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Diamondback model

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Its an awesome model, and I stop by it everytime I go to KI to watch it go a few times. My only concern is the inacuracies, such as the two hills surrounding the hammerhead are supposed to cross, one of the helixes going the wrong way, and the first two drop curves out at the bottom. However, I'm sure there were building restraints and that was the best you could do.

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If you notice, the model barely fits into the space it occupies. We were given three design goals:

1) It must fit in the required space

2) It must be modular for ease of transport

3) It should incorporate all the signature elements of the real ride

In order to accomplish all these goals, we had to compromise on a couple details. However, since about 99% of the general public either doesn't notice or even care, we felt these small deviations were insignificant. The ride does incorporate all the elements of the real ride and has exceeded the park's expectations in terms of generating interest in the coaster. In fact, they called it the most effective marketing tool that they have ever used to introduce a new ride. We are thrilled with the response it has received.


In response to the comment that our models are pricey....we will be introducing a new kit this fall that should sell online for well under $150. It will incorporate many new parts that should make building easier and quicker. Not to mention the fact that the cost of spare parts will decrease with the new design.

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We knew about the ride and their desire to show the model at the debut a couple months in advance. However, we did not receive any usable plans or color schemes until 2 weeks prior to the release date! This was due to the tight confidentiality surrounding the ride. We began building exactly 2 weeks before we shipped it to KI. When we got there the night before, we unloaded the model into a warehouse where some of the park employees worked all night to add grass, trees, and the "water". When we arrived the next morning, we were amazed at how good the model looked with all the work they did. They added the station and we loaded the model up and took it into the park.

One of the funny things that happened was we noticed a discrepency between the support colors on the plans we received and the computer simulation. We had an additional number of "yellow" supports that had to be repainted right before the debut so the physical model would match the virtual model. That was quite a last minute change, but we sprayed the supports as hundreds of media and enthusiasts milled about just a few feet away outside our "enclosure". Exciting stuff.

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