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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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But this was in response to a member who lumped them in with floorless coasters as a "traditional" style, and they most definitely are not traditional.


Wrong. This was in response to a member who was stating that any new coaster would be a STANDARD B&M coaster WITHOUT GIMMICKS -- AS IN A LAUNCH. Which is what numerous younger posters were foaming at the mouth about earlier.


If and when WOF gets their next coaster it will contain a standard chain lift.

This is what you said:

The safest bet would be a traditional B&M coaster without any gimmicks - such as a standard floorless or wing coaster.

So you were stating a standard floorless and wing coaster are both examples of a traditional B&M coaster. I'll accept that that maybe wasn't the point you were trying to make, but it was the point you made. But I do agree with you that they likely won't go with a launch next, much as I would like them to.

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Swan boats are from Dorney
it hasn't been confirmed but it probably is from dorney since they got rid of there swan boats a year ago and cedar fair loves relocating rides since it saves money.


It's been confirmed - maybe not in a presser, but it has been confirmed by the park


Where are the Swan Boats going at WOF?

They boats are going in the lake where the paddle canoes were in OOF

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For all who are wondering, Ed Alonzo will be back at WOF for Haunt in 2015 with an all new show. He confirmed it at his shows at his last three shows Sunday. And for all who don't know, Murder Mansion will be next year's new maze. It will be a permanent building next to Timberwolf and Steelhawk.

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Now, I'm not sure. Did worlds of fun get a new head of maintenance because the rides were running great. Mamba had airtime in the last hills, timberwolf was a tiny bit smoother and ran without a trim. Steelhawk wasn't down as much as I thought too.

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Looks like WOF is getting some new dinosaurs in Dinosaurs Alive. Also good to hear that the Skeleton Key rooms and Club Blood are going to be redone for 2015


This is according to the park presentations that took place at Coaster Christmas


Speaking of Dinosaurs Alive when is the contract over with because I'd rather see something in its space. Im not saying its a bad attraction I just don't think I can go to see Dino's more then one time.

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I'm not any bit of fan of those Dino exhibits. It's seems like it should be in a museum instead of a small theme park. Let's say if it were to be replaced by a coaster, I wouldn't be sad at all. Matter of fact not a lot of people would. All I hear is co plants that it is priced but you know what I'm saying.

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Looks like WOF is getting some new dinosaurs in Dinosaurs Alive. Also good to hear that the Skeleton Key rooms and Club Blood are going to be redone for 2015


This is according to the park presentations that took place at Coaster Christmas


Speaking of Dinosaurs Alive when is the contract over with because I'd rather see something in its space. Im not saying its a bad attraction I just don't think I can go to see Dino's more then one time.

As a park enthusiast, rather than a coaster enthusiast, I have to disagree on this. Dinosaurs Alive is an attraction that everyone can enjoy: There's no height limit, it's not thrilling, and it's not even a ride. People with heart and back problems, pregnant women, very small children--everyone can enjoy it. You have to remember that families go to parks, and families often include some people who love coasters and some who would rather do other things. If a park has attractions like Dinosaurs Alive, everyone comes away with an experience they shared together, and that's very powerful for family memories, and very good for business too.


Personally, I feel that Dinosaurs Alive has that walk-in-the-park feeling that a lot of parks are missing. A theme park isn't supposed to be a bunch of rides crammed together. It is first and foremost a park, a large recreational area designed for fun and relaxation. I'm glad to see Dinosaurs Alive is sticking around and being improved. Worlds of Fun has turned around completely from the dark days of the 90s and really seems to care about keeping its rides and attractions in very good condition. Great news indeed.

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^ Personally, I don't think it adds a "walk-in-the-park" feel since it's an upcharge attraction. I've been through the one at Cedar Point and it was interesting, but the upcharge is a deterrent for me to do it again (I probably wouldn't have done it in the first place, but a friend really wanted to do it). I'm sure there are others who feel the same way. I've always scratched my head at Dinosaurs Alive because it also seems like something that's meant for a museum or a place of its own.

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I'm not any bit of fan of those Dino exhibits. It's seems like it should be in a museum instead of a small theme park. Let's say if it were to be replaced by a coaster, I wouldn't be sad at all. Matter of fact not a lot of people would. All I hear is co plants that it is priced but you know what I'm saying.


I personally like Dinos because I can go there and get away from annoying teenagers for awhile. I usually go in there at least once per visit to the park. There is always lots of families in there and the younger kids just love the exhibit.


Yeah, I know there are lots of people that scream "MORE COASTERS!" but those are the same people that don't really spend money at the park. They have their pass and basically leech off the park the rest of the season without spending money while they are there

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Anyone read Screamscape this morning? Cedar Fair may end up using WoF as a test park for RMC:


2016 / 2017 - New Additions - Planning - (11/24/14) Screamscape sources tell us that Worlds of Fun is planning on adding unknown new attractions to the theme park in both 2016 and 2017, one of which is rumored to possibly be a new Triotech style dark ride. There are also rumblings about some kind of possible upgrade for Timberwolf being planned, with bid and design requests sent out to both GCI and RMC. Hmmm… interesting times…


I think it will be a transformation into a topper track wooden coaster rather than an I-box transformation. If this is true, and all goes well, I think Ghostrider and Mean Streak will follow suit.

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