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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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I agree with the comments on the rather inappropriate name, it sounds like your getting Hulk Hogan and Pee Wee Herman turns up.


Still the B & M batman clones are good coasters but surely they could have gone for something different for an invert, but they must have saved a bit on research and development costs by getting something off the shelf.

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Still the B & M batman clones are good coasters but surely they could have gone for something different for an invert, but they must have saved a bit on research and development costs by getting something off the shelf.


Well, they really didn't get it "off the shelf", it would be more like, "off the front lawn" since this isn't a brand spankin' new coaster/clone... But the colors sound wicked...


Seriously though, what were they thinking? I mean their Boomerang is taller than this ride. "Let's name our second shortest thrill coaster Goliath!" That's ok though, it's not like the name is going to affect the ride experience for me anyway...

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Still the B & M batman clones are good coasters but surely they could have gone for something different for an invert, but they must have saved a bit on research and development costs by getting something off the shelf.


Well, they really didn't get it "off the shelf", it would be more like, "off the front lawn" since this isn't a brand spankin' new coaster/clone... But the colors sound wicked...


Seriously though, what were they thinking? I mean their Boomerang is taller than this ride. "Let's name our second shortest thrill coaster Goliath!" That's ok though, it's not like the name is going to affect the ride experience for me anyway...


Fifth shortest actually. Fourth tallest. So it's right in the middle.

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Well, I hope they theme Goliath well considering the section it's in. SFFT is one of the nicest parks I've been to and I hope they keep the great theming up. Also, those colors will look great in the section also.


As for the name, well that doesn't bother me at all, just as long as it's a great ride, which i'm sure it will be.

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I just still think all of the coasters should have been put in different parks. The Dark Ride should have been at SFFT Tony Hawk at SFGA and SFMM The woodie at a park that doesnt really have one. The name is stupid but none of Six Flags makes sense to me this year.


Also where exactly is this ride going? I dont know where that section is. It would have been nice if they purchased some extra track and added on to the ride to make it longer, taller and faster.

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Seeing as how this ride is 12 years old and has now been relocated for the 3rd time I can't imagine what kind of head shock this coasters going to be once installed.


I mean, first its a Batman coaster (intense enough as it is just staying in 1 spot for its entirety), now its moved 3 times to kink with the structure, spine, trains, etc.


I just can't see this ride being very fun to ride, because of how uncomfortable it might run. But maybe B&M's are good at re-locating.

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Hmm... A Batman:The Ride clone does not seem very goliath to me.
That's been made clear plenty of times. It's either "Goliath" or they could've left it to rot at SFNO. They're lucky they have a "new" coaster coming. All we have is am empty cow pasture named "Astroworld" and bullet 20 miles away.
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For the average park goer going up in the air 100ft. is still really really high. They're not going to know what the exact number is and they're not going to care, and they're especially not going associate the height of the ride with the name.


Yes, we coaster enthusiasts have all ridden coasters much bigger than this but it's only nerds like us who care about such things. To SF's targeted market the reaction will be "OMG you guys and then we went on GOLIATH and it went way up and your feet were dangling and then you went through all these loops and stuff and I didn't even KNOW it went upside down at first and it was SOOOOOOO fast and it was crazy and AWESOME!!"

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