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Liseberg Discussion Thread

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OMG I could not be more excited for next years Skandi trip! I cannot wait to go to this park! Helix looks mind blowingly good! Love the layout love the setting! Amazing news about getting more land too! Okay next summer needs to get here quick!

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More images!!


Was fortunate to live in Gothenburg for the past 2 weeks, and here is the images from the last of the Liseberg visits I did during that time. But now it's back on the country side, so my own updates will be less, but there are always images from FB, which I will post when I find them.


Onto the Helix update:


We start at the first turnaround, where they have cleared the area for ground works


They have started to dig up the area for the first launch


Loads of screens in this area


But they are pretty low so you can easily take pictures above them


But then again, if you walk on the small paths that aren't shut then you don't have to worry about any screens :)


About here will the first launch will become the second corkscrew


Nothing new at the station area


Several footers are nearing the first big pour, this is the area after the second corkscrew and the small turns before the final in-line twist


Working hard, or hardly working, that's the question.

I do hope it's the first one, since I can't wait to ride this thing :)


Area overview


They have blasted away the rock and cleared this area since last time, can't wait to dive down here before the pretzel


Speaking of the pretzel, here is the location for it.

And also, after all this talk about pretzels, I really hope that they get a Pretzel stall below the Helix one :p


They will have to blast away a lot more rock here, since Helix will dive below the Lisebergbanan lift


I guess that this roof is done for, seeing all those sticks on top of it


Second launch is still a gravel path


Same in this direction


Nothing new at Construction HQ


This little guy is still digging away where Helix will Helix


The pretzel will look awesome from Lisebergbanan's station


To finish this update, here are some Plättar.

Seriously, eat them, it's easily one of the best snacks there :p

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Plättar, is real good. I had Våfflor there, a few weeks ago. With Cream and Hjortron-sylt (jam). (jammy)

The waffles are good, but Plättar are way better. They tastes a lot less greasy than waffles. Even though cloudberry (Hjortron) jam is good then the blackberry jam I had to my Plättar is even better


Thank you all for the feedback, also here are some images I took from yesterday evening when I had a great time with my family. Also ran into Andreas Andersen and had a little chat which was also awesome


Anyway some incredibly dark images..


But first some normal ones, it's nice to see that they have added some logos to the previously blank screens. The construction is hard to miss these days


Do I spy some completed Footers??


Then on the way out I took some time to get some more close ups on the new footers


Some curing going on


Getting ready for the end of the first launch footers


Loads of machinery is needed for these kinds of jobs


That's a big hole


Oh and here they are, completed footers!!

I wondered why there was a load of small plywood cubes at the Construction HQ, now I got my answer, neat


There are several of them


And here is a final one of the pretzel area

Until next time, when there might be some train action..

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It was so long ago, that I had Plättar. Damn.


Nice pics. It shows how fast the Project is going.


Anyway, I must say something about the Kaninlandet - shit. It´s really, really great.

I think they have done a real good work, planning and building that area.

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Must - have - Platter


(on next TPR Scandinavian Tour.)


By the way - are they still serving this "pepper steak"

at the park, I remember other TPR people raving about....?

(from past tours)

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when I visit in may, they had a kind of bbq-buffé, with a Lot of food.


When I look at there homepage, I found one dich with "pepper and congac sauce". But I dont know.

There is a bunch of menues to choose from...





alejno - Wow, thankx. That looks real nice !

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Wow, that inverted top hat thingy looks insane, this ride is going to be awesome. This things kind is kind of like a Lisebergbanan 2.0 the way it just runs all over the hills side and hugs the terrain. Lisebergbanan with launches and crazy inversions so yea it will be a winner.

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