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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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So to get conversation rolling again... Why did the park never maintain their snoopy hot summer lights? It was only there for 2011 and 12, then started disappearing come 2013. Now it's gone. I loved that it added a nice atmosphere to the Europa section at night...

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So to get conversation rolling again... Why did the park never maintain their snoopy hot summer lights? It was only there for 2011 and 12, then started disappearing come 2013. Now it's gone. I loved that it added a nice atmosphere to the Europa section at night...


It's impossible to upkeep on something like that. Worlds of Fun was the only park to have them installed professionally, which involved a process of stapling the LED's to trees. As the trees grew over time, the lights started looking bad because they were pretty much choking the trees they were attached to, forcing them to break. Hope this helps

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Worlds of Fun was the only park to have them installed professionally, which involved a process of stapling the LED's to trees. As the trees grew over time, the lights started looking bad because they were pretty much choking the trees they were attached to, forcing them to break.


Even mother nature doesn't want us to have nice things.

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So to get conversation rolling again... Why did the park never maintain their snoopy hot summer lights? It was only there for 2011 and 12, then started disappearing come 2013. Now it's gone. I loved that it added a nice atmosphere to the Europa section at night...


It's impossible to upkeep on something like that. Worlds of Fun was the only park to have them installed professionally, which involved a process of stapling the LED's to trees. As the trees grew over time, the lights started looking bad because they were pretty much choking the trees they were attached to, forcing them to break. Hope this helps


Meh, it's not that hard to keep up a few lights. They just decided it wasn't worth the effort. There are a million things parks could put more effort into that we would all enjoy to some degree, but they are in business to maximize profits and at the end of the day they will seek to do as little expense as required to get a reasonable number of people through the gates.



As for the header - I think I count three separate coasters that aren't in WOF already in that image. The green one is a little more obvious, but like everyone else I think they just took some artistic liberties. There's no way the people in charge of these graphics would even care enough to include a coaster that's a year or more out from being in the park. That doesn't mean it's too early to jump on the hype train for 2016 though. There's got to be a reason they scrimped this year.

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Remember how generic CF can be? Yeah, it doesnt mean anything. The ride is simply a filler. It would be downright ridiculous to predict a GIGA / 2nd hyper at WoF (of all parks) because of a random artist rendition. All the other parks have extra things. I hate to break it to you, but ive seen this green coaster in other banners around the chain.

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Remember how generic CF can be? Yeah, it doesnt mean anything. The ride is simply a filler. It would be downright ridiculous to predict a GIGA / 2nd hyper at WoF (of all parks) because of a random artist rendition. All the other parks have extra things. I hate to break it to you, but ive seen this green coaster in other banners around the chain.


I just looked through all of them on Cedar Fair's site, not a single one has a green coaster like that in the background...so I don't think you're statement is accurate.

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A couple of questions for those of you who frequent WOF as my family is visiting on Sunday.


1) Will the rain forecast keep the crowds Down significantly?

2) Recommendations for ride order, especially the roller coaster collection?

3) How much has the retracking benefited Timber Wolf (my daughter is wary of abusive roller coasters based on a recent experience at Mount Olympus)?



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A couple of questions for those of you who frequent WOF as my family is visiting on Sunday.


1) Will the rain forecast keep the crowds Down significantly?

2) Recommendations for ride order, especially the roller coaster collection?

3) How much has the retracking benefited Timber Wolf (my daughter is wary of abusive roller coasters based on a recent experience at Mount Olympus)?



1- about a quarter of the usually crowd won't go depending on what day that visit is.

2- do prowler and mamba first, then the rest should be up to you. I'd just loop around the park since it is a big circle.

3 the first drop and turn was redone, and looks butter smooth, but it's not likely it will open soon. But for her, the most painful part of the ride was redone. Still look out for the start of the helix if they haven't fixed that yet.

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A couple of questions for those of you who frequent WOF as my family is visiting on Sunday.


1) Will the rain forecast keep the crowds Down significantly?

2) Recommendations for ride order, especially the roller coaster collection?

3) How much has the retracking benefited Timber Wolf (my daughter is wary of abusive roller coasters based on a recent experience at Mount Olympus)?



1. Yes, crowds should be quite moderate; this early in the summer it's not too bad anyway, and rain will help that. Kansas City doesn't see a lot of tourism, so park visitors are mostly locals who can easily choose a different day.

2. Go straight to Spinning Dragons. It easily has the longest lines of any coaster due to low capacity. Patriot should be next, so that the line for the front won't be too long yet, and it really is much better there (that's normally true of inverts, but I find the pacing best in the front as well, especially on the zero-G roll). Then Prowler, Boomerang, and finish with Mamba. Mamba is super high capacity, much higher than any other coaster there, so even though it will see a lot of riders, the line's never bad for it. Last you can do the Wacky Worm if you have children, or if you're a credit whore.

3. Jayke pretty much nailed it in his answer.

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A couple of questions for those of you who frequent WOF as my family is visiting on Sunday.


1) Will the rain forecast keep the crowds Down significantly?

2) Recommendations for ride order, especially the roller coaster collection?

3) How much has the retracking benefited Timber Wolf (my daughter is wary of abusive roller coasters based on a recent experience at Mount Olympus)?



1. Yes, crowds should be quite moderate; this early in the summer it's not too bad anyway, and rain will help that. Kansas City doesn't see a lot of tourism, so park visitors are mostly locals who can easily choose a different day.

2. Go straight to Spinning Dragons. It easily has the longest lines of any coaster due to low capacity. Patriot should be next, so that the line for the front won't be too long yet, and it really is much better there (that's normally true of inverts, but I find the pacing best in the front as well, especially on the zero-G roll). Then Prowler, Boomerang, and finish with Mamba. Mamba is super high capacity, much higher than any other coaster there, so even though it will see a lot of riders, the line's never bad for it. Last you can do the Wacky Worm if you have children, or if you're a credit whore.

3. Jayke pretty much nailed it in his answer.

The maintenance director told me today that the ride should open this weekend.
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A couple of questions for those of you who frequent WOF as my family is visiting on Sunday.


1) Will the rain forecast keep the crowds Down significantly?

2) Recommendations for ride order, especially the roller coaster collection?

3) How much has the retracking benefited Timber Wolf (my daughter is wary of abusive roller coasters based on a recent experience at Mount Olympus)?



1. Yes, crowds should be quite moderate; this early in the summer it's not too bad anyway, and rain will help that. Kansas City doesn't see a lot of tourism, so park visitors are mostly locals who can easily choose a different day.

2. Go straight to Spinning Dragons. It easily has the longest lines of any coaster due to low capacity. Patriot should be next, so that the line for the front won't be too long yet, and it really is much better there (that's normally true of inverts, but I find the pacing best in the front as well, especially on the zero-G roll). Then Prowler, Boomerang, and finish with Mamba. Mamba is super high capacity, much higher than any other coaster there, so even though it will see a lot of riders, the line's never bad for it. Last you can do the Wacky Worm if you have children, or if you're a credit whore.

3. Jayke pretty much nailed it in his answer.

The maintenance director told me today that the ride should open this weekend.



Yeah it was testing yesterday ALL DAY so it's opening shortly

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A couple of questions for those of you who frequent WOF as my family is visiting on Sunday.


1) Will the rain forecast keep the crowds Down significantly?

2) Recommendations for ride order, especially the roller coaster collection?

3) How much has the retracking benefited Timber Wolf (my daughter is wary of abusive roller coasters based on a recent experience at Mount Olympus)?



1. Yes, crowds should be quite moderate; this early in the summer it's not too bad anyway, and rain will help that. Kansas City doesn't see a lot of tourism, so park visitors are mostly locals who can easily choose a different day.

2. Go straight to Spinning Dragons. It easily has the longest lines of any coaster due to low capacity. Patriot should be next, so that the line for the front won't be too long yet, and it really is much better there (that's normally true of inverts, but I find the pacing best in the front as well, especially on the zero-G roll). Then Prowler, Boomerang, and finish with Mamba. Mamba is super high capacity, much higher than any other coaster there, so even though it will see a lot of riders, the line's never bad for it. Last you can do the Wacky Worm if you have children, or if you're a credit whore.

3. Jayke pretty much nailed it in his answer.

The maintenance director told me today that the ride should open this weekend.

Cool. Well, I've always said ride Timber Wolf last, as its roughness means the lines are short even on a busy day. With the refurb, though, who knows. Depends mostly on how many people are aware of the retracking.

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A couple of questions for those of you who frequent WOF as my family is visiting on Sunday.


1) Will the rain forecast keep the crowds Down significantly?

2) Recommendations for ride order, especially the roller coaster collection?

3) How much has the retracking benefited Timber Wolf (my daughter is wary of abusive roller coasters based on a recent experience at Mount Olympus)?



1. Yes, crowds should be quite moderate; this early in the summer it's not too bad anyway, and rain will help that. Kansas City doesn't see a lot of tourism, so park visitors are mostly locals who can easily choose a different day.

2. Go straight to Spinning Dragons. It easily has the longest lines of any coaster due to low capacity. Patriot should be next, so that the line for the front won't be too long yet, and it really is much better there (that's normally true of inverts, but I find the pacing best in the front as well, especially on the zero-G roll). Then Prowler, Boomerang, and finish with Mamba. Mamba is super high capacity, much higher than any other coaster there, so even though it will see a lot of riders, the line's never bad for it. Last you can do the Wacky Worm if you have children, or if you're a credit whore.

3. Jayke pretty much nailed it in his answer.

The maintenance director told me today that the ride should open this weekend.

Cool. Well, I've always said ride Timber Wolf last, as its roughness means the lines are short even on a busy day. With the refurb, though, who knows. Depends mostly on how many people are aware of the retracking.

I doubt many people know about it. I've literally heard people at the park say they are "painting the ride yellow" so many people think it's still the same. Who knows, maybe the park will post stuff on their social media pages when the ride opens.

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Has anyone considered names for new rides that may be coming to WOF flat, disco, dark ride or coaster? I realize this has no real bearing on park decisions, but thought it might open some new discussion. An example for the orient area say a disco or flying scooter ride named FLYING FISH. Another thought was PRIMATE for a dive coaster in Orient Section. If Timber Wolf was painted yellow what "new" name would it evolve too....maybe CHICKEN HAWK lol, or Buzzard. Well forum lets hear some of your thoughts!

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Has anyone considered names for new rides that may be coming to WOF flat, disco, dark ride or coaster? I realize this has no real bearing on park decisions, but thought it might open some new discussion. An example for the orient area say a disco or flying scooter ride named FLYING FISH. Another thought was PRIMATE for a dive coaster in Orient Section. If Timber Wolf was painted yellow what "new" name would it evolve too....maybe CHICKEN HAWK lol, or Buzzard. Well forum lets hear some of your thoughts!

Flying fish.

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As far as the green hyper coaster in the graphic goes, I think KD has the same one. After seeing it in this thread, I don't think there is much to it. It makes sense that it's in the background with a color that doesn't stand out. It's meant to be a filler.

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The person who did all of the art for Cedar Fair didn't do a very good job on making them look like the right coaster. It obviously is not a new coaster for next year since every park has at least one mistake on it. I think we need to move on from this.

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