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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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That's not quite right. That yellow support on the left will be the TALLEST support on the coaster, and will be right before the peak, not after the peak.


Anyway, bunch of good pics from today: http://www.kiextreme.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=361



Overbank turnaround location


Ravine progress



Bottom of the first drop



Massive lift climbing


Aerial overview

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All construction tour photos here: http://www.kiextreme.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=362


Almost to the top. Tallest support is in place, now to get the peak track installed...


Massive lift towering over the park, as seen from by the front gate


Giant crane with the tallest lift hill support behind it


Money shot!




"deadman" footer for the hammerhead


Another look at the second drop pullout


Back in the hammerhead turn area


Bottom of the second hill will go through here


Looking across the ravine from the back road


Support for the helix into the MCBR

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If we're talking strictly hypercoasters (200-299 feet) I have no doubt it will be the best in Ohio. But if we're talking best coaster-over-200-feet hyper, I don't think it'll be the best in Ohio, simply because of MF's first drop.


I could definitely see this as being one of the best coasters in the Midwest even. This ride is gonna have airtime, and a lot of it. I can't wait for Opening Day '09.

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Midwest includes Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa. It goes back to a time when Illinois, etc. was as far as the country went.


Oh, and since this one will have a LOT more drops than MF, if it has any halfway decent air, I may actually enjoy it more...


-James Dillaman

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Midwest includes Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa. It goes back to a time when Illinois, etc. was as far as the country went.


Oh, and since this one will have a LOT more drops than MF, if it has any halfway decent air, I may actually enjoy it more...


-James Dillaman


The "Midwest" is only what each person perceives it to be, it isn't a defined area.

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215' drop at a 74* angle followed by 7 more airtime hills sounds good enough to put it above Millennium!


They are getting ready to top off the lift..


Can you spot the new piece?


Looking toward te construction


Already getting set for a new Beast entrance as the final helix goes in

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^^Not quite.

The Midwestern United States (also called the Midwest, the Middle West, and The Heartland) is one of the four geographic regions within the United States of America that are officially recognized by the United States Census Bureau. The region consists of twelve states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

On another note, I felt a bit depressed seeing that second picture ^. I really hope they replace those trees.


But yay for the top of the lift! And as much as I love Millie's drop, I think a mile of airtime hills will outweigh one prolonged "HOLY SHIT!" moment.

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Millie's drop is like, long and well, it takes a bit to get from the top of the lift down to 80*; it's not too much of a sudden drop.....Diamondback's is. It's going to be like...YANK! Haha...I can't really describe it, you just have to see how it looks! It's going to be great.

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Midwest includes Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa. It goes back to a time when Illinois, etc. was as far as the country went.


Oh, and since this one will have a LOT more drops than MF, if it has any halfway decent air, I may actually enjoy it more...


-James Dillaman


The "Midwest" is only what each person perceives it to be, it isn't a defined area.


You're just mad because I forgot Kansas. I'm sorry, Kansas is also in the midwest, which as stated in the article I linked too, is a specific geographic region outlined by the united states census bureau.

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