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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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Worlds of Fun had officially become Dorney Park. Everyone is at Oceans of Fun and the ride park is dead.... There were suits out there today watching the crowd levels. It was insane.


Sunday also happened to be "bring a friend day", where tickets are $15 if one member in a group has a pass. Oceans of fun has ample room to expand, and depending on where their property line boundary is, they could even build all the way around the eastern side of the lake they have. One thing is for sure though, if the water park gets more attractions, the parking situation needs to be addressed. They added an entire new parking lot literally 2 years ago, and parking for the water park yesterday was a disaster. I've seen people park on the grass before, but. It was crazy. I think ANOTHER issue is that the park is a tad understaffed this year, because there were multiple rides at worlds of fun not open, and there weren't any people directing OoF traffic. Just. It was insane yesterday, and with good reason.


It's not fair to say the theme park never sees crowds though, as more often than not the water park is the dead one. This week is the first KC has had with heat indexes over 100, and that definitely showed yesterday. Each side has their days where it has more people, so one day of 100 degree weather isn't a fair judgement for how the entire park runs every year. Honestly, the water park and the theme park both have their good days. But 105 degrees isn't the most ideal weather for the gp when it comes to coaster riding, especially with a free water park a few hundred feet away. Nevertheless, the coasters weren't completely dead, and most of them were running 2 trains by around 1 pm. On a Sunday. A SUNDAY


The park wasn't ready for yesterday, I wasn't either! Both sides of the park need expansion, but that doesn't happen quickly so we have to just wait and see what corporate is going to do


Actually it's been the norm since the two parks were combined into one admission. You might not have noticed it this year due to the wet weather but it really is the norm for OOF to be more crowds and then there is a mass exodus back into WOF.


To fix the parking situation - make the OOF lot Season Pass only.

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I know this is kinda something that's off topic, but I couldn't find info on it anywhere else. If you look at the construction photos of Mamba, or photo's of when it was new, you may notice that the crown (top piece) of mamba on the first hill is all red, even under the track, while everywhere else, it is silver. Can anybody explain this, and can anyone name when they changed this? It doesn't seem to be that way now.


Here's a picture of it during construction. (also- Mamba has gotten a lot less red over the years, it seems. Maybe a new paint job?)

I did some google images searching, and it looks like it is still red, it is just hard to see with the massive white structure, and stairs on the side.

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To fix the parking situation - make the OOF lot Season Pass only.


Then make normal guests have to walk all the way through WoF to get to the water park...? And season pass holders the opposite?


Season Passes could park in either. But yes general admission would be required to walk through the park. It won't kill them and it would solve parking issues for normal season but especially HAUNT

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Man was this a stressful day for worlds of fun maintenance. We first got to the park we walked to mamba, it was broken down. We walk down to boomerang. It was closed as well and was having its lift chain removed. We then rode prowler and Zulu. We walk towards the scrambler. It was broken. Then Finnish fling was closed all day. Walked over by spinning dragons, it was broken down as well. Patriot was open like always though. That ride is never broken down. Truly impressive. Steelhawk was having the same restraint issues. We rode timberwolf which wasn't having any issues so far. As we exit the ride mamba sent an empty train out and then came to a stop on the MCBR. It was there a good fifteen minutes. We spent some time in oceans of fun. We came back and noticed Furh of the Nile had no line. They had all the rafts out. All coasters were using one train even though the lines were pretty bad. The lady at detonator today wouldn't let us stay as a group. We got our number how we got it and that's final! In total mamba broke down four times. Once stuck at the brake run. Spinning dragons broke down 3 times. Few flats kept closing. Then at night timberwolf got stuck on the lift.

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Man was this a stressful day for worlds of fun maintenance. We first got to the park we walked to mamba, it was broken down. We walk down to boomerang. It was closed as well and was having its lift chain removed. We then rode prowler and Zulu. We walk towards the scrambler. It was broken. Then Finnish fling was closed all day. Walked over by spinning dragons, it was broken down as well. Patriot was open like always though. That ride is never broken down. Truly impressive. Steelhawk was having the same restraint issues. We rode timberwolf which wasn't having any issues so far. As we exit the ride mamba sent an empty train out and then came to a stop on the MCBR. It was there a good fifteen minutes. We spent some time in oceans of fun. We came back and noticed Furh of the Nile had no line. They had all the rafts out. All coasters were using one train even though the lines were pretty bad. The lady at detonator today wouldn't let us stay as a group. We got our number how we got it and that's final! In total mamba broke down four times. Once stuck at the brake run. Spinning dragons broke down 3 times. Few flats kept closing. Then at night timberwolf got stuck on the lift.



I was just about to comment about everything that I saw today. I saw everything as well. I had a Timberwolf marathon today. I only got 13 straight rides in but it was good for a kinda busy day at Wof. I ended up loosing my pass for the first time in history. I think the employee working at coasters never gave me my card back after she scanned it. I went back and it wasn't there. Oh well, just have to replace it.

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As we exit the ride mamba sent an empty train out and then came to a stop on the MCBR. It was there a good fifteen minutes.


I guess D.H. Morgan hypers are having a bad year so far, with Wild Thing getting stuck at the lift a few times and having a weird shakiness on the front car, Steel Force also got stuck a couple of weeks a go on the lift, and now this.

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I know this is kinda something that's off topic, but I couldn't find info on it anywhere else. If you look at the construction photos of Mamba, or photo's of when it was new, you may notice that the crown (top piece) of mamba on the first hill is all red, even under the track, while everywhere else, it is silver. Can anybody explain this, and can anyone name when they changed this? It doesn't seem to be that way now.


Here's a picture of it during construction. (also- Mamba has gotten a lot less red over the years, it seems. Maybe a new paint job?)

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As we exit the ride mamba sent an empty train out and then came to a stop on the MCBR. It was there a good fifteen minutes.


I guess D.H. Morgan hypers are having a bad year so far, with Wild Thing getting stuck at the lift a few times and having a weird shakiness on the front car, Steel Force also got stuck a couple of weeks a go on the lift, and now this.


Actually this is the first real issue MAMBA has had this year. It has been running pretty reliable this season. Of course it hasn't been warm enough to melt wheels like it usually does during summer (hence the sprinklers before the station to cool them down)

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As we exit the ride mamba sent an empty train out and then came to a stop on the MCBR. It was there a good fifteen minutes.


Actually this is the first real issue MAMBA has had this year. It has been running pretty reliable this season. Of course it hasn't been warm enough to melt wheels like it usually does during summer (hence the sprinklers before the station to cool them down)


Really, good to here that because here at Dorney we had issues with Steel Force a few times this year and I heard Wild Thing is having the same issues. What ride at WoF is usually the one that is prone to breaking down, there is usually always that one ride that does.

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ThunderHawk. Even though they completely rebuilt it, it seems like that HUSS topspin is down more than up. With regards to rollercoasters (which is what I think you were wanting) all of ours are pretty reliable. The only one that can be finicky is Spinning Dragons, but it's not enough to really warrant a label of being prone to breaking down

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They've been a dieing breed already for a long time, and I doubt any more will be ordered unless they can come up with a true fix for all of their stress related issues. It's a real shame, because they are probably my favorite flat ride. I keep thinking Thunderhawk will be quietly removed soon, but I actually caught it open for once when I was there this spring.

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Like I said it was completely rebuilt. As much money as the park sunk into it fixing it, it'll probably be around for at least a few more seasons. The problems all stemmed from how it was originally used as a water ride. The water got into places it shouldn't have and well, the lack of being water tight in some places really made a mess of things.


That whole dead end needs to be redone. There's really nothing to draw guests down that way.

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ThunderHawk. Even though they completely rebuilt it, it seems like that HUSS topspin is down more than up. With regards to rollercoasters (which is what I think you were wanting) all of ours are pretty reliable. The only one that can be finicky is Spinning Dragons, but it's not enough to really warrant a label of being prone to breaking down


Thunder hawk has been open every time I've visited this season, so I'm not sure what was wrong with it but it seems to be perfectly fine now. Maybe I always lucky with that ride..?

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Like I said it was completely rebuilt. As much money as the park sunk into it fixing it, it'll probably be around for at least a few more seasons. The problems all stemmed from how it was originally used as a water ride. The water got into places it shouldn't have and well, the lack of being water tight in some places really made a mess of things.


That whole dead end needs to be redone. There's really nothing to draw guests down that way.


I've been thinking that myself. Take down those games that I rarely see open and they may have a decent amount of space to add something pretty neat there.


On the thoughts of the 2016 expansion, I've actually been hearing they're getting a Planet Snoopy expansion in which Skyliner is being moved to replace Moon Bounce and two new rides in that section as well, which I hope is not all that's happening.

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ThunderHawk. Even though they completely rebuilt it, it seems like that HUSS topspin is down more than up. With regards to rollercoasters (which is what I think you were wanting) all of ours are pretty reliable. The only one that can be finicky is Spinning Dragons, but it's not enough to really warrant a label of being prone to breaking down


Thunder hawk has been open every time I've visited this season, so I'm not sure what was wrong with it but it seems to be perfectly fine now. Maybe I always lucky with that ride..?

I think it has only been down once of my visits this year, and that was last Thursday. Its usually running most of the time we are there.

As we exit the ride mamba sent an empty train out and then came to a stop on the MCBR. It was there a good fifteen minutes.


I guess D.H. Morgan hypers are having a bad year so far, with Wild Thing getting stuck at the lift a few times and having a weird shakiness on the front car, Steel Force also got stuck a couple of weeks a go on the lift, and now this.


Actually this is the first real issue MAMBA has had this year. It has been running pretty reliable this season. Of course it hasn't been warm enough to melt wheels like it usually does during summer (hence the sprinklers before the station to cool them down)

The sprinklers have not been on any of my visits and this is one of the warmest seasons in the past year or two. They were on most of the time last year and it rarely got above 85 degrees. Maybe its a new type of wheel because I never remembered the wheels to be black. They were on my last visit, which was Thursday.

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Is thunderhawk really down that often? I must be lucky. I've never been there when Thunderhawk was down.



Granted it has been many years since I've been to the park (unfortunately) but I used to go to the park a lot and I have only seen Thunderhawk operating maybe 4 times. I have seen it down for an entire day countless times. Also, its location is awful. It doe not look good tucked back at the end of a short midway that's primarily used for TW exit.

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Is thunderhawk really down that often? I must be lucky. I've never been there when Thunderhawk was down.



Granted it has been many years since I've been to the park (unfortunately) but I used to go to the park a lot and I have only seen Thunderhawk operating maybe 4 times. I have seen it down for an entire day countless times. Also, its location is awful. It doe not look good tucked back at the end of a short midway that's primarily used for TW exit.


So far in my experiences they've been better at opening it, but it's still down often. A few times I've even gone back there assuming it to be closed and the employee there just let me on (this was especially true while Timber Wolf was down for refurbishment so there was zero incentive to go back there unless you wanted to check on Blood on the Bayou's progress). I think in those instances people see nobody on it so they pass it up, because once the ride started operating there was a decent crowd gathering.

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