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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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B&M are the only company that do these mega-loopers (correctly). For that reason alone theyll always be relevant in the market in my opinion. But even more significant is B&M's ability to innovate. In just about 20 years the company has come up with eight (by my count, correct me if Im wrong) different styles of roller coasters, all of which have been met with massiv success...what other coaster company has that amount of marketable variety in their catalogue?


First off I agree B&M as a company now doesn't need launches, They are doing very well.


But Your statement about other company's variety in products have to disagree. If were talking about in terms of most offerings, I would give that to Intamin, Mack, and Zamperla They offer not just a variety of different coaster styles but as well as a huge selection of Flats. If you were talking just in coasters, Intamin or Vekoma would be my picks. According to there websites Vekoma has 10 different styles of coasters while Intamin has 26 styles (water coaster Included). but If you want to go off how the trains are set up like how B&M is then just for the sake of typing I'll write down the different styles of Intamin provides, Half Wing Style, Sitdown OTSR, Sitdown Lapbar, Spinning Coaster, Mine Train Coaster, Wing coaster, Half Pipe, Zach Spin, Wooden Coaster, AquatraX, Inverted, and Motobike. While not every single product hasn't had the success of B&M's products I don't see many people (enthusiasts and GP) wanting to go back to CP (for example ) For Raptor, Mantis, or Gatekeeper. So in terms of success differs whether your saying whose sold more or what people like. Not to 8 of the top 12 in Mitch hawkers 2012 steel poll were Intamin and 2 B&M or on the 2013 wooden coaster poll 3 in the top 10.


Oops, double post.

Edited by OrlandoGuy
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B&M are the only company that do these mega-loopers (correctly). For that reason alone theyll always be relevant in the market in my opinion. But even more significant is B&M's ability to innovate. In just about 20 years the company has come up with eight (by my count, correct me if Im wrong) different styles of roller coasters, all of which have been met with massiv success...what other coaster company has that amount of marketable variety in their catalogue?


First off I agree B&M as a company now doesn't need launches, They are doing very well.


But Your statement about other company's variety in products have to disagree. If were talking about in terms of most offerings, I would give that to Intamin, Mack, and Zamperla They offer not just a variety of different coaster styles but as well as a huge selection of Flats. If you were talking just in coasters, Intamin or Vekoma would be my picks. According to there websites Vekoma has 10 different styles of coasters while Intamin has 26 styles (water coaster Included). but If you want to go off how the trains are set up like how B&M is then just for the sake of typing I'll write down the different styles of Intamin provides, Half Wing Style, Sitdown OTSR, Sitdown Lapbar, Spinning Coaster, Mine Train Coaster, Wing coaster, Half Pipe, Zach Spin, Wooden Coaster, AquatraX, Inverted, and Motobike. While not every single product hasn't had the success of B&M's products I don't see many people (enthusiasts and GP) wanting to go back to CP (for example ) For Raptor, Mantis, or Gatekeeper. So in terms of success differs whether your saying whose sold more or what people like. Not to 8 of the top 12 in Mitch hawkers 2012 steel poll were Intamin and 2 B&M or on the 2013 wooden coaster poll 3 in the top 10.


The key to my statement was the word "success". Sure, Intamin offers a lot of different styles, but how many of them are actually solid products? Zac Spins get very mixed reviews and have low capacity and few installations. They only have 1 wing style (FB, which is apparently unbearably bumpy), one half-wing (Skyrush, another allegedly painful experience), and the spinning coaster/mine train/inverted coasters are dominated by other manufactrers. What Intamin does best (and has the most of) are blitzes, mega-lites, accelerators, amd gigas...but even then, hypers/gigas/blitzes/mega-lites are practically the same ride, just with different sizes. Sure, you can list all the different coaster types they OFFER, but if they actually install very few of them with true success, then the argument is moot. Sure, Intamin offers different vehicles, but they usually dont change the ride experience for the better.

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Love the first drop and 2nd vertical loop, not sure about the rest

Oh, wow. You've ridden it already?


Not trying to be rude, but shouldn't we stop trying to judge a ride before it even opens?


So I guess I should've just watched the vid and shut my mouth like a good boy huh?


No that video have us an idea what the ride will be like, how ever there are some factors to place into your mind before we assume the ride will be forceless.


The camera used, the distance the ride is from camera, the true size of the ride. We don't have an specifics and this can obscure our perception of the ride.


I think we can tell more once the pov comes out.


Very true. Not sure why that other poster had to be so aggressive as if he swiped his own debit card to pay for Banshee

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The GP as a whole likes fun rides, not intense.


Why do people insist on spouting baseless nonsense? This is misinformation, plain and simple, and the only reason it's ever posted is to try and defend sucky, mediocre rides. Find me hard data, statistics to back up this supposed fact, and then we'll talk. Until then, I'm going to stick with "The GP likes big shiny coasters, and will ride them whether they're incredible or ride like a monorail.'

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B&M are the only company that do these mega-loopers (correctly). For that reason alone theyll always be relevant in the market in my opinion. But even more significant is B&M's ability to innovate. In just about 20 years the company has come up with eight (by my count, correct me if Im wrong) different styles of roller coasters, all of which have been met with massiv success...what other coaster company has that amount of marketable variety in their catalogue?


First off I agree B&M as a company now doesn't need launches, They are doing very well.


But Your statement about other company's variety in products have to disagree. If were talking about in terms of most offerings, I would give that to Intamin, Mack, and Zamperla They offer not just a variety of different coaster styles but as well as a huge selection of Flats. If you were talking just in coasters, Intamin or Vekoma would be my picks. According to there websites Vekoma has 10 different styles of coasters while Intamin has 26 styles (water coaster Included). but If you want to go off how the trains are set up like how B&M is then just for the sake of typing I'll write down the different styles of Intamin provides, Half Wing Style, Sitdown OTSR, Sitdown Lapbar, Spinning Coaster, Mine Train Coaster, Wing coaster, Half Pipe, Zach Spin, Wooden Coaster, AquatraX, Inverted, and Motobike. While not every single product hasn't had the success of B&M's products I don't see many people (enthusiasts and GP) wanting to go back to CP (for example ) For Raptor, Mantis, or Gatekeeper. So in terms of success differs whether your saying whose sold more or what people like. Not to 8 of the top 12 in Mitch hawkers 2012 steel poll were Intamin and 2 B&M or on the 2013 wooden coaster poll 3 in the top 10.


The key to my statement was the word "success". Sure, Intamin offers a lot of different styles, but how many of them are actually solid products? Zac Spins get very mixed reviews and have low capacity and few installations. They only have 1 wing style (FB, which is apparently unbearably bumpy), one half-wing (Skyrush, another allegedly painful experience), and the spinning coaster/mine train/inverted coasters are dominated by other manufactrers. What Intamin does best (and has the most of) are blitzes, mega-lites, accelerators, amd gigas...but even then, hypers/gigas/blitzes/mega-lites are practically the same ride, just with different sizes. Sure, you can list all the different coaster types they OFFER, but if they actually install very few of them with true success, then the argument is moot. Sure, Intamin offers different vehicles, but they usually dont change the ride experience for the better.


I believe that when you get too many choices, it's very stupid to stick to a particular coaster type. The amount of drop tower types that Intamin offers is already catching up with B&M's total coaster types.


On the other hand, Miler's kiddie coasters and Zamperla's family coasters are all over the place but it doesn't means that they are good coasters.

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^Based on that footage, Banshee will be so fast and forceful that it might kill people. Must be B&M sticking it to the enthusiasts who think their coasters aren't forceful enough.




(just a small amount of sarcasm)

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Anyone know the guys name to the right of Don? I assume he is a electrical engineer from B&M as he was running Gatekeeper manually on media Day.

That's Walt, the B&M field guy. He's not electrical though, he's there to make sure the ride runs correctly during testing and the first couple weeks of operation. Really nice dude.

Edited by traincrossin
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This weeks time lapse video. Week 34 (03/17/14 - 03/23/14):



Hey man would you mind delving into how you make these time-lapse? I know how to make one in general, but how do you rip the images, consistently, from the web?


If not that's cool thanks for the vids!

I created a custom VBScript that goes out and pulls the the images from the site. I think there are programs out there that do the same thing, but I wanted it to be fully customization.

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^I think that is the most possible reason why that piece of track is missing, although my first guess would be that there was something wrong with that piece and the crew decided to remove it, take it to their workshops, and fix it. I'm sure that whatever the reason, they'll put it back before the Bat begins flying once more.

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