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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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Freeze is just a back and forth on same track (a shuttle coaster). A glorified Boomerang.


Poltergeist is a full circle track (a roller coaster). . so to me, it wins!


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Freeze is just a back and forth on same track (a shuttle coaster). A glorified Boomerang.


Poltergeist is a full circle track (a roller coaster). . so to me, it wins!



A boomerang? Mr. Freeze is more than a glorified boomerang. I get off Mr. Freeze wanting to ride again and again. I ride Poltergiest like once and I'm done. Mr. Freeze keeps it's speed the entire ride unlike Poltergiest which after the launch slows down a lot.

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I would choose Mr.Freeze because doesn't make people as sick as Polty does


The opposite is true for me. Backwards and inversions are not a good recipe for me. I like Freeze's launch (when turned forward) better, but overall, I like Poltergeist better.

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Doesn't Poltergeist have a much stronger launch though?


No. Mr. Freeze has a faster launch. I believe it has a top speed in the 70s, while Poltergeist is in the 60s However, I don't like reverse launches so I prefer Poltergeist.


No I'm talking about the acceleration. It takes forever for freeze to get up to speed.

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Ok, my thought is why would they need to build a hill at such heights? S&S 4D Free Spin is subject to be 38 mph with a track length of 1,265ft. thats not a very long circut. And with heights that may surpass 200ft ,I highly doubt 38 mph will accommodate those heights. Roadrunner is 35mph. My point is even being as high as 106 ft why would they waste airspace for something that speeds at a rate of 35mph. And the track length of 1,265 ft calls for a short duration meaning the ride is not going to be long at all. Hell ,Roadrunner has a track length of 2,400 ft. So my guess is that it may head to frontier city.?

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