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RCT2--Busch Gardens Asia

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Okay... so I know that it's been a while since the last update for this. To make a long story short, I'm restarting the park, mainly because I got better at the game!


Here's the first official screen of BGA v2.0, the station for the invert in China:



Comments are welcome!

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... restarting the park, mainly because I got better ...



Better?, don't know how you could have gotten any better. It looked GREAT before you "got better".


Hope you bring back some of the old version into the new one. I like what I see now and what I've seen in the past. You know, before you "got better".



Got better?????

geez... I'm the only one around here who needs to get better at RCT. You (and others) make my park(s) look like crap.

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^I know what you mean, however the only way I think that robmeister could have gotten better would be his footpaths, you notice that in the last screenshot the footpath from the exit is made out of scenery, therefore I am assuming that you are using an invisible footpath, is that correct?

Also in previous posts there was no catwalk for the coasters, in this one he has used the wooden coaster track, I would think that robmeister means that he has gotten better at using the 8 cars trainer as well.


I am gobsmacked. (Really, that was the only word I could think of )

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... in previous posts there was no catwalk for the coasters, in this one he has used the wooden coaster track ...


I hope that's not what get better means, that was the only part of the preview picture I didn't care for. Not a big fan of oversized wooden coaster catwalks. It reminds me to much of the way over hacked parks at NE. Not saying this park is going to go that route or at least I hope not.


(This is just my opinion though, not ment to make anyone mad who likes NE type of parks)



Love the building and footpath work!

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Yeah, since I started BGA v1, I've gotten a lot more detailed and realistic in my work. By the way, for anyone that cares, in the BGA topic on NE, there's a download link for the first version on page 8.


If you wanna check any of my other work, look at Scarecrow or the Disney's America topic on NE. You'll see what I meant by my earlier comment.


dmaxsba2408: I actually like that kind of style, like geewhzz's work. I find that things like woodie catwalks, monorail spines, and transfers add to the realistic atmosphere of a park, so I use them. I'm glad that you like the building though!


To everyone else, thank you for your kind words! Updates will be infrequent with this park because I'm doing H2H (a group competition) over on NE, so I'm focusing on that now. Just know that this park is still alive!

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