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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Back on the parenting thing, I was on Blizzard River and a kid was freaking out about possible splash cannons on the ride. I assured her as an experienced rider that there was no surprises and told her about the waterfalls. She was still freaking out during the ride and the mother threatened to leave ASAP after the raft ride if she didn't chill.


Awkward ride since it was just me and their family. Nevertheless, still a fun rapids ride

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^^ YES! I love Zamperla Giant Discoveries. They are definitely in my top five favorite flat rides. I wonder where they will put it? Anybody have any good ideas on where it can go? I was thinking it could replace Tomahawk but something tells me they won't get rid of it considering Six Flags New England has back to back Boomerangs.

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Great addition! The one I rode at SFOT was a really thrilling ride and seemed to be very popular. I just hope this doesn't have a lot of downtime. Riddler went down a few times during my visit to SFOT and Black Widow was down for the night at Kennywood when I went, but maybe I just have bad luck.


Like SFDK ad La Ronde, I think the park can definitely keep Tomahawk as well. Tomahawk is more about spinning and the Giant Discoveries are more about the swinging.

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99% sure it is going in the south end of the park. I believe they are going to be doing some rearranging with the flats including a removal of one unfortunately. Very excited about this though.


As long as its not Buzzsaw I'm OK with that. Also, I'm really really really jealous Great Adv is likely not getting one of these.

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A few thoughts...


1) This is spectacular news, though like Boldikus I hope the chain bought more than one of these because I really want one for Great Adventure.


2) Tomahawk is listed as a Holiday in the Park ride. This is obviously not a replacement as they would definitely want to get a head start on it's removal if it was (even though I'm sure they have no interest in getting this ride ready for opening day). Awesome, I love Tomahawk.


3) I really feel like this is going to go where the stupid slingshot is. I would think there would be plenty of room for it and I think it would look awesome there. There aren't really many other places where it could go. Down by the Wild Mouse maybe?

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YAHOO! I just rode Tomahawk for the first time yesterday, and that was fun. Looking forward to a Zamperla Giant Discovery as a great improvement.


Also, quick ride count from yesterday:



Batman: TDK


*On my Joker ride (purple side), I actually stalled upside down at least twice, which made me gray out a little bit. Got my ass kicked.*

Pandemonium x2 (There's actually a single rider line there I didn't know about: it's the same as the FP queue)

Wicked Cyclone

Sky Screamer

Blizzard River



Scream (They weren't running the shot sequence: just the drop. That sucked )

Mind Eraser

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A few thoughts...


1) This is spectacular news, though like Boldikus I hope the chain bought more than one of these because I really want one for Great Adventure.


2) Tomahawk is listed as a Holiday in the Park ride. This is obviously not a replacement as they would definitely want to get a head start on it's removal if it was (even though I'm sure they have no interest in getting this ride ready for opening day). Awesome, I love Tomahawk.


3) I really feel like this is going to go where the stupid slingshot is. I would think there would be plenty of room for it and I think it would look awesome there. There aren't really many other places where it could go. Down by the Wild Mouse maybe?

I hope it goes where the Slingshot is, it looks out of place and something Six Flags just put there because money


Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

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99% sure it is going in the south end of the park. I believe they are going to be doing some rearranging with the flats including a removal of one unfortunately. Very excited about this though.


As long as its not Buzzsaw I'm OK with that. Also, I'm really really really jealous Great Adv is likely not getting one of these.


I don't think Buzzsaw is going to be there next year.. One of the other flats is likely going to move to that spot to make room for the frisbee in the center of the south end area.

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I have a feeling this would likely have a DC theme to either Riddler or Wonder Woman based on the chain's tendency to reuse names.


The rumored placement is down on the South End. They already have 2 Batman themed rides there, so adding the same Riddler theme as SFOT would make sense here. The issue with the South End is space. If they move the Tea Cups elsewhere in the park (I hope they don't straight up remove them) and remove the Slingshot, I believe it would fit in that area. Plus it would look great walking down the midway.



An interesting placement that I'd love to see would be inside Superman's turnaround. I don't think this is likely, but I think it would give some really cool views of the river and Superman. I believe there's 1-2 small tress there that would be sacrificed to do this. Then the queue would just need to go over a maintenance road and Superman, the latter of which could give some amazing views.



While I haven't heard anyone mention the ride going in the DC Superhero Land, I could see that being a good spot too. Gotham City Gauntlet currently occupies that big field. I think there would be space on the side closer to Johnny Rockets.



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I don't think Buzzsaw is going to be there next year.. One of the other flats is likely going to move to that spot to make room for the frisbee in the center of the south end area.


This bothers me since you're generally someone who knows what they're talking about and doesn't just pull things out of their a**. If this is true, that's a real shame but I'd honestly be pretty surprised if it was since it's on the Holiday in the Park ride list. I assume the rumor would be that they would be putting the teacups in it's place?


The reason I mention the teacups is because (speaking of the Holiday in the Park ride list) I just discovered a pretty interesting potential clue in that list and that's the fact that slingshot and teacups aren't scheduled to be open. Slingshot may have simply been omitted because it's an upcharge but the Teacups would absolutely, 100% be open for Holiday in the Park and on that list if possible since it's a family ride in a section of the park that's confirmed to be open. That's an odd one and it makes what you're saying about the park moving some flat rides around a lot more likely. There are also rumors about markings around the ride.


I think Canobie Coaster's first prediction is spot-on.

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^Just hinting at what I heard, I would hate to see it go. From what I have seen this season, it doesn't seem to get a huge line and the cycle seemed to be shortened a lot.


I think it's safe to say the tea cups are being moved, possibly to Buzzsaws spot. I think the placement of the ride will either be north to south or west to east. Not sure how large the ride is, but it seems like there is a possibility of Slingshot getting the boot too.

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^^ I didn't notice the Tea Cups missing for Holiday in the Park, but that's a very strange one to be omitted based on everything else that is open down in that area. I just hope if the Tea Cups are being removed that they are relocated elsewhere in the park. Those ones are super easy to spin.


I definitely can't see a Giant Discovery fitting in Buzzsaw's space. Honestly I don't think many rides would fit in that space since it's bounded by trees, buildings, and the midway. Would the Tea Cups even fit in that space? I don't ride Buzzsaw too often since it makes me queasy (yet Giant Discoveries/frisbees don't, go figure), but it'd be shame to lose a ride that's as forceful as that.

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That's a bummer about Buzzsaw. I've seen elsewhere from a somewhat reputable source that it's going. I thought it was one of the best flats in the park to be honest.

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That's a bummer about Buzzsaw. I've seen elsewhere from a somewhat reputable source that it's going. I thought it was one of the best flats in the park to be honest.


I agree completely. I also thought the same kind of ride would have been an awesome replacement for Hang Time at Dorney Park instead of the lame bumper cars they got.

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I really hope it goes where slingshot, There should be plenty of room since splash water falls was bigger than the joker. I also hope the tea cups don't get removed. The other rumor I heard was it going where the queue for sky screamer is where catapult used to be. I also hope buzz saw doesn't get removed. But if we look in the past most rides removed from the park were ones that six flags did not buy so it looks like buzz saw is more likely to be on the chopping block than the tea cups.

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^^ I didn't notice the Tea Cups missing for Holiday in the Park, but that's a very strange one to be omitted based on everything else that is open down in that area. I just hope if the Tea Cups are being removed that they are relocated elsewhere in the park. Those ones are super easy to spin.


I definitely can't see a Giant Discovery fitting in Buzzsaw's space. Honestly I don't think many rides would fit in that space since it's bounded by trees, buildings, and the midway. Would the Tea Cups even fit in that space? I don't ride Buzzsaw too often since it makes me queasy (yet Giant Discoveries/frisbees don't, go figure), but it'd be shame to lose a ride that's as forceful as that.

I'm pretty much in the same place. Most rides that rock back and forth make me super nauseous except for Zamperla Discos and Giant Discoveries. But yeah. I hope they don't just remove the Tea Cups, they are always something that I have to do at a park if they have them. And I hope Buzzsaw gets moved somewhere else in the park, too. There used to be one at Celebration City (which was one of my home parks) and it was a ton of fun. It didn't do a whole lot of just rocking back and forth so I really liked it.

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