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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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Yes, the park needs a new entrance. It's a hike from the parking lot all the way to the front gate. A redo of Europa and Orient both are needed. Europa hasn't had any updates basically ever; almost all the rides are original, which is pretty cool, but something new there would be nice. Orient has been encroached on so much by America that it's now literally Spinning Dragons, Bamboozler, and a Panda Express.


A new entrance, especially if relocated, could provide expansion room for both these areas. You won't have room for a coaster in Europa, and Orient already has a family coaster, but both could see new flats. I'm looking at the now redundant carousel as a prime spot for a new small flat.


Scandinavia hasn't ever had a coaster, but there's lots of room next to Prowler, and a good amount of space along the road to Africa over by the rotor where a station could be built. Lots of possibilities. .


I just question where a new entrance would even go. I suppose an entire new plaza could be built sort of to the left of Patriot's lift hill (when coming from the parking lot), right smack where the Orient Express used to be. That would expand Orient, and finally make use of some land close to the parking lot. PLUS that opens up more areas to expand along the western side of the park. You know, the one with the HUGE FIELD? We would have to say goodbye to the old Orient Express station (the haunted house there is the weakest of the bunch anyways), and the Ferris wheel would probably need to be moved... Interesting thoughts. The entrance is just very cramped, and it's not like they can remodel and expand it because park services are literally on the other side of the gate. There just isn't ample room to build a grand enough entrance unless it is relocated elsewhere. The problem is, the entrance can't leave the parking lot haha.


I completely agree with you on the land to the left of prowler. The Finish Fling ride has a lot of land behind it, and if the entrance WERE to be redone it wouldn't be too hard to get a coaster with a station in Scandinavia that wraps around over to the entrance. The thing is, that wouldn't fix how long the Tarmac path is from the parking lot. *sigh* Let's just demolish the whole entrance and park services buildings, then start from scratch

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I was looking at the park in Google Maps and in street view during my lunch break today. I know there used to be an entrance where Steelhawk is. Any idea as to why the Americana gate was removed and Scandinavia's was kept? I understand the parking lot is a little closer to Scandinavia but it also looks like it's still a nice little walk to get there (even though you had a decent view of Orient Express back in the day).

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When was the front gate moved? I didn't know about this until this year.


I'm not sure about when the Scandinavia entrance first opened, but the Amaricana entrance closed its gates in 1997, 2 years after cedar fair purchased the park. If it were still there, it would take up the land that the wind seeker occupies.

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Depending on the size of improvement, we should see something on KIVA for work to begin this year. Maybe news will surface just before Labor Day weekend or right before Halloween Haunt. If the project is major then maximum exposure is in order.


What the heck is KIVA

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Depending on the size of improvement, we should see something on KIVA for work to begin this year. Maybe news will surface just before Labor Day weekend or right before Halloween Haunt. If the project is major then maximum exposure is in order.


What the heck is KIVA


The online permit databse for Kansas City.

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Has anyone thought about Excalibur from Valleyfair being removed? WoF is missing a family coaster, and that would just need to be moved and refurbished. Just a thought...

I wouldn't call Excalibur a family coaster because it has a few fairly intense moments. Plus, it's probably going to be scrapped once it is removed.

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Has anyone thought about Excalibur from Valleyfair being removed? WoF is missing a family coaster, and that would just need to be moved and refurbished. Just a thought...



Yeah, No family coaster unless you count Prowler or Spinning Dragons.

Prowler is NOT a family coaster. It has a minimum height requirement of 48". Family coasters are always less than that (usually in the 42-44" range).

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You know if the Africa Section wasn't overcrowded by three coasters, a mine ride coaster themed to diamond/gold mining would have fit well. Really though I agree with another poster that a Europa remake is in order. Spill it over to the forum area with family coaster and flats. Another thought would be to completely re-create another Orient Section elsewhere on grounds. Cedar Fair has land-locked the existing area. Incorporate the few rides into Scandinavia or Americana.

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Another thought would be to completely re-create another Orient Section elsewhere on grounds. Cedar Fair has land-locked the existing...


I don't know that anything is land-locked. Worlds of fun has more open expansion area than any other park I've seen.

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Your right its not landlocked from the aspect of available space. In the case of Orient it is because the only way it can grow is North into the old Orient Express coaster lot. Traffic flow would be an issue. Not to mention terrain. If Spinning Dragons had been positioned differently with its footprint there may have been a possibility.

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RE: Front entry, keep in mind you can enter through the water park during season and also Saturdays during haunt. So the capacity to bring people in is there, what's not there is a grand entry of some sort that you see at the former paramount parks, Knott's, CP, etc. The offices, maintenance, and employee mess hall are kind of in the wrong place for that to happen. As it is I don't foresee the front entry getting moved again, but I would expect to see some improvements as in a way it's bland. The carousel did brighten it up.


And unlike certain flags parks, I've never had an issue getting into this park, even on at capacity days, at most I've waited 3-4 minutes to enter.

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