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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I personally would love having something added to the dry side again, but I'm leaning towards a new slide for Hurricane Harbor. We haven't seen any clearings to this point and they haven't added anything new over there since Bonzai Pipelines in 2013. I think one of those high capacity mat slide racers would be a great fit.

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My dream (that I’ll give a 5% chance of happening) is the park removing BOTH Goliath and Flashback (they can relocate the smaller flat rides between them), and build that coveted launch coaster. I’m thinking something similar to Storm Runner at Hershey. Doesn’t have to be extremely tall, 150-200 ft. They can build some supports around Pandemonium and the restaurants. This would give SFNE a Top 3 that could rival any other parks. One can dream

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My dream (that I’ll give a 5% chance of happening) is the park removing BOTH Goliath and Flashback (they can relocate the smaller flat rides between them), and build that coveted launch coaster. I’m thinking something similar to Storm Runner at Hershey. Doesn’t have to be extremely tall, 150-200 ft. They can build some supports around Pandemonium and the restaurants. This would give SFNE a Top 3 that could rival any other parks. One can dream


This all day and all night......regarding available space for the future does the park own any land currently that is not yet developed? Would they ever expand part of the existing parking lot? I know they need those spaces when it’s busy but maybe build a parking structure.....

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My son and I finally made it up there last Thursday for the first time this season, simultaneously celebrating "National Roller Coaster Day" and the fact that he finally hit his 52" height mark early this month. And what better way to celebrate both of that than with his first ride on a Vekoma SLC?


I hadn't been on Riddler Revenge since it was Mind Eraser, but I had heard that they'd since replaced the old, bulky OTSRs with brand new vest restraints. Thank god, because if it had been the old style, it might have scared him off of inverts for years. We made it our first ride of the day and it ended up being a walk on in the front row. He was super pumped and excited going up the lift hill, then screamed his little head off at the top of his lungs for the drop and everything subsequent. It's easy to forget how good the layout on these SLCs are when you're getting your head bashed around like Jake LaMotta, but with the new restraints this was a seriously fun and enjoyable ride. He agreed wholeheartedly, saying it felt like he was flying and he loved it and wanted to ride again. We got in a second ride in the back row after doing the SFNE Walk-Around, just as fun, but he ended up preferring the front row simply for the view.


After two rides on Riddler, it was time for his first Giant Discovery. He's been enthralled by these since we visited Kennywood last year and saw me ride Black Widow, and has been eagerly waiting to be tall enough to get on. Let me tell you, as disorienting as Black Widow can be, Harley Quinn's Spinsanity is easily the best installation of a Giant Discovery I've been on as of yet, and that's for one reason alone... they've crammed it into a footprint so tight that you literally feel like you're going to crash into Joker or their slingshot on every upwards swing. It's absolutely delirious and caused both of us to break out into fits of screaming laughter... how appropriate for the namesake. We ended up doing two rides on this in the morning, then making it our final ride of the day just before heading out around 5 PM.


We got in a quick but disappointing ride on Joker's purple side that resulted in only one half flip, then booked it over to the other side of the park to beat the lunch rush. We hopped in at JB's for some AC and table service, and then with our bellies filled, headed up the hill to take on Wicked Cyclone. This was the very first RMC he ever set foot on a couple years back, and although it was the coaster that kickstarted his love affair and fanboyism towards RMC, it had since been eclipsed by their other offerings such as Goliath, Lightning Rod, and most recently, Twisted Timbers. So how would he feel returning to the one that started it all, I wondered? Well, with a ride in the third row from the back to start our mini-marathon, the answer ended up being... a return to number one on his list. The airtime, the inversions, and the relentless pace that barely gives you a moment to breathe, much less to sit down... one glance over at his face during the ride and it was obvious. The grin from ear to ear confirmed it. Wicked Cyclone was back, baby, back. We ended up getting two more rides in short order, including one in the front row and one in the middle. For me, the best ride was in the rear of the train, simply because that was the only one of the three where I didn't end up getting stapled and could actually breathe comfortably. But still, regardless, great friggin' ride. Also, just for the record, it was running two trains that day.


Next up, we hit the New England Skyscreamer for a brief cool-off and some amazing views. I wish it operated similarly to the smaller ones, where you go up to the top, then halfway down, then back up a second time, but it is what it is. Afterwards, we hit up the rogue's gallery of middle-of-the-road and middle-of-the-park coasters such as Pandemonium (fun little spinner but nothing too special), Flashback (surprisingly not valleyed for once), and Thunderbolt (running better than I've ever ridden it! But man, those seat dividers are brutal). We also ended up riding their drop tower, Scream!, and riding their loopiest loop coaster, Fireball, each one time before heading back to Harley Quinn to finish out the day.


MVP of the day were the "cooling stations" they had set up all throughout the park; aka, shower heads pumping out cold water for a minute at a time. It was oppressively hot and we were doing our best to stay hydrated, but the kiddo took it to the next level by taking every chance he could to completely soak himself whenever he came across one of these. And I mean D-R-E-N-C-H-E-D.


Overall, a good visit up to this park, and riding Harley only makes me hungrier for one of these Giant Discovery rides to make their way closer to the city in the near future. C'mon, Luna Park, what are you waiting for? You're all Zamperla everything, anyway! Get on it!

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I guess my experience on ME/RR was different insofar as my head wasn't getting smashed, but the train still rattles enough to suck the enjoyment out of it. Maybe it's because it's old, maybe it's because it's the nature of an SLC, or maybe it's just me. Who knows. All I know is that it's better than it was, but that bar isn't exactly high and the improvement was marginal.

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^^ It doesn't track perfectly smooth but the elimination of the headbanging makes it plenty enjoyable. I like it better than the B&M next door which feels sinful to say.


^^^ Nice report! The only time I've ever seen SkyScreamer run a different program is during Fright Fest when they run it backwards.

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I guess my experience on ME/RR was different insofar as my head wasn't getting smashed, but the train still rattles enough to suck the enjoyment out of it. Maybe it's because it's old, maybe it's because it's the nature of an SLC, or maybe it's just me. Who knows. All I know is that it's better than it was, but that bar isn't exactly high and the improvement was marginal.

We got a little bit of rattling in the back row, but absolutely none up front. In any case, it definitely wasn't enough to make it an unenjoyable experience for us, and behind Nor'easter down at Morey's, my second favorite SLC.


The only time I've ever seen SkyScreamer run a different program is during Fright Fest when they run it backwards.

I've done that once, and that was enough for me. It was terrifying on a completely different level, especially since the day I rode it like that, it was windy AF.

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^^ It doesn't track perfectly smooth but the elimination of the headbanging makes it plenty enjoyable. I like it better than the B&M next door which feels sinful to say.


^^^ Nice report! The only time I've ever seen SkyScreamer run a different program is during Fright Fest when they run it backwards.


lol.....poor Batman.....I actually do like it

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I love Mind Eraser now. It still feels weird to say that, but it's true. Those new trains are amazing.


I agree, my visit to SFNE last year was my first time there but Mind Eraser became my favorite SLC.

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On RR I especially like the first half and the part where you are flying by the station on your side before heading into that loop......then theres that leg chopper as the train does that clockwise roll.....its really good with those new restraints for sure....I always feel like theres nothing holding me in and theres nothing to grab on to lol

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Hey everyone, I have some business travel coming up and I may have a chance to make a quick trip to the park a couple of days. I may only have a few hours each day, for two days. I will be there towards the middle/end of September and I know the park will be on weekend only operations.


Any pointers for me and what I should hit for a first time visitor?


Thank you!!

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Hey everyone, I have some business travel coming up and I may have a chance to make a quick trip to the park a couple of days. I may only have a few hours each day, for two days. I will be there towards the middle/end of September and I know the park will be on weekend only operations.


Any pointers for me and what I should hit for a first time visitor?


Thank you!!


If you’re locked in to your days I’d suggest getting there early obviously......if you’re a Diamond member reserve your spot in the Diamond lot now....you won’t be able to after like midnight the previous day.....then once you’re in head to the DC section pronto....get in a couple rides on Supe then after head over to the north section so you can ride the epic RMC Wicked Cyclone.....do it a couple times then head over to Gotham City to get in Riddler, Joner, and Batman....don’t forget Sky Screamer over by Wicked Cyclone before you head to Gotham City....if you’re into sky screamers.....I’m not.....if you can get these rides in before noon you’re having a great day...enjoy

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Hey everyone, I have some business travel coming up and I may have a chance to make a quick trip to the park a couple of days. I may only have a few hours each day, for two days. I will be there towards the middle/end of September and I know the park will be on weekend only operations.


Any pointers for me and what I should hit for a first time visitor?


Thank you!!


If you don't want to get a Flash Pass, use the single rider lines for Pandemonium and Scream. They're unmarked and you access them by going up the Flash Pass line and telling the grouper at the merge point.


Superman has been running one train due to maintenance, so I strongly recommend heading there first. The front row will have a long line, but definitely try it at least once as it's the best seat by far.


If you like flipping, try to get the green side on Joker. It usually gives 4 flips while the purple side tends to give just 1-2.

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Looks like the queue-times.com page got redesigned for SFNE. Sorted by section now so easier to navigate and all the water park and Halloween stuff is weeded out. Still prefer Cedar Points page where the coasters are all together but this looks nice too.


On a queue times note, Batman, Wicked Cyclone, Skyscreamer, Harley Quinn, both mice, and FLASHBACK (!?!) are all posting waits at or just short of an hour. Superman at 130 minutes. Looks like one of the busiest days of the year with the perfect weather (finally) and school starting this week.

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^Yikes.....if I got there and wait times were that long I’d turn around.....no way....I also live 25 min away so....feel bad for the folks who plan for a one day visit and have to put up with that....stinks....are they running the Labor Day sale yet? We found a few years ago when we first bought our passes that during the sale tons of people show up to activate....like that whole area between the bridge and security and then the gate is a nightmare of humanity

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Are we sure that those times are correct? My experience this summer with just about every Six Flags park's posted wait times has been that you can't rely on it at all. When I went to SFNE early in the season it quoted a 60-minute line for Superman when the reality was that it was at the bottom of the stairs (they were still running both trains then too). Goliath at SFOG posted a 45 minute time when it was a walk-on, same for Twisted Cyclone, which posted 90 minutes. LaRonde's last week said an hour for Goliath and 30 minutes for Vampire, when the former was a station wait and I walked onto the front row of the latter.


Great Adventure's last week was slightly more accurate, saying 40 minutes for El Toro (it was about 15-20) and 15 for Nitro (one-train station wait), so still overblown by at least doubling the real wait times.

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