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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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I am against the Iron Cyclone thoroughly.


I mean the scraping noises at 1:10 giga.



Same here. They should have fixed Cyclone and replaced Mind Eraser with an RMC coaster. Selling that piece of crap for scrap metal would have gotten them about $200,000 dollars to put toward the new ride.

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I am against the Iron Cyclone thoroughly.


I mean the scraping noises at 1:10 giga.



Same here. They should have fixed Cyclone and replaced Mind Eraser with an RMC coaster. Selling that piece of crap for scrap metal would have gotten them about $200,000 dollars to put toward the new ride.


Scrap metal isn't the only fate for an old, unpopular SLC. I'm sure there are parks that want parts for SLCs and maybe even cheap SLCs. There must be a market for parts - those rides are more cloned than Dolly the sheep!

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I am against the Iron Cyclone thoroughly.


I mean the scraping noises at 1:10 giga.



Same here. They should have fixed Cyclone and replaced Mind Eraser with an RMC coaster. Selling that piece of crap for scrap metal would have gotten them about $200,000 dollars to put toward the new ride.


Scrap metal isn't the only fate for an old, unpopular SLC. I'm sure there are parks that want parts for SLCs and maybe even cheap SLCs. There must be a market for parts - those rides are more cloned than Dolly the sheep!



I know that there's probably a park that would buy it for way more than that, I just want to see that coaster die.


I never thought of the spare parts idea, though.

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Heading out to park tomorrow. Anyone know how the crowds are recently. Or anything to look out for or photograph about cyclone?


Not sure about crowds, but Bizarro has a staff of six working it (ride-op, four restraint checkers, Flash Pass operator) and dispatches fly. They can get one train out the door before the second hits the final tunnel.


EDIT: Look what I found.


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I have always seen the Bizarro staff working rather efficiently.


That's very good to hear. In past seasons, I've found dispatches to be on the slow side due to the number of people that have to take the walk of shame.


Also, does anyone have a bad feeling that Six Flags may try and run Mind Eraser backwards? The coaster's popularity has been waning and it seems like something they would do. My head shudders at the idea so I pray that I am wrong.

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Also, does anyone have a bad feeling that Six Flags may try and run Mind Eraser backwards? The coaster's popularity has been waning and it seems like something they would do. My head shudders at the idea so I pray that I am wrong.

That's probably the worst idea I've ever heard in my life.


That being said I wouldn't be surprised if they do that. The coaster would live even more up to its name.

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I'm not hugely fond of either honestly. I say no to the new england cyclone because they already got the new england skyscreamer. Iron Cyclone has just been the nickname that we've been giving the conversion, but I hope they choose a different name. I dunno what they would pick, but if it does end up being one of those 2 names, I won't be upset, I just think they probably could choose better.

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I like the name Iron Cyclone (and Iron Colossus if they go that route). I do like the idea of RMC using non-red/orange track. A white wood structure with blue steel tracks would look really nice imo.

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