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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I'll return the favor.


I heard that about you, James.


More seriously, let me know if this happens and I'll try to make it out. After having seen the Knex model at the front of the park, I'm more excited about this ride than I thought I was going to be.

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You know, from the webcam views, it looks like the almost have all the track pieces in place. I wonder if they get in completed, if they will do a little testing before we get our great Ohio winter? I can't imagine getting all the pieces together and not cycling the trains a few times....

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I'll return the favor.


I heard that about you, James.



You've never had any complaints, Joe!! Yeah, it would be a cool little reunion, although I haven't been with you and Chuck at the same time before... I guess it's still a reunion in the broad sense of the word.


I'll let you know, James. It's all in the "preliminary musing" stage now, but I did spring for a pass to all Cedar Fair parks for next season. May as well get my money's worth.

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You know, from the webcam views, it looks like the almost have all the track pieces in place. I wonder if they get in completed, if they will do a little testing before we get our great Ohio winter? I can't imagine getting all the pieces together and not cycling the trains a few times....


I don't know what web cam you're viewing but the track pieces are not even close to being all in place. There's a long way to go before this coaster is complete.


It looks amazing so far.

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jamesdillaman wrote:

ginzo wrote:

jamesdillaman wrote:

I'll return the favor.



I heard that about you, James.





You've never had any complaints, Joe!! Yeah, it would be a cool little reunion, although I haven't been with you and Chuck at the same time before... I guess it's still a reunion in the broad sense of the word.



I'll let you know, James. It's all in the "preliminary musing" stage now, but I did spring for a pass to all Cedar Fair parks for next season. May as well get my money's worth.


Guys, not to be a party crasher, but I've also been kicking around doing KI, SFKK, and Holiday World, or maybe Great Wolf and KI, at least. If you all decide and can use one more for the merriment, I'd be happy to make the drive.

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You know, from the webcam views, it looks like the almost have all the track pieces in place. I wonder if they get in completed, if they will do a little testing before we get our great Ohio winter? I can't imagine getting all the pieces together and not cycling the trains a few times....


Even if the track were complete, they would still have all the electrical,etc to do. It would probably be at least a month or two after track complete before test cycles could start.

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I don't care if they finished building it or not, I wanna go on it Really great photos


Yeah sure...just be sure to bring your Thrillville: Off the Rails parachute so you can safely land when the train crashes at the end of the track. And rest assured that it won't explode into flames because this isn't RCT.

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Guys, not to be a party crasher, but I've also been kicking around doing KI, SFKK, and Holiday World, or maybe Great Wolf and KI, at least. If you all decide and can use one more for the merriment, I'd be happy to make the drive.


Will there be special guest appearances from the mullet and keytar?

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TheRapidsNerd wrote:

Guys, not to be a party crasher, but I've also been kicking around doing KI, SFKK, and Holiday World, or maybe Great Wolf and KI, at least. If you all decide and can use one more for the merriment, I'd be happy to make the drive.



Will there be special guest appearances from the mullet and keytar?


I think I can arrange something...if properly swayed by a good local wings place.

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