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Rides that are fun the first time around, but not the second

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Are there any rides that your really excited for, and you get on it for the first time in your life. It's really fun, and you enjoyed the ride so much that decide to ride it again. Then you ride it for the second time, and it just doesn't have that same "spark" to it. This has happened to me before and I wanna hear about your experiences.


Brandon "I searched and didn't find anything like it so don't yell at me" Paul

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Your mom comes to mind.


Wow... Do I sense a little animosity here?


Ninja at SFOG... It was GREAT FUN the first time... Every ride since has been a lesson in ubiquity other than the fact that it's the only Vekoma that I have ever ridden that let me retain ownership of my knoebles.

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I wasn't "excited" to ride it, but mine would have to be Alien Encounters in WDW. Me & the wife (who were dating at the time), came out of there CRACKING UP...mainly because we both had our mouths open with that tube thingy sprayed at us during the climax (and the recorded voice says "I had my mouth open")...


...the second time several months later...well, let's just say it was kinda corny...the "spark" was definitely gone.

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Are there any rides that your really excited for, and you get on it for the first time in your life. It's really fun, and you enjoyed the ride so much that decide to ride it again. Then you ride it for the second time, and it just doesn't have that same "spark" to it. This has happened to me before and I wanna hear about your experiences.


Brandon "I searched and didn't find anything like it so don't yell at me" Paul


And that experience would've been . . . ?


I guess for me it would be rides like Stealth--those Intamin launchers with high-hat elements and that 's it. Once is always enough when it comes to those.

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Your mom comes to mind.




that was a good one



Batman: the ride at SFMM was so fun the first time and since there was no line I rode it again, and it was still fun so I rode it again and I hated it so much. Its a fun ride, but riding it 3 times in a row was a waste of my time.

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I agree with SFA fan, Batman the ride at SFMM isn't nearly as exciting as it was the first time I rode it.


Are there any rides that your really excited for, and you get on it for the first time in your life. It's really fun, and you enjoyed the ride so much that decide to ride it again. Then you ride it for the second time, and it just doesn't have that same "spark" to it. This has happened to me before and I wanna hear about your experiences.


Brandon "I searched and didn't find anything like it so don't yell at me" Paul


Tell us what your experience was. It's no fun for the rest of us if we can't hear about your experience.

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I was excited to ride Dragon Mountain and it totally delivered...weird, woodsy, underthemed, loooooong Arrow goodness! But then I went on it two more times and suddenly needed a Tylenol and a nap. Definitely not a coaster you want to marathon. (That's probably true of anything that's not supersmooth.)

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Mean Streak.


The first time I rode it, I was in the front row. It had just rained, making the ride faster and smoother (other than splinters getting thrown in our face on the last turn, but whatever). I was with my brother and we both agreed that it was actually pretty fun, even if it wasn't intense. So later that day, we decide to ride again. The track had dried. As soon as we hit that first turn, it was pain all the way to the station. It went from about a 7 out of 10 all the way down to about a 3.

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Yeah, Dragon Mountain certainly came to my mind when I saw the name of the topic.


It was more when I sat down with Kimmy, going "what the hell, I'm battered, bruised and tired, but I'll just do it once, what's the harm?" and then I get told... "yeah... we need you to ride three times..."... ugh... lol... By the end of that, I'd have been glad never to see it again, haha!


Hydra was pretty quick to loose charm as well, it was already grating on a second run, a third and I'm not sure I'd have liked it too much!

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