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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I got it too, but proceeded anyways and it seems to be fine.

This is going to be an added water splash, just like Diamondback!

All backseat riders will wear special boots and be told to hold their feet down firmly or else it won't work properly.


Coaster still looks pretty fun to me, and I forgot that its fastest point won't be the bottom of the first drop.

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Keep in mind, they are going to have to have a little additional clearance for any unforeseen wild life wondering under the track.


Trenches or landscaping will not ruin the ride experience.


It ruined my day when I was unsuccessful at avoiding a squirrel while driving. I can't imagine how inadvertently punting a chipmunk across the park would devastate me.

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If there is some digging that will have to come, I hope they make it look as natural as possible. Slopes rather than ditches, and please not concrete!


Am I the only one who thinks concrete trenches look cool on inverted coasters?


I don't really like them on any coaster, I'm guessing because they don't look natural.

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^I think rides like Montu can get away with them due to the Egyptian theming, but only if they paint them the same colors and make them look like underground chambers.

On Kraken I loved the head choppers, but the cement trench was ugly in my opinion.

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I too think concrete trenches look odd. They seem to me that either, 1, oops! we miscalculated on the drop and had to dig down to compensate, or mostly, 2,) we ran out of money to finish the roof on what was supposed to be an underground tunnel. A natural grass depression is by far scarier to me while riding. It really gives a much better low to the ground or terrain feeling.

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Keep in mind, they are going to have to have a little additional clearance for any unforeseen wild life wondering under the track.


Trenches or landscaping will not ruin the ride experience.


It ruined my day when I was unsuccessful at avoiding a squirrel while driving. I can't imagine how inadvertently punting a chipmunk across the park would devastate me.


Not to mention it might break your foot.

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^ But I always wanted to decapitate wildlife on an inverted coaster.... I'd rather see them landscape it because it would look a lot nicer than trenches.


Didn't this happen here in California in the last couple of years? Except instead of wildlife it was a dude trying to retrieve his hat?

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^ But I always wanted to decapitate wildlife on an inverted coaster.... I'd rather see them landscape it because it would look a lot nicer than trenches.


Didn't this happen here in California in the last couple of years? Except instead of wildlife it was a dude trying to retrieve his hat?


Yeah, it happened on CGA's Top Gun some time ago (and SFMM's Ninja for that matter, too).

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I know this is sorta old, but it's the sort of thing that I generally randomly pop up, see, correct, and then return to my hole after reading...


The reason why Batman and Raptor feel "intense" is because of the short periods of high negative Gs that accompany every single element, coming at you quickly one after another, meaning you don't have time to anticipate every single one.


Actually, Batman and Raptor (and all inverts really) are positive G machines, they pretty much never pull negative Gs. I would also argue that those rides don't have short periods of high positive Gs, they have prolonged periods of high positive Gs - on the Batman rides as an example, the first time you stop pulling high positive Gs on the ride comes after the second loop is over.


A couple moments of force won't save Banshee because force isn't the only thing that makes a ride good, it's about pacing. Now, take the seven inversions on Montu and stretch it out over another two hundred feet of track, and do you think the pacing gets faster, more exciting?


While I agree to an extent here, you have to remember that this is a little taller meaning that the elements will come quicker, and that Banshee is not using a midcourse break, so where Montu wastes let's call is 100 feet on going straight, Banshee doesn't bother doing that. I don't think it will be very forceful, but I think it will definitely be a decent ride. And, while I like walking off Batman with tingly feet like a lot of people on here do, I don't think that the general public is wanting that out of a ride. Comfort is a much higher priority then for King's Island.

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I know this is sorta old, but it's the sort of thing that I generally randomly pop up, see, correct, and then return to my hole after reading...


The reason why Batman and Raptor feel "intense" is because of the short periods of high negative Gs that accompany every single element, coming at you quickly one after another, meaning you don't have time to anticipate every single one.


Actually, Batman and Raptor (and all inverts really) are positive G machines, they pretty much never pull negative Gs. I would also argue that those rides don't have short periods of high positive Gs, they have prolonged periods of high positive Gs - on the Batman rides as an example, the first time you stop pulling high positive Gs on the ride comes after the second loop is over.


That was a typo, I can assure you I know the difference between positive and negative Gs. To me the variations in intensity feel short and fast, though you are pulling some amount pretty much the whole time. I can't remember any moment on an invert that feels like a long single moment of positive Gs like Nitro's death helix.


A couple moments of force won't save Banshee because force isn't the only thing that makes a ride good, it's about pacing. Now, take the seven inversions on Montu and stretch it out over another two hundred feet of track, and do you think the pacing gets faster, more exciting?


While I agree to an extent here, you have to remember that this is a little taller meaning that the elements will come quicker, and that Banshee is not using a midcourse break, so where Montu wastes let's call is 100 feet on going straight, Banshee doesn't bother doing that. I don't think it will be very forceful, but I think it will definitely be a decent ride. And, while I like walking off Batman with tingly feet like a lot of people on here do, I don't think that the general public is wanting that out of a ride. Comfort is a much higher priority then for King's Island.


What makes you say the general public doesn't want that? Have any of the Batman clones been closed down due to declining ridership?

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