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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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As for your question of any Batman clones being closed down, that's sort of silly as ridership has to do with capacity, and they are still running at capacity as are most major rides at Six Flags parks, however if you did a line wait study of the average wait to go on those particular rides, they are definitely not as popular as they once were. From what I have seen, the "forceless" B&M rides have had a much less measured drop off so far. We'll see if that stays, but it is interesting none the less and something that parks do examine.


I don't really think this is a fair argument to make, though. In general, most Batman clones reside in parks that have since built multiple signature attractions, so these coasters aren't main draws anymore. However, the larger, less forceful inverts, like Silver Bullet, Afterburn, Flight Deck, ect. are still some of the signature attractions in their respective parks, and therefore have retained more of their ridership.

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However, the larger, less forceful inverts, like Silver Bullet, Afterburn, Flight Deck, ect. are still some of the signature attractions in their respective parks, and therefore have retained more of their ridership.

Weren't rides like flight deck and afterburn still considered old school (especially flight deck)? I've never been on either but that's what I thought.

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I was just naming a few of the larger, more spread out inverts. You're right that Flight Deck is older...but I mean, only 3 new inverts have been built in the US since 2000, so I'm not really sure what our definition of "new school" would be.

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However, the larger, less forceful inverts, like Silver Bullet, Afterburn, Flight Deck, ect. are still some of the signature attractions in their respective parks, and therefore have retained more of their ridership.

Weren't rides like flight deck and afterburn still considered old school (especially flight deck)? I've never been on either but that's what I thought.


CGA's Flight Deck is forceless?

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However, the larger, less forceful inverts, like Silver Bullet, Afterburn, Flight Deck, ect. are still some of the signature attractions in their respective parks, and therefore have retained more of their ridership.

Weren't rides like flight deck and afterburn still considered old school (especially flight deck)? I've never been on either but that's what I thought.


CGA's Flight Deck is forceless?


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This board definitely needs a "bull poo-poo" smiley.


I approve.

How's this?



After looking at the recent construction, I can't tell if that Zero-G roll looks more or less interesting than previous inverts. It may swing outwards more than the last one, which might generate much more lateral g's no matter what seat you're in, but it just looks... off. Really off.


I can't wait to see construction start on the in-line roll, though. That'll be cool.

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However, the larger, less forceful inverts, like Silver Bullet, Afterburn, Flight Deck, ect. are still some of the signature attractions in their respective parks, and therefore have retained more of their ridership.

Weren't rides like flight deck and afterburn still considered old school (especially flight deck)? I've never been on either but that's what I thought.


CGA's Flight Deck is forceless?


Yeah, wtf... Same with Afterburn. That ride has grey-out forces. I loved it when I rode it this summer.


There are only a few tame B&M inverts. Right now I can only think of Silver Bullet and Patriot.

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Just some more speculation, but how do you think the new Wing Coaster type restraints on Banshee will affect the floatiness achieved in the zero-g roll? That is usually my favorite part of riding any invert, and it looks like it will pretty much be eliminated by how securely these restraints are designed to keep you in your seat.



As long as they're the modified restraints where the restraint locks but the vest doesn't, you should be fine. Instead of it feeling like your shoulders are getting crushed, you might feel just a bit of pressure around your waist.

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^ Alpengeist is another one that's considered forceless due to it's drawn out inversions.

Alpengeist is a little less forceful in terms of extremes, but the slightly lower forces are sustained a little bit longer than usual each time. I would definitely NOT consider it forceless, by ANY measure.

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The thing is, the word forceless wasn't used when this conversation was initiated. Just less forceful than the Batman clones. I think it would be unfair (and incorrect) to consider any B&M invert "forceless."

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I've actually been to Hershey twice and Great Bear is one of my favorite inverts because of its setting and unique sequence of elements...haha. While I think the last fourth of the ride is quite boring, I love the rest of it and I didn't feel like it was void of forces. Oh well.


I believe the only custom invert that I have yet to ride in the US is Patriot. I'm a pretty big fan of the model.

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Every time I've been on Great Bear (which is quite a few times) I've definitely felt some forces, especially on that initial helix way up in the air. And while yes, the last bit of the ride is rather uninteresting, there really is nothing else B&M would have been able to do. They had to thread the ride back to the station through SDL and Coal Cracker and its own supports, and they didn't get permission by the township to place any supports in the creek. I'm impressed that they were able to do that in the first place.

The placement of the photo at the very end is indeed stupid. But B&M didn't have anything to do with that I think.

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I personally think people tend to associate forcefulness with pacing. They do go hand in hand, but every roller coaster has forces. Duh. The ones people do consider to be "forceless" are the ones that seem to be slowly paced, with drawn out elements and action-less moments. Of course coasters that are more tightly knit do generate higher forces for obvious reasons, but coasters like Alpengeist do also generate those forces, just out of sheer size, and for that reason the elements seem slow and drawn out, which translates to "forceless" or more appropriate... "boring."


The only concern I really have with Banshee's layout as far as satisfying my own likes and dislikes would be the ending. From the POVs it looks like the final helix will still have some good pacing to it, but B&M's recent history shows an inability to actually finish a roller coaster...I hope this coaster brings them out of that slump. Perhaps I will just have to visit on a hot wind-less day.

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I personally think people tend to associate forcefulness with pacing.

Totally agree. I've always thought "forceless" was a very inaccurate term. Pacing is what really separates the good coasters from the great coasters.


Yes, Banshee's elements are quite large, which could translate to slow pacing, but at the same time, this will be the fastest inverted coaster in the world at 68 mph, and that speed won't even be reached until the bottom of the batwing. If nothing else, the speed alone will probably give a nice thrill and will hopefully help with the pacing of the ride.


Personally, the new restraints don't bother me that much (tightening issue aside). I'm not a stickler for having that little bit of wiggle room that most of us here seem to want. Most of the time I can feel airtime whether I'm actually moving around in the seat or not.


As a long-time visitor of Kings Island (I'm practically a local there), I'm VERY much looking forward to having Banshee regardless since now Kings Island will finally have a quality B&M invert that I can ride over and over.

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As a long-time visitor of Kings Island (I'm practically a local there), I'm VERY much looking forward to having Banshee regardless since now Kings Island will finally have a quality B&M invert that I can ride over and over.


Precisely. It's great to see Cedar Fair and Kings Island investing so much in a fine coaster like Banshee. Not only is it a nice looking coaster, it will definitely improve the capacity of the park. Kings Island gets nearly the same attendance Cedar Point gets, but lacks the large amount of capacity machines the Point has. I'm very excited to see this ride once it opens in Spring, it will have such a positive impact.

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Whether Banshee provides mind numbing grey out forces or not, there is no doubt in my mind it is going to be a great Ride. It seems to be getting so many negative reviews, and its not even finished yet. I for one am looking forward to it immensely.

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Whether Banshee provides mind numbing grey out forces or not, there is no doubt in my mind it is going to be a great Ride. It seems to be getting so many negative reviews, and its not even finished yet. I for one am looking forward to it immensely.


Getting a grey out doesn't make for a good ride. People are weird if they think that. I don't need to feel like I just got out of a larger washer and dryer when I get off a ride in order to say is good. I like speed and smoothness and so does most people that aren't on TPR. Not one friend of mine liked any Batman clones over Raptor. Not one. Everyone got off saying how rough it was. Only here, do I see the praise for it.

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What makes you say the general public doesn't want that? Have any of the Batman clones been closed down due to declining ridership?


I don't see this happening in the foreseeable future. The rides are still very popular, they're as smooth as ever and are generally very reliable. Plus, since most Six Flags parks already have them they can't even move them to other parks.


Sorry but I see no point in this at all, they're still great rides. In my opinion the lines have just gotten shorter because the parks keep adding more and more rides so people don't need to keep re-riding the same ones as often throughout the course of the day. Pretty much every 10-20 year old ride at a Six Flags park has a shorter line now than it did when it opened.

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^Except Raging Bull. or V2. or SFGAm Viper...


That's why I said "pretty much every ride", because there are always exceptions especially with hypercoasters like Raging Bull because as long as a ride is the tallest coaster in the park people will always be drawn to it.

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