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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Judging by the working model set up at the front of the park, this thing should give somewhere around -10 g's, haha. Although in all seriousness, I would doubt that Diamondback will have any forceful negative g's if the other B&M hypers are any indication. I'm sure it will be a really fun ride, but I would be surprised if there is any serious intensity going over those hills.

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^Have you not ridden Goliath at SFOG?!?...It's amazing and provides plenty of negative g's. I agree with you on the rest of the B&M hypers though...especially Apollo's Chariot which truly was as entertaining as listening to Rihanna sing! (that's a bad thing BTW)

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There was just a TV spot on the news where Don said, "You will be out of your seat 40-50% of the time. We've got the speed, and we've got a LOT of negative g's!"


I really wish this thing would have a lot of negative-g forces. But I'd imagine it's going to be the same old 0 g floater air that B&M is known for.


I'm not sure, Ginzo. Looking at these hills, they look like the might produce some negative g's. I'm hoping for it...and I know that the first drop will deliver!




Is it just me that prefers floater air to abrupt airtime? Abrupt airtime is over to quickly and it can hurt lol.

Floater airtime is just unbeatable, its so fun! Anyone else agree with me here?

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Airtime that hurts is usually blamed on the restraints. Like Magnum. I feel like rolling a towel around the lap bar.


As far as floater air being fun, to me, Goliath/Titan provide the funnest "drawn out" floater air. I wish more companies (B&M included) would use the high-speed/low height/non-steep hill that makes you float for what feels like a long time. I love that hill on Goliath.


Some of the B&M hypers sort of tease you with these big beautiful hills - and if the train was only allowed to go a little faster over them, they would probably provide some amazingly fun airtime (not that they aren't fun already.)



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^^I totally agree that B & M floater air is amazing. I never get tired of it. The feeling of floating over those hills at that height is just amazing. SFOG is my home park and I never get sick of riding Goliath. The airtime is just amazing. Then again I am a B & M hyper fan boy. The only ejector (or adrupt air) I get is over the last few bunny hills where you feel yourself heavily relying on the restraint to keep you in your seat.


BTW, 100th post credit done!

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Yeah, I was under the impression SFOG's Goliath and Behemoth both really out-performed the first gen B&M's when it comes to airtime. Gotta ride Diamondback to know for sure but if the park is touting serious airtime I doubt they'd ask B&M to tone it back down to the levels of the older ones.

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Between the B&M hypers I have ridden (Nitro, Goliath & Apollos Chariot), Goliath is actually one of my least favorite. Like snoosnoo, I really did not find any "ejector" air anymore then Nitro and Apollo. There was a lot of hype over Goliath and it really did not deliver for me sadly. Extremely fun ride don't get me wrong, but just did not give me the "gitty" feeling that Nitro/Apollo give me. But I also much prefer the topography and terrain of those two over Goliath as well, so the scenery is much more interesting to me.


Diamondback, IMO, looks like it will deliver the best of the B&M hypers. A nice secluded run into the woods like Nitro, the terrain hugging of Apollo, and the newer style of Behemoth. I really dig the layout and hope that it delivers a ride as good as it looks.


I plan to be there opening day for that ride! Gives me a reason to actually return to that park. --

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^Have you ridden Goliath at SFOG?^


Yep. I found no ejector at all..


Meanwhile, Georgia Cyclone gave me a nice bit. VERY surprising to be honest. But that is another discussion.


YES! I loved the hell outa Cyclone...back car front seat gave me an awesome ride! Hey, I like 'em a bit rough....the air time was great! It's my #2 woodie.

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I'm just hoping we get the airtime that we need to get on these types of rides. I always find myself lacking whenever I hop on a B&M Hyper.


I really don't think it's going to happen. If they wanted an ejector airtime machine, they would have gone with Intamin. Behemoth doesn't have any ejector air. So, I wouldn't expect Diamondback to radically depart from what B&M has done in the past for CF.


From a park owner's perspective, B&M Mega Coasters probably make more sense. Better capacity, flawless safety record, better restraints, and excellent reliability.


Here's to hoping that Holiday World loves Pilgrim's Plunge and continues their relationship with Intamin in the form of a Mega Lite. Seems like a great steel coaster is desperately needed there to round out their park.

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Well I never said I wanted ejector.. although it is something I do fancy over floater.


This ride just lacks what a few of the others do have, including both Goliaths.. massive amounts of airtime hills. Twists.. turns.. yeah, thats all good.. but Raging Bull has a lot of those..

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^Have you not ridden Goliath at SFOG?!?...It's amazing and provides plenty of negative g's. I agree with you on the rest of the B&M hypers though...especially Apollo's Chariot which truly was as entertaining as listening to Rihanna sing! (that's a bad thing BTW)


Sorry, I missed this post and didn't respond.


Yes, SFOG was my homepark for two years. I love Goliath, but I think you need to learn the difference between negative G's and floater airtime. It really is an awesome coaster, but in terms of G forces it flutters around zero on the hills.

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Seems like a great steel coaster is desperately needed there to round out their park.


Not really. I'm sure there are plenty of enthusiasts who would like to see HW build a major steel coaster but the park has been insanely successful for quite a while, with their attendance growing by leaps and bounds over the past decade. I'm sure if you're a fan of such rides it would be more than welcome, but "desperately needed"? Not anywhere close.

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^Are we talking about HW or KI?


In the case of HW, I agree.. they don't need a big steel. They are doing just fine.


In the case of KI, I think it was desperately needed. Their selection, along with most Paramount parks, never really had a big signature attraction. For KI, this is it.

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Not really. I'm sure there are plenty of enthusiasts who would like to see HW build a major steel coaster but the park has been insanely successful for quite a while, with their attendance growing by leaps and bounds over the past decade. I'm sure if you're a fan of such rides it would be more than welcome, but "desperately needed"? Not anywhere close.


Note that they've been steadily and smartly adding stuff to the park as their attendance grew. Voyage took them to over a million guests for the first time. But, to me, the park is a victim of it's own success in that on a busy day they don't seem to have the capacity to really push the guests through some of the attractions in a reasonable amount of time. I've waited over an hour for water slides countless times there.


Also, the non-water park section still seems a bit thin for such a highly-acclaimed park. The last thing they need is to be that smaller park with huge lines and not much to do. So, yeah, I still think they need a world class steelie, badly.


Oh yeah, and they're also charging big park prices now on admission. So why not some big park rides?

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If you've waited over an hour for waterslides countless times then it sounds like they need to expand capacity in the water park (which, hey, is exactly what they're doing this year). And I'd very much agree based on my visit this year. To me it's one of the best water parks in the world and even with all of the incredible slides lines can still get long, but I'm not sure how a large steel coaster would directly address that, or necessarily do it better than anything else.


As for your last point...their price point is determined by where their profits are, not by what other rides other parks have. If they're getting along fine without a major steel coaster, and there doesn't seem to be huge demand for it over other potential attractions, why bother? It seems the only people who especially care are enthusiasts. The GP is voting with their feet - the park is doing gangbusters without a major steel coaster and if people really felt the park was so lacking I don't think they'd be doing the business they'd be doing.


Apologies for getting this off track but when HW feels the need to build a major steel coaster, I'm sure they'll do it. It seems like for the most part their business decisions have been close to solid gold for quite a while, but I don't think building something just for the benefit of a small group of enthusiasts is the right way to go.


In OTHER NEWS, to keep this post a least a little on topic, I was at Great Wolf Lodge this weekend and DBack does indeed look spectacular. Really towers over everything, it's an incredibly impressive looking coaster even from the parking lot. Of course the lift and 2nd hill are huge but that third camel back is really surprisingly prominent on the landscape. I'm sure the next few elements will be as well.

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