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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Buzzsaw is either staying where it is or being removed. Buzzsaw's location makes it hard to fit a lot of rides so moving it wouldn't make much sense.


Usually I am fine with diskos too, but the one at Lake Compounce really made me nautious earlier this year.

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Great addition! The one I rode at SFOT was a really thrilling ride and seemed to be very popular. I just hope this doesn't have a lot of downtime. Riddler went down a few times during my visit to SFOT and Black Widow was down for the night at Kennywood when I went, but maybe I just have bad luck.


Like SFDK ad La Ronde, I think the park can definitely keep Tomahawk as well. Tomahawk is more about spinning and the Giant Discoveries are more about the swinging.


Riddler Revenge, I'm glad to say, doesn't have a lot of downtime. However, RR generally has the longest line of any ride in the park. What's worse, hordes of flash pass users tend to bring the regular queue line to a near standstill. You can expect wait times in excess of an hour on most days, 2 hours on weekends.

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Going through an old book "Fun Land USA," I found a picture of the "Loop Coaster" (later named Black Widow) running with a 3 car train! I've seen an Arrow shuttle run with 4, 5, and 6 car trains, but never 3! Interesting. Thought I would share.


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It is a long weekend and the weather looks beautiful, so I'd expect larger than usual crowds on a Friday.


Also, the high is only 70 degrees on Friday so I think a lot of people that usually go to the water park may stay on the ride side.

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I'm going to the park on Friday? Do you think it will be busy we wanna squeeze in some time at the harbor because it's the last day we can go


Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

The high is looking to be only high 60s for Friday so I'm not to sure your going to wanna go to the water with that weather lol.

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Can anyone enlighten me on how long the lines are for wicked cyclone and superman. I'm visiting the park this coming weekend for two days I believe.

Look back at posts from Labor Day weekend the past few years... That'll give you an idea of what to expect...

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I'm only going to say this once...


Tomorrow is "Six Flags Announcements" day. We will be posting the announcement as soon as the materials are available to us.




Anyone who does this will be banned forever from Theme Park Review.


Let me explain...


Posting the new ride information before we can do it actually creates MORE WORK for us as most of the time people who come on our forum and post info about a new ride will do a crappy job of it and then we have to not only do the work we are going to do to make a proper post about the new ride, but also clean up the garbage posts that people make.


No one here will get any extra points or look any "cooler" for being "first" to post the information. We aren't about being first we are about having good quality content. Please respect that. Thank you.

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I'm going to the park on Friday? Do you think it will be busy we wanna squeeze in some time at the harbor because it's the last day we can go


Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

The high is looking to be only high 60s for Friday so I'm not to sure your going to wanna go to the water with that weather lol.

I ended up changing it to Monday


Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

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Can anyone enlighten me on how long the lines are for wicked cyclone and superman. I'm visiting the park this coming weekend for two days I believe.

Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend is usually very busy. Superman and Cyclone will probably have upwards of an hour wait thru most of the day.

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HARLEY QUINN Spinsanity to Debut at Six Flags New England

Giant Pendulum Ride Coming in 2018


Agawam, MA. — August 31, 2017 —Six Flags New England, the Thrill Capital of New England, in partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer Products on behalf of DC Entertainment, today announced its newest attraction, HARLEY QUINN Spinsanity, to open in spring 2018. Inspired by The Joker’s partner-in-crime, this ride promises to deliver epic thrills each time guests experience this villainous, new addition.


“Innovation is part of the Six Flags DNA and we deliver new, groundbreaking attractions every season at Six Flags New England,” said Park President John Winkler. “HARLEY QUINN is an iconic DC Super-Villain and we are excited to add this action-packed thrill ride with her name next to THE JOKER, BATMAN, and SUPERMAN in our extremely popular line-up of DC branded attractions.”


HARLEY QUINN Spinsanity is an extreme pendulum ride that will swing guests back and forth, higher and higher, at up to 70 miles per hour on a dizzying journey that will leave riders feeling as wild and out of control as HARLEY QUINN herself.

HARLEY QUINN Spinsanity highlights include:


 40 riders will be powered at speeds of nearly 70 miles per hour;

 The ride swings back and forth while rotating counterclockwise; and

 As guests swing higher and higher, they will experience a feeling of weightlessness at

147 feet in the air before plunging down from 15 stories.


HARLEY QUINN Spinsanity will be located near the park’s newest attraction, THE JOKER 4D Free Fly Coaster, which opened earlier this year.











Edited by robbalvey
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^ They're completely different rides. The Huss ones focus on spinning while these ones are all about the swinging and airtime.


The ride's name is perfect considering the ride's location next to Joker. The ride's placement is amazing and the ride is going to look absolutely massive walking towards the South End. Kennywood's version was down for all my visit this year and the one in Texas went down before I boarded, so I hope I just got extremely unlucky there and that this will have good uptime because Riddler Revenge was one of the best of the genre when I finally was able to get on it (I still prefer MaXair but this is very close).

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Yeah I was thinking how fortunate we've been with the New England Sky Screamer, Wicked Cyclone, Fireball, Joker, and now the giant discovery all in the past 5 years. As someone who spends 95% of the time in the ride park, this has really helped round out their ride collection.


It's very early, but I have to think the water park is getting something next year after the streak of dry additions.

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