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happy slapping

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Hello Europeans and Americans....


I was just wondering if "Happy Slapping" is a problem in your countries like it is in the UK.. not a day goes by at the moment where something isn't reported in the press. The latest being a 13 year old boy tied to a tree and then the tree set a light. All recorded on video phone and spread round to everyone involved with the craze...


Is this horrible problem going on elsewhere?

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Hello Europeans and Americans....


I was just wondering if "Happy Slapping" is a problem in your countries like it is in the UK.. not a day goes by at the moment where something isn't reported in the press. The latest being a 13 year old boy tied to a tree and then the tree set a light. All recorded on video phone and spread round to everyone involved with the craze...


Is this horrible problem going on elsewhere?



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once some fat kid who was throwing water ballons at us so we tied him to a tree and throwed his water ballons at him.....then later we got bored.......so we duct taped him to a basket ball pole and left him their untill his mom came looking for him about 5 hours later

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Wow... and I thought the anger would arise in the war topic.


But I agree, you shouldn't disvalue somebody's life like that. I hope you get shot in the testicles... not really, but that's soemthing that I would find funny.


Also, the guy about the waterballoons... THAT is funny!

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Ok, guys, some of this behavior is NOT what we want here. If you want flame wars or to fight amongst each other, take it to another board.


Maliboomer, It, Maynard, Twister - you've been warned. Next time, your posting privilages will be revoked.


--Robb "Please don't let it happen again." Alvey

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