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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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About the virtual POV:

Is the train actually going to hit those airtime humps that fast?

If so, we're looking at El Toro or SkyRush grade ejector air here.

It could be, but the animation doesn't seem like it's physics-based to me (it looks like it was made with single keyframes). I would wait for real on-ride videos of the coaster before judging airtime.


Basically, it doesn't look "natural" to me. But, obviously, I could be wrong.

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Also today I took video of Gunslinger (Sling Shot) also new in 2013. Sorry about the Iphone again.


Watch Gunslinger not Iron Rattler in the background!




Those ride ops doing the safety check.

Are they blind or something?

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^^I dig the "safety check" the ride ops do at the beginning of the video.


I can't stand it! I think it looks tacky. But It could be worse. At the Kemah Boardwalk and Galveston pleasure pier, they have to say "Visual scan", put their hand to their forehead and do a full 360°, lean over the control panel, look down and up. It looks so funny. I guess this isn't really the thread to talk about this on, but I was just about to comment on it and backed out and just saw yours. I just had to give my 2¢.

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It was the funniest thing ever at Six Flags Great Adventure. They looked like they didn't even care when they did it and they didn't even look at the train they were dispatching.

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Its called the "Visual Scan" and though I'm all for safety, this is just silly (the over exaggerated motions are what is silly). They do this at several Six Flags parks, though not all of them.


My understanding is that they do the "exaggerated" gestures so that supervisors can check to make sure they're doing to visual scans before dispatch. This allows the supervisors to watch from afar, and do random checks on ride operators to enforce the operation procedures.


Correct me if I'm wrong but a couple years ago at Bay Area Bash they said the visual scan movement was put in place because they were worried about about employees neglecting to do a visual scan before dispatch.


Basically what I think it probably translates into is this: Insurance. By having the exaggerated movement they're ensuring they're free from a lawsuit saying someone was endangered on a ride due to a ride op failing to do a visual scan at dispatch. It sounds ridiculous I know, but in this lawsuit-happy day and age, you have to be very careful.

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I have a feeling that making employees do the "Visual Scan" is motion actually counter productive towards safety. I just think that it would be too easy to just "go through the motions" and not even look.

Edited by DougMJr
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^I agree, the visual scan thing looks ridiculous and I don't see it necessarily helping safety. I get what they're going for, it's similar to some of the techniques they teach life guards for scanning the water making sure there's no one drowned! But it's very different and they don't have to put their hand on their head and other silly stuff.

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Some of you are really making a big deal over the safety checks. Who cares! At least they are making the effort.


There just saying it's silly looking. Also the visual scan makes the loading, unloading trains slower.

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^I agree, the visual scan thing looks ridiculous and I don't see it necessarily helping safety. I get what they're going for, it's similar to some of the techniques they teach life guards for scanning the water making sure there's no one drowned! But it's very different and they don't have to put their hand on their head and other silly stuff.


I was thinking the same thing. Lifeguards are actually supposed to be constantly scanning their water, yet, they just do a "W" scan, and you can see it by the motion of their head. They don't need to look ridiculous and put their hands way out, or on their foreheads.

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