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Palm Key's Adventure Park

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I noticed Wes said that it was the same IP Address for the last 400 posts.


Before his accident, I kept in touch with Kraken613, and was informed that he got an Iphone 3G the day it came out, which was over over 3 months ago.


Looking at the site statistics, you can see that he has made 136 posts in this month ALONE, so who is to say that he hasn't been using his Iphone all along, and hasn't lied about anything?


I think this is all just a huge misunderstanding...


Posts from an iPhone would show an ATT Wireless I.P. address. Which was obviously not the case.


Now before I post what i'm about to say I just want to appoligise in advance for any rules I may and may break.

But there are ways he could have been posting from the hospital. Example, Correct me if i'm wrong but can you not get wireless "Dongles" I think that's how it's spelt. Aren't they the same as Modems but only a tiny USB? If that's not how they work then sorry, I hope this mess gets sorted out once and for all.


If he lied, He lied. That's that. If he didn't and he's been telling the truth then fair enough.


If this was a waste of a post then I appoligise again. Thanks for reading, KP.


Unless he has the worlds strongest router, there would be no way for the I.P.s to be exactly the same from posts made from his house and the hospital. Wes explained it in the other thread.

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