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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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1 hour ago, MidwestThemeParks said:

I have a Valleyfair 2024 gold pass with the all season, all park Fast Lane and was able to use it at Carowinds over Labor Day weekend. Do some parks make you wait until 2024 to get the Fast Lane?

I was about to write something about how when I first looked at the 2024 ASAP Fast Lane add-on, it said it included the rest of this year, but when I bought my pass, it said "valid in 2024 only," but when I just went to look at the park where I bought my pass through (Dorney), it says "...plus get the rest of 2023 for free!" on the ASAP FL add-on.  I swear when I bought my pass a few weeks ago it said "valid in 2024 only" so I didn't buy the add on yet.  Oh well.

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If you bought your season pass from Kings Island or Cedar Point, the add ons don't start working until 2024. If you bought from any other Cedar Fair Park, then all the add ons, including FASTLANE, meals, drink+, etc work for the rest of 2023 as well, regardless of what park you are visiting.


If you haven't already purchased your single use FASTLANE for today, just buy the all season one from Dorney NOW, it will activate instantly and it will also be the cheapest as prices may go up later. Provided you have the funds since it's a big chunk 'o change o.o

Edited by anonymouscactus
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1 hour ago, anonymouscactus said:

If you bought your season pass from Kings Island or Cedar Point, the add ons don't start working until 2024. If you bought from any other Cedar Fair Park, then all the add ons, including FASTLANE, meals, drink+, etc work for the rest of 2023 as well, regardless of what park you are visiting.


If you haven't already purchased your single use FASTLANE for today, just buy the all season one from Dorney NOW, it will activate instantly and it will also be the cheapest as prices may go up later. Provided you have the funds since it's a big chunk 'o change o.o

I swear the Dorney site (where I bought the pass) said "not valid until 2024" for a while haha. But yeah, sadly I didn't have a spare grand lying around with all of the park trips (and other Halloweeny stuff) I'm doing this month, so $115 for the daily FL had to cut it. Worth it, though, since I've been in the park not even 2 hours and already got on more than I did last night in 7.

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My wife and I went to KI on Saturday. In general, I just can't believe the stark contrast between how well KI is maintained compared to our trip to SFGam in August. Outside of trick or treating and Oktoberfest at our local STStl this weekend, I really have no desire to go to any other SF parks for a while.

We stayed during the day from 12-2. We got FL. We did one lap on (non JR) coaster except The Beast, because we wanted a night ride, and The Bat, because we don't really like it. We also skipped Back Lot, because Back Lot. Our only non coaster was the antique cars. They're so well done, but I feel like a complete child when we FL in front of all the families.

The park was very clean, the themeing is just right, and the new themeing around Adventure Express was really high quality for an old ride. KI really takes care of all of their attractions, not just the newest, biggest, or fastest. Our seat on Adventure Express were more jerky then rides in the past, so I didn't really have fun on it. By contrast, the non-wheel middle seat on Racer was very smooth with floater air.

The new area in general was well done. I like how you can get a good view of Banshee from where the bungee ride was located. It's nice to watch from the patio, while having a beer. It looks like KI spared no expense with the large planters surrounded by massive stones.

We left and came back around 5, drinking a couple beers and people watching, after one of three rides on Mystic Timbers, our only repeat coaster of the trip. After 6, we used our Fright Lane passes, doing every haunt once. We virtue signaled and gave away our last Haunt of of choice option to a dude and his 'just barely old enough for the Haunt' daughter. 

All of the Haunts were well done, except the corn field one. Whatever it was called. The line looked at least an hour long and it was total hilarious trash composed of wooden fence and cornstalks. Slaughterhouse upped its game, so did the science one by Orion. Killmart is still awesomely hilarious, because of the cheesy nostalgic theme.

Some of the mazes were a little confusing. Us, and other groups, kept walking into the scare actor areas. One even looked like some kind of a break area with a table and chair. lol. It was kind of fun to get chased out, since the actors could tell it was purely accidental. I'm glad we weren't the only ones.

Fast Lane was useless for us until about 10 PM. Prior to that, we tried to wait in line for The Beast. We were about 20 feet outside of the station building. After about 5 minutes, the line did not move, but the standby line was cooking. I'm convinced the Fast Lane line was a longer wait. I was bummed we weren't going to get our Beast night ride, but we bounced from the queue. I wouldn't have been surprised if the Fast Lane line was over an hour.

Similarly, we knew we were screwed when we got into Diamondback and saw the FL line about half full. People were sitting on the first set of steps comfortably like they had been there a while. Again, after a few minutes of not moving, we left the queue. The standby line had a healthy amount of movement, and I believe the FL wait would have been over an hour there as well. This dampened the mood a bit. Long waits are way less fun when you find yourself actually not moving. I even heard one dude in the regular queue saying FL looked like it had a longer wait.

I can't remember what we did. We probably had a couple more beers... for $27 for two. Things are going so well. By about 10 PM, we shared a Pizza/Breadstick Larosa combo. It was OK. By that time there were plenty of unattended teens taking advantage of the chaos and not bothering to pay. Cool.

Finally, FL queues cleared out, and before 11 we took our third and final ride on Mystic Timbers and another ride Diamondback. Both are probably my favorite rides in the park. They offer phenomenal night rides, tailing The Beast. Speaking of which, The Beast queue was similar to what it was earlier, which we checked one last time in between Mystic Timbers and Diamondback. Bummer.

We looked around and saw mostly teens, which was one of the reasons to leave. We were out of the parking lot by 11. Things were getting a little obnoxious and we didn't want to feel like total trash on our five hour ride home in the morning.

We had a decent trip, even if the FL waits dampened the mood for a portion of the night. That, and no matter how much I keep trying to kid myself, we're just not into it like we used to be since we had our daughter. We kind of talked about that before Mystic Timbers and Diamondback pepped us up. It was a much needed trip to spend time together alone, but it's just as fun for us to watch Eve ride all of the bullshit kids rides. We'll probably skip The Haunt next year. If we go back to the park, we'll go on a Friday in mid-summer, possibly with our daughter.

On another note, I really tried to like Orion more, but I finally admitted that it just doesn't thrill me compared to Diamondback and Mystic Timbers. It might even be behind (front seat) Banshee. We should have asked for the front, because it's the only place on the train that really does much for me.


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2 hours ago, haydn12 said:

I still prefer Diamondback and Mystic Timbers to Orion.    Orion is still a great ride but it's hard to beat that floater airtime on Diamondback.   Mystic Timbers is crazy in the dark.

Same.  Orion isn't even in my Top 5 at this park.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just curious. Has there been any rumor or hint as to why Don left KI? It may be totally unrelated of course but I couldn't help but wonder if the prospect of the merger factored into the decision. The higher ups at the park must have known it was probably happening months ago. Wondering if this makes the existence of future Coaster Stocks even more unlikely.

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^ I asked that question when I was at the park in August. I was told he left by his own choice. I also got the comment that Coasterstock is very doubtful. in the future.  He was a big part of that.

He's recently been posting on Twitter. Nothing so far about the merger. I don't think he knew about this it  that far in advance. He wasn't that "high up" to be privy to that.. Although, I'm sure it was in the works then. This has got to be one of the biggest well kept secrets...

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7 hours ago, coasternut said:

^ I asked that question when I was at the park in August. I was told he left by his own choice. I also got the comment that Coasterstock is very doubtful. in the future.  He was a big part of that.

He's recently been posting on Twitter. Nothing so far about the merger. I don't think he knew about this it  that far in advance. He wasn't that "high up" to be privy to that.. Although, I'm sure it was in the works then. This has got to be one of the biggest well kept secrets...

Hmmmmm, interesting and good to know. CoasterStock certainly was his personal baby. I remember the first one we went to he was hanging around the entrance to the Beast toward the end of the night, around midnight, and casually asking us all how we liked it, what could be better, any suggestions, etc., etc. Too bad because it really was an awesome event. 

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  • 1 month later...
14 minutes ago, thepoint4life23 said:

I haven't been this year but i have seen pictures. The place looked packed last weekend and the weekend before. Weather looks not to cold so I would say would be pretty busy unless it rains. 

thanks, was kinda figuring the same too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, one day with FL+ will be enough to get all of the credits at KI, and plenty of re-rides too.  FL+ is awesome at this park and puts you in the station on pretty much ride its offered on.

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Unless you want to do the water park, one day is enough. I'd do any day but Saturday and get an Fastlane. (I always forget the "+" is not a thing anymore.)

I'll say that the secret is out with Fastlane here. Even during Haunts we wouldn't have more than a five minute wait. During last year's Haunt we waited 30 minutes for Diamondback, 20 for Orion, and we never ended up riding The Beast. The line was well past the building when we checked several times during the night. We only moved about 20 people in ten minutes. Judging by how fast the standby line was moving, I legitimately think it would have been much faster.

You always get your bang for the buck on Mystic Timbers and Banshee. No matter how busy the day, I've never waited more than 5 minutes. On lesser attractions like Adventure Express and Racer, I've never had more than a one train wait.

If you want the fastest food service, LaRosa's only takes a few minutes. It's a lifesaver after crushing some beers.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

The park announced last week a new Food & Wine Festival running through June 6th - 30th, Fridays and Saturdays with live entertainment as well, I might go and check it out. The new part of Camp Snoopy is set to open here very soon on  the 24th, so can’t wait to check that out as well, it looks great from the pics and videos online.



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