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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Teacups and Sling Shot are both already gone. From what I heard the construction fence will be up around that whole area during HITP. Buzzsaw is gone after HITP and that is where the Teacups should end up. I still think that Tomohawk is planned to be open during HITP.

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Wowwie! That looks gorgeous! I love that Six Flags is starting to do this at all of their parks. I absolutely LOVE that area with the lights strung over the pathway and that is the light show. I grew up with an Old Time Christmas at SDC, last year I was also able to got to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags St. Louis, this year I'll be able to visit Winterfest at Worlds of Fun, and next year I'll be able to go to the "new for 2018" Frontier Christmas at Frontier City! I love amusement park Christmas events.

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I'm heading to SFNE in 2018 and I just have a few questions.


1. Are Wicked Cyclone and Superman really that awesome?

2. Is Goliath really that bad? (I think it looks awesome)

3. Do Mind Eraser's new restraints make it bearable or dare I say FUN?

4. How terrifying is the New England Sky Screamer?

5. What are some overlooked coasters or rides I should look forward to?


Thanks for the feedback!


EDIT: Also I'm going in mid-August, so what day of the week should be the least crowded? And are Flash Passes worth it? Sorry I have so many questions.

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I'm heading to SFNE in 2018 and I just have a few questions.


1. Are Wicked Cyclone and Superman really that awesome?

2. Is Goliath really that bad? (I think it looks awesome)

3. Do Mind Eraser's new restraints make it bearable or dare I say FUN?

4. How terrifying is the New England Sky Screamer?

5. What are some overlooked coasters or rides I should look forward to?


Thanks for the feedback!


EDIT: Also I'm going in mid-August, so what day of the week should be the least crowded? And are Flash Passes worth it? Sorry I have so many questions.


1. Yes. My only complaint is the restraints on Superman, but they fit different body types differently, so they might be alright for you.

2. It’s terrible. Even in the front row (Coasterbill will disagree). Those trains make it awful, because I also rode it when it was at SFMM, and it was quite good.

3. I went in 2016, so I can’t comment.

4. Very terrifying, but in a good way. My whole family rode it and loved it. The first ride is the worst.

5. I actually enjoyed Batman quite a bit in terms of Floorless Coasters. Depends on your taste in B&Ms.


I went on a weekday in June and crowds were very manageable, except Superman was a clusterf*ck because of VR at the time. I would assume weekdays in August are very manageable, if New England is anything like other East Coast parks I’ve been to around that time. Monday thru Thursday would be the best. Someone else can more accurately comment about this because I am going off of assumptions.

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Superman is still one of the top rides on the planet. Its drop doesn't have the terrifying parabolic curves of the more modern designs so it does feel a bit like a ramp in the middle of the plunge, but what happens right afterwards is arguably the best mega coaster layout in the country. The two airtime hills that run next to the lift are near Skyush quality, especially the second one, and the twisted finale is amazing. I liken it to bolting Rita's layout post launch to the second half of something like El Toro. I have ridden it hundreds of times since I live in New England and still run to it as soon as i arrive at the park. I would place rides like Skyrush and I305 slightly higher because their intensity is a whole different level, but this is still easily a top 5 worldwide coaster.


Wicked Cyclone is the perfect example of the argument that you don't need extreme height for a world class ride. It kicks your ass from leaving the chain to the brake run and treats you to one shot of powerful airtime after the next with a smooth as glass ride. The drop is insane in the back despite its height and you may wind up liking this just as much as Superman. The queue offers some great photo ops since you are so close to the structure.


Goliath is case of huge potential marred by ride quality. It is definitely worth a lap because the drops off the tower are excellent but it is severely outclassed by Superman and Wicked Cyclone. You will enjoy parts, and hate others, but this is typical of these older Vekomas.


Mind Eraser used to be as fun as getting head kicked in by Brock Lesnar but is much improved with the new restraints. The layout of these SLCs is quite decent and can now be appreciated a bit since you aren't dealing with the collars beating your ears. It is not a flagship ride by any means but gives a solid 6/10 experience.


The Sky Screamer is a must-do when you visit. If you are scared of heights it will terrify you since you are much higher than any of the coasters and the views stretch for miles in all directions. The ride itself is pretty gentle though. If heights don't bother you the tranquility of soaring high above the park with the wind in your face is very relaxing.


Batman is a decent compact floorless with a very good drop in the back row. It sort of auto-completes after the Zero-G roll with a rough set of corkscrews but as the only B&M around these parts it is worth a few laps. While down there Joker is well worth a few rides, but it can be quite disorienting so do this before eating.


Thunderbolt is a classic wooden coaster that is worth a spin, especially in the back. Operations can be a bit slow on it, so if it is packed wait will the lines die down a bit. Pandemonium is a very good spinning coaster that is worth a visit on the way to Wicked Cyclone and Sky Screamer.


Harley Quinn Spinsanity will be open when you go, and this is a MUST do for mega flats. These giant frisbees are amazing rides and are right up there with the coasters as far as a quality level of intensity.


If you are planning on being here for a few days, DEFINITELY hit up Lake Compounce for Boulder Dash since it is one of the best wooden coasters of all time. The rest of the park is excellent too with a good Premier launcher in Phobia Phear Coaster and the renovated Wildcat. Down the highway a few miles is Quassy and popping in there for a few hours to ride Wooden Warrior is a blast. It packs a TON of airtime into its modest layout and lines are pretty short here so you can wind up with 15-20 laps in an evening.

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I'm heading to SFNE in 2018 and I just have a few questions.


1. Are Wicked Cyclone and Superman really that awesome?

2. Is Goliath really that bad? (I think it looks awesome)

3. Do Mind Eraser's new restraints make it bearable or dare I say FUN?

4. How terrifying is the New England Sky Screamer?

5. What are some overlooked coasters or rides I should look forward to?


Thanks for the feedback!


EDIT: Also I'm going in mid-August, so what day of the week should be the least crowded? And are Flash Passes worth it? Sorry I have so many questions.


1. I'd say they're worth the trip from PA in 2018 but won't be from VA, which was marginal in 2017 and I did more out of RMC obsession anyway. Superman is a good coaster with very strong ejector but it's not magic or better than El Toro or Skyrush. WC is a great coaster for its size but it is almost half the size of Supes.

2. I got bumps but no headbanging. Main thrill is the vertical lifts and the intense noise, no airtime etc.

3. Inverts, including B&Ms, are very subjective to me and the experience varies. I didn't enjoy it that much while I was there. Still has some bumps but much less boing boing boing. But somehow it just didn't seem very exciting at the time, which isn't always how I feel about SLCs.

4. Didn't ride

5. Thunderbolt's pretty good, but you'd probably ride it anyway. I really liked Pandemonium for a spinner.

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I'm heading to SFNE in 2018 and I just have a few questions.


1. Are Wicked Cyclone and Superman really that awesome?

2. Is Goliath really that bad? (I think it looks awesome)

3. Do Mind Eraser's new restraints make it bearable or dare I say FUN?

4. How terrifying is the New England Sky Screamer?

5. What are some overlooked coasters or rides I should look forward to?


Thanks for the feedback!


EDIT: Also I'm going in mid-August, so what day of the week should be the least crowded? And are Flash Passes worth it? Sorry I have so many questions.


1) I've been on over 500 coasters and they're both top 10 rides for me. Wicked Cyclone is absolutely relentless in any seat. Superman is good in all rows, but it's truly spectacular in the front. It will have an extra 20 minute wait but don't think twice.


2) I have only gotten one ridiculously bad ride on it, but it was in the middle of the train. It's still great in the front and I usually get the back. I've never had an issue back there. But I am in the minority on this.


3) I think it's fun now. It still doesn't track super well, but you don't bash your head any more so I like it now.


4) It looks way worse than it actually is unless you are deathly afraid of heights. If it's a windy day, just be prepared the seats could do a 180 atop the tower.


5) Houdini is a very underrated mad house. I like that ride a lot.


Saturday is the day to avoid without a doubt. Sunday may be a little more crowded than the weekdays, but it's hard to say. I would be prepared to get a Flash Pass just in case.

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Most of these things are highly subjective, but I will say that Goliath is very hit or miss for me. It's miserable in some seats and great in others (and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it) but they assign seats so it's basically like playing Russian roulette.


Personally I don't think the park has any "bad" coasters unless you catch Goliath in the wrong seat. Mind Eraser is actually decent now with the new train (though still not amazing). I guess Flashback is skippable but we actually ride it a ton since it never has a line. Personally I like it a lot more than Goliath since it's smooth(ish) in every seat.


Aside from the coasters, the only "can't miss" rides are Scream (as it usually runs in combo mode on 2 of the 3 towers), Buzzsaw (but it probably won't be around next year) and New England Sky Screamer. I'm a fan of Tomohawk, though it looks like it might be totally overshadowed next season. As far as coasters go, I find Thunderbolt and Pandemonium to be highly underrated rides.


PS: Houdini is good, but if you've ridden the one at Great Adventure then feel free to skip it. The New England version isn't nearly as good since it has far fewer effects and a ton of non functioning effects throughout the ride and pre-show.

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I also want to add that the park has several useful single rider lines.


Pandemonium has an unmarked single rider line up the Flash Pass line. Usually the main queue is over an hour so this is a major time saver. Batman sometimes has a single rider queue that works the same way. Just ask the ride attendant at the entrance. If it isn't open, the coaster isn't usually more than a 15-20 minute wait anyway. Scream has a marked one at the exit that usually saves some time.


Goliath has a single rider line, but it isn't accessible until the end of the queue. At that point, it's sometimes just faster to wait in the main queue. Superman has a single rider queue but you can't get to it until the station. At that point, just wait for a seat of your choice.

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Park posted a few pics showing tea cups and slingshots removal.





The foundation for Tea Cups is revealed as preparations for HARLEY QUINN™ Spinsanity are underway.


All that remains of beloved Tea Cups' entrance are two brick pillars.


An interesting look at what lied beneath Tea Cups. This is the first of many changes to come as we begin construction on HARLEY QUINN™ Spinsanity.

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That’s the date the park opens in 2018, it appears to have something to do with the Minderaser that’s directly next to the Harley Quinn ride they're adding! Those same question marks from the poster are located on the Mind Eraser’s picture on the HITP map! That whole area is themed with Batman and his villains, so I’m guessing Riddler Theme!

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Thanks for the pics. I’ll also be there next Saturday and plan on doing a full media day trip report. The running rumor is that Mind Eraser is getting a Riddler theme change. I’m kind of surprised since they just got the new trains this year. If they have to repaint them it kind of stinks because the paint always seems to wear off and it starts to look bad. Superman’s trains were having this issue. Really do like the rumored Gotham City retheme for the south end.

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