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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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they should probably vary up the music styles, like they did on bizarro, but I'd like to see a superman theme song revamp, too

I'm excited to see the redo, since it rattles and the cobwebs all over are 2spooky4me (good for frightfest xDDDDDDDDD)


fireball could have been better, at least an original name ;/

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Anyone remember a couple years back (2013?) and some info from a higher-up at the park was released about the next five years, highlighting two new coasters? At the time the rumors were a Premier launch coaster of some sort and something else unknown. People were thinking a family coaster or RMC, IIRC.


Anyways, is Fireball the second "coaster" in that count, or would 2016 be way too far in the future for SF to even begin considering such a ride in 2013 (that's almost sarcasm but I could totally see it)?

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Not sure... But to be fair, sometimes I don't think Six Flags knows what they are doing tomorrow, let alone next year or years down the road...


They probably had a plan, but it's not hard to believe that plan could have changed, possibly a ride intended for one park going somewhere else, for instance. Like maybe this park was going to get one of the first two free spins. Or it could possibly be getting one in the next two years.

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Anyone remember a couple years back (2013?) and some info from a higher-up at the park was released about the next five years, highlighting two new coasters? At the time the rumors were a Premier launch coaster of some sort and something else unknown. People were thinking a family coaster or RMC, IIRC.


Anyways, is Fireball the second "coaster" in that count, or would 2016 be way too far in the future for SF to even begin considering such a ride in 2013 (that's almost sarcasm but I could totally see it)?

Timelines always get pushed back and plans get scrapped. Who knows if it's falling in line with their original plan, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did plan major projects a few years out.

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I'm going to the park tomorrow for my first time like I said a few pages back, but are there any coasters that a decently large person can be kicked off of? Like with El Toro if you are too big, you might have to take the "walk of shame". Are there any rides at SFNE like that?


I believe on Bizarro the maximum is 6 foot 4 (76 inches), due to the restraints.

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It begins...


Is Bizarro still open for the remainder of the operating season? Now that I have a season pass thanks to that Flash Sale, I may try and get back up there during Fright Fest, especially if Goliath has reopened. (I like the purple color scheme! So sue me!)

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Yes, it is still open for the remainder of the year. Seems like they may start painting some areas of the ride prior to closing day though. Would be cool if they did some track sections too like Rougarou haha. I think they are also planning an event or ert for Bizarro's final day as well.

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So a few weeks ago I went to SFNE for the first time. This park is not like my home park. I liked how scenic it is. From NESS and Bizarro there are some incredible views. I went two days: all day Saturday and some of Sunday. Saturday was a little busy but not bad. On Sunday, the park was dead (YES!). The rides here are pretty cool and I love some, but I also hate some.


Wicked Cyclone- I cannot explain how amazing this is. I've heard it was awesome but it just blew me away. The 200 degree stall and outward banked turns were just incredible. The zero g rolls feel like you are riding it in slow motion. The airtime is enough to rival El Toro! Even the sound it makes while the trains are making their way around the track makes it seem like you're in the middle of a cyclone. This ride just gets better every time.



Pandemonium- Fun ride but the capacity is bad. It's awkward when you are facing two strangers trying not to make eye contact. But still a fun ride and my first spinning coaster.



Thunderbolt- I saw this ride and saw the plaque showing it off as an ACE landmark. Now I had to ride it. Never again. After breaking down for a half hour since the ops didn't know how to clean vomit from a seat, I finally got on. At the end I kept asking myself what I did to deserve this. It is one of the most painful rides I've been on. Still it gets points for being a landmark.



Goliath- I was super excited to ride this. I've always wanted to ride a GIB. The cars on the train are kinda close together so I had to make sure I wouldn't touch it with my leg. These trains desperately need more padding. The negative G's after the lift hill are extremely painful. The ride itself was not too bad. I would ride it again if it got better trains.



Flashback- Standard Vekoma Boomerang. Fun thing to ride between Wicked Cyclone and Bizarro.



Bizarro- After riding Millennium Force and being extremely let down because of how boring it is, I had low expectations for this ride. However, it was great. The ejector air and misty tunnels added a whole new element to the ride MF can't beat. The only thing I dislike are the restraints. When this is reformed back to Superman I hope it gets better trains. I'm pretty sure my thighs have a permanent indent in them.



Mind Eraser- An SLC. However, I found a way that minimized headbanging for me. If you push your head hard to the right side of the restraint, you get less headbanging. I recommend trying that since it helped me and may help others. Still, it's an SLC...



Batman- I love floorless coasters. I love the compact layout that is still pretty intense. Had a little B&M rattle but a good ride.



I enjoyed this park and would love to come back. The only thing I didn't really like was assigned seating on some rides. I really wanted front row on Goliath and Wicked Cyclone but that didn't happen. Didn't really detract from the experience but I'm not really a fan of it. When it was all over, I did:

Wicked Cyclone 6x

Pandemonium 2x

Flashback 1x

Goliath 1x

Bizarro 3x

Mind Eraser 2x

Batman 3x


I can't wait to come back here in a few years and go on Wicked Cyclone more times. Seriously my #2 ride behind El Toro!

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I went to the park yesterday and experienced the actual lines they usually have... so that sucked I usually go on weekdays in the summer, but now that school has started it's harder to get a not-so-busy day! I decided my best ride of the day was Thunderbolt, because I forgot how much fun it really is! The airtime is really fun! I went up to where the new Fireball is going to be, and I saw tarped fences, so I was really excited! But it turned out that right now all they have back there is Fright Fest theming (mostly for Area 51). I'll be back again within the next few weeks for Fright Fest, and I hope to get permission to use my GoPro to film the last days of Bizarro (day and night!).


p.s. the rides with lights at night are AMAZING!!!

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Am I riding a different Thunderbolt than everyone else is? At this point I'm convinced that I must be.

I was thinking the same thing. It felt underrated in my opinion as its a classic coaster that hardly anyone talks about.

Yea I never had a painful ride on it. It's a fun little ride, but I usually skip it because it only runs one train and the wait is long. I really hope they redo the brakes so they can run two trains, but knowing Six Flags it will never happen.

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I've heard so many complaints of roughness but the coaster couldn't get any smoother... it's seriously one of the smoothest wood coasters around. Plus that holds true in every seat since we've been forced to sit in all of them thanks to the fact that there's no choice of seat. It's just a great little coaster. To each his own I guess but I just don't get it. lol

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Thunderbolt was really smooth for me, too. However, it was also very "meh". It was one of the rides I really wanted to get on again during my visit this year because I thought I enjoyed it in 2014, but I was very underwhelmed upon revisiting.

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Thunderbolt is fun, but not a standout ride. I'd give it a solid 6/10. If the line is at the station ramp, I make sure to ride it on the way by. But with the one train operation, that line moves painfully slow. At a smaller family park, I bet the ride would get more attention.

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