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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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It is a great ride, and it's actually fast loading than I expected. SFNE won't get one though, it's too close by. Same reason why we won't see one at SFOT.


This is from the chain that built a Batman clone at Six Flags Fiesta Texas after Six Flags Over Texas already had one. Not to mention the Sea World Batman clone that was just down the street either.


If the ride is fun and compact, I see no harm adding one at Six Flags New England as well. Most people who visit Six Flags New England have never been to Great Adventure, so it would be an entirely new ride for them.

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SFNE won't get one though, it's too close by. Same reason why we won't see one at SFOT.


Because if there's one thing Six Flags New England hates it's putting 2 rides that are essentially the same and have the same exact layout really close to each-other...

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Agreed. I was very surprised by the one at Great Adventure. I had low expectations going in because I hate X2 and Green Lantern First Flight but I love Joker. It rides so much smoother than an Arrow 4th Dimension or an Intamin Zac Spin.

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For those of you that SFNE is your home park, how do you feel about the rumor circulating that an S&S Free Spin may replace Splashwater Falls?


I haven't heard this rumor but Splashwater Falls sucks and I'd be thrilled to see it die. Removing a log flume for that piece of crap was a huge downgrade. I'm sure it saved them a ton on operational costs but the ride has always seemed to be tremendously unpopular. The flume (obviously) was always busy.


Who said it was dying? Nothing dies at Six Flags any more (except maybe the occasional guest LOL). Now if only someone was getting a water park expansion....


And the log flume it replaced was crapola TBH. Most of that end of the park could go back to being parking spaces including the floorless I never remember exists because of the amnesia machine next door, and it would be an improvement to me.

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According to the SFNE online forum, there is now assigned seating on Mind Eraser. That leaves Catwomens Whip as the only coaster in the park without assigned seating.......


You can't even pick your own seat on the Great Chase?

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According to the SFNE online forum, there is now assigned seating on Mind Eraser. That leaves Catwomens Whip as the only coaster in the park without assigned seating.......


Awesome, another practice from back before Premier bought the dump returned to life. What's next, they reopen the race track and install a Huss Tristar for 2018?

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For those of you that SFNE is your home park, how do you feel about the rumor circulating that an S&S Free Spin may replace Splashwater Falls?


I haven't heard this rumor but Splashwater Falls sucks and I'd be thrilled to see it die. Removing a log flume for that piece of crap was a huge downgrade. I'm sure it saved them a ton on operational costs but the ride has always seemed to be tremendously unpopular. The flume (obviously) was always busy.



Is Splashwater Falls relocated from Astroworld, or is that the one at SFA?

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For those of you that SFNE is your home park, how do you feel about the rumor circulating that an S&S Free Spin may replace Splashwater Falls?


I haven't heard this rumor but Splashwater Falls sucks and I'd be thrilled to see it die. Removing a log flume for that piece of crap was a huge downgrade. I'm sure it saved them a ton on operational costs but the ride has always seemed to be tremendously unpopular. The flume (obviously) was always busy.



Is Splashwater Falls relocated from Astroworld, or is that the one at SFA?



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For those of you that SFNE is your home park, how do you feel about the rumor circulating that an S&S Free Spin may replace Splashwater Falls?


I haven't heard this rumor but Splashwater Falls sucks and I'd be thrilled to see it die. Removing a log flume for that piece of crap was a huge downgrade. I'm sure it saved them a ton on operational costs but the ride has always seemed to be tremendously unpopular. The flume (obviously) was always busy.


Who said it was dying? Nothing dies at Six Flags any more (except maybe the occasional guest LOL). Now if only someone was getting a water park expansion....


And the log flume it replaced was crapola TBH. Most of that end of the park could go back to being parking spaces including the floorless I never remember exists because of the amnesia machine next door, and it would be an improvement to me.


You're 100% right, that was the worst flume I've ever ridden. The beginning of the ride consisted of a bunch of turns through an overgrown stagnant pond with the theming consisting of a tent and a deer decoy from a hunting shop. It only had one drop, but the ride was still infinitely better and more popular than Splashwater falls. It's an interesting development that the one at Six Flags America has survey markers all around it too. I think it's very possible that Six Flags is scrapping them both. I'm honestly kind of surprised by that news if it's true but I won't complain because they're awful rides.

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According to the SFNE online forum, there is now assigned seating on Mind Eraser. That leaves Catwomens Whip as the only coaster in the park without assigned seating.......


I don't know if that only applies on weekends/busy days, or what, but I was just there yesterday. Wicked Cyclone and Batman did have assigned seating, but Thunderbolt and Mind Eraser we chose our own seats. Neither had much of a line, so maybe they were just relaxing policy a bit. Superman, we were sort of generally waved towards the middle of the train to try the VR.


Awesome, another practice from back before Premier bought the dump returned to life. What's next, they reopen the race track and install a Huss Tristar for 2018?


I don't know about anyone else, but I'd be just fine with that.


Just gonna toss out there too that while I'm anything but a Six Flags fan and have thrown more than my share of hate towards SFNE over the last decade or so, overall, the park was a generally positive surprise yesterday. Best day I've had there in over a decade. Everything except Goliath was running, and running well. Staff seemed organized and pleasant, most were quite good. Operations were for the most part more than acceptable, apart from Superman, and that was really guests causing problems, not the staff. The whole place was clean, well kept (with the random exception of the Scrambler, which really, really needs a little bit of love), and looked great. It was no Knoebels, but it seems to have gone from complete hellhole to at least enjoyable now.

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Hey all! Moving to the area and wanted to know the best parks to visit besides SFNE. I'll be around the FT Devens area, West Central MA.


Canobie Lake and Lake Compounce are both really nice little parks. I'm a big fan of both.

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^^ Agreed. Lake Compounce has boulder dash which is amazing, along with free drinks and phobia.


Canobie has free parking, Yankee Cannonball, a fantastic flat ride collection and the nicest landscaping out of all the big NE parks.


SFNE was a disaster yesterday. The park looked disgusting and the rides ran like crap.

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Quassy Amusement Park is very close to Lake Compounce, and it's a tiny park but it's wonderful. It's next to a nice lake in the woods, and it has a nice charm to it. Wooden Warrior is epic, and their newest flat rides, Frantic and Reverse Time are great. Their water park seems nice for a small park, and there are so many family flat rides in such a small space.


Edit: I forgot to mention that there are like 7 or something mountain coasters around the New England area. Mountain Coasters are awesome!

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Bye Felicia...



I wonder what this may be. Hopefully an S&S 4D Free Spin or a Flat Ride package. This has been a very common rumor for years and it's finally happening. The new coaster would really complement the line up and be the 3rd or 4th best coaster in the park. I really wish this park gets another B&M Coaster too like a Flyer, Wing, or Dive. What do you guys think is coming to this park next year. Also maybe JLBFM.

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