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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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I am trying to learn what the various elements of a steel coaster are. I read on Worlds of Fun's website that Patriot has the following elements. Would anyone be able to tell me if they occur on the ride in the order listed below?

89 foot vertical loop

Zero-gravity roll


Inclined banked curve

S curve


High speed spiral


If anyone could point me to a website with pictures of the various elements, that would be great. Thanks!



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  • 4 weeks later...

I read on Screamscape that Worlds of Fun has removed Octopus (their Monster ride). It is not showing up on the park's Family Rides page, so it's pretty much official. Screamscape also reports that Octopus' parts will be going to Valleyfair to help maintain their version of the ride.

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I read on Screamscape that Worlds of Fun has removed Octopus (their Monster ride). It is not showing up on the park's Family Rides page, so it's pretty much official. Screamscape also reports that Octopus' parts will be going to Valleyfair to help maintain their version of the ride.


The cars are already at Valleyfair. I saw them about a week ago when I had an interview.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I read on Screamscape that Worlds of Fun has removed Octopus (their Monster ride). It is not showing up on the park's Family Rides page, so it's pretty much official. Screamscape also reports that Octopus' parts will be going to Valleyfair to help maintain their version of the ride.




Unfortunatly "Ereley" or however you spell it cant make the needed parts for the octopus ride. So instead of taking one out a bigger park like kiings island, they choose Wof. I dont mind it because I was really wanting scrambler to move to Scandinavia in Octopuses place. If you would like to see pictures of worlds of funs off season with removel pictures here is the link :http://unwof.blogspot.com/

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Won 2 cut the line passes from the plinko game. I will have to try it again. Mamba was running really good today. Lots of airtime. Boomerang and timberwolf were down. As far as I've heard TW is down until June...


Edit- forgot to mention that steel hawk seems to have more restrictive restraints. Last season it had to just have the seat belt fastened but now, according the operators, it has to be fastened and one more position down. That really knocks out a large amount of people who could ride it since it already had slightly restrictive restraints

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With the recent news that Matt Ouimet stating that CF plans to install an interactive Dark Ride at all of the Cedar Fair Parks, that involve a story about what is underground in each Park, it makes me wonder what kind of story line could be used for WOF. As most of us know, the current theme of WOF is Around the World in Eighty Days, I wonder if that could tie in some how, or if it would be a completely different kind of story? I do know that this news is very exciting! I also wonder where in the Park the Dark Ride could be located? What are your thoughts?

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The timeline on World's of Fun's actual website states that 2015 is the addition of Splash Island and the new haunt, which I guess has been named Blood on the Bayou? This is interesting because I thought it was going to be murder mansion. It gets even more interesting once we think about the carnevil haunt in the Thunderhawk's midway, which is where this new haunt building is going. So a backwoods Louisiana-style indoor house with an entrance in a clown area? I mean I suppose this is all subject to change as it is only April, but it is probably something to be watching...


I've also been thinking about the retracking of the Timberwolf that is supposedly in the works. Say it is retracked for 2016, and let's say RMC does it. Is cedar fair going to rename it? Would it get a new station? The coaster would definitely bring more traffic to that americana midway thing, but with the Thunderhawk down literally 50% of the time the park is open, what would that do? I know that a disk-O and flat ride package are coming, I just am skeptical where they should go. I wait for the year the Thunderhawk will close, and I've pondered about what could replace it. I could see an S&S screamin' swing, but that doesn't look anything like cedar fair's current game plan. Something to consider.


I also know the octopus ride was sent to valleyfair, and now the scrambler is there to replace it. This leaves an open space where the scrambler was, so I really could see the new flyer flat rides right there. The only thing is, planet snoopy was completely facelifted in 2011, so does it really need anything else? Perhaps the entire ride package could be along the asphalt path between Africa and Americana, the one on the back end of the taxis. It's a pretty boring midway-if it even gets that name- and the only times it gets used for anything other than walking is in September when London Terror rolls out.


Almost done ranting, but why does the park have two carousels? The one in 2013 was nice, it does a lot for the environment of the entrance. However, why is there still one in Europa? Of all the sections in the park, Europa is the only one that doesn't have a coaster-let alone a thrill ride. The carousel could be removed and that spot could be used for something useful -I like to dream of a drop tower even though it isn't reasonable. I was really expecting windseeker to be placed there instead of where the old entrance and Go-Karts were.


And bumper cars. There is a significant amount of land behind them, and the kiddie bumper cars are in an awkward spot outside of the kids area. I say take out the small ones, then relocate the bumper cars from Europa to that spot. The bumper cars being moved opens up a space for an arrow-styled mine ride, something like King's Island's Adventure Express. The park needs a family coaster that doesn't spin. That whole creek bed and woodsy area is really a good spot, right in the middle of everything yet unused. Look at google maps, there is ample space for a 60' high family oriented coaster.


And I'm just going to say it- the windseeker paving opened up that whole field for expansion. Will cedar fair do it? Time will tell, and maybe it won't ever happen. There is enough room for a whole new section to be added, especially since the Orient Express's old station has the pathway leading to it for Haunt. Perhaps connect that entrance by the ferris wheel to the windseeker's plaza? A whole new section can be built all the way around the backside of the Patriot to Steelhawk. Hell, let's call it the rest of the Orient section because the one there now is minuscule and needs SOMETHING...Food for thought!


The more I look at it the more land I see that isn't used. It actually is frustrating. I'm happy the waterpark was cleaned up, because it used to be like walking into an 80's movie. Honestly, what is the park's competition? Silver Dollar City? Not really the same park by any means, and SDC doesn't have any large metro to attract. Perhaps Six Flags St. Louis?


With some TLC this could be Cedar fair's next Carowinds. The closest "major" park is probably Holiday world or Valleyfair. Honestly, what does the company have to loose? WOF has barely any serious competition, and ample room for expansion. The question is why CF didn't choose to invest in this park. Perhaps Worlds of Fun won't ever get to be something the whole country knows by name, like Cedar Point or Disneyworld, but it has been 6 years since the last coaster in Kansas City and the rumor mill is for Canada's Wonderland and Valleyfair to get new coasters in 2016. Seriously, it's not like nobody lives in the Midwest, there just needs to be reason for people to visit the park!

Edited by baileybrucem
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Worlds of Fun has a lot of potential, but will most likely never come close to Carowinds. Carowinds IMO has 2 of the top five B&M coasters in the US and Cedar Fair is actually trying to make that park as good as a park like Kings Dominion/Kings Island unlike Wof where they are trying to make this park a very good park, but not an amazing park. It reminds me of a park like Dorney Park that is very good with a great waterpark and several good coasters just like Worlds of Fun, but just isn't made for being a great park.

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Worlds of Fun has a lot of potential.....just isn't made for being a great park.

I feel like the park's being given the short end of the stick- time after time. WOF has more potential than perhaps any other single cedar fair park. Why isn't it used? Perhaps numbers aren't impressive. Attendance not high enough, no staggering profit..?

I don't quite get how you can't see WOF as being "made for being a great park". The whole statement you made was sort of contradicting on itself. WOF definitely could be phenomenal, no doubt about that, but we need to wait and see if cedar fair will let that happen. You can't expect larger numbers and higher attendance without something to draw people into the park. Invest well, then watch the return make money in the long run!

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Worlds of Fun has a lot of potential.....just isn't made for being a great park.

I feel like the park's being given the short end of the stick- time after time. WOF has more potential than perhaps any other single cedar fair park. Why isn't it used? Perhaps numbers aren't impressive. Attendance not high enough, no staggering profit..?

I don't quite get how you can't see WOF as being "made for being a great park". The whole statement you made was sort of contradicting on itself. WOF definitely could be phenomenal, no doubt about that, but we need to wait and see if cedar fair will let that happen. You can't expect larger numbers and higher attendance without something to draw people into the park. Invest well, then watch the return make money in the long run!


MIA has been pulling in record attendance and record profit margins and they get passed over every year

But in reality I think WOF is a very nice park. One of the better themed CF parks, I really enjoyed the whole atmosphere there! I would rank WOF higher then Dorney and VF. I think a small floorless coaster the size of Hydra would be great for WOF

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MIA has been pulling in record attendance and record profit margins and they get passed over every year

mia will also record, but records very small.

world of fun I think of face a lot more money in comparison

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world of fun I think of face a lot more money in comparison


Isn't cedar fair shelling out 120 million this year? What coasters are seem like solidified ones for next year? The drop coaster at Cedar Point where the theatre was? Valleyfair, Michigan's Adventure, and WoF need to be next in line.

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Kansas City is a big city. CF could pull in huge crowds if they made some big investments. Then again, as is the park is one of the nicest, most well-rounded parks I've been to. A launched coaster with a focus on inversions would be a great addition.

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^ Yes, the music is wierd, almost something I would hear with a European video, lol.


And I found the video to be a bit dizzying, not being able to focus on anything,

except that brief encounter with the Peanuts gang. I had to stop watching it, about

3/4 of the way through it.

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^Have you guys never heard the trololo song before? Here, thank me later:


I'm expecting something big in 2016 for WOF. The park is the only attraction of it's kind for hours in every direction, in the middle of a huge metro with millions of people. It gets packed out regularly. I'm still scratching my head at why they didn't get anything this year, unless it is to prepare for something huge in the near future. I agree with Woodie Warrior that a launched coaster with inversions would be ideal - and I don't mean one of the Premier sky loop clones.


I'll actually be visiting tomorrow. I decided to take a somewhat spur of the moment trip to Lawrence/KC. Lawrence is a pretty awesome place.

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