ghost is still around. . but he appears very infrequently.

I would suspect due to budget/cost of the fx . . .

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