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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Ok, yes, the first drop looks pretty sick. That's as far as I'll go. It's difficult to compare Raptor and Banshee based off of off ride shots since the shaping is so utterly different. So many more flater, straighter sections of track on Raptor, where as Banshee is basically always curving. But if you look at the inversions themselves, like the zero G roll, you can see Banshee's are larger and more drawn-out.

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My favorite aspect of this picture is how you can tell the terrain drops off in the background. That'll look really cool once track construction resumes!


Take a look at B&MBoy1982's pic to see how the terrain really drops though. The Zero-G roll would be off to the right and the "pretzel" element will be down to the left. That thing is going to be screaming down that hill, and that should be where it hits top speed, should give tons of force to the "pretzel."


The batwing as Kings Island is calling it will be located between where the crane is, and Adventure Express to the right of this photo.


Only thing missing on this tour was a sled!

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^ I really liked the colors in the rendering, BUT, I can certainly see how they would get old.

My same feelings. Seeing as how Cedar Fair doesn't really change the complete color scheme very much it will probably stay this color for its long life..


The brilliant, "shiny" magenta color probably won't last too long. Once the paint starts to dull a bit, I'm sure it'll resemble more of the basic, pinkish color of the renderings.

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^I don't think they were really missing the inverted piece, with 2 inverts and a suspended already there. Yes Banshee is on a completely different scale and will most likely be so much better but I was hoping for something else...just not a wing rider. Now I'm not complaining, I'm excited for Banshee but before the announcement I was hoping for a dive machine into the valley, thought it might be cool, plus I've never been on one yet

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^I don't think they were really missing the inverted piece, with 2 inverts and a suspended already there. Yes Banshee is on a completely different scale and will most likely be so much better but I was hoping for something else...just not a wing rider. Now I'm not complaining, I'm excited for Banshee but before the announcement I was hoping for a dive machine into the valley, thought it might be cool, plus I've never been on one yet


If it does turn out that the only good part of the ride is the first drop, then you'll basically be getting the dive machine experience anyway.

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^I don't think they were really missing the inverted piece, with 2 inverts and a suspended already there. Yes Banshee is on a completely different scale and will most likely be so much better but I was hoping for something else...just not a wing rider. Now I'm not complaining, I'm excited for Banshee but before the announcement I was hoping for a dive machine into the valley, thought it might be cool, plus I've never been on one yet


If it does turn out that the only good part of the ride is the first drop, then you'll basically be getting the dive machine experience anyway.


That is the part I am looking forward to the most.


^^ Plenty of clearance......


Nope, no digging needed! haha

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Just wait and see. The actual coaster can be a lot different from it in the commercial/stimulator. Remember how people think SkyRush would be a rather relaxing and family oriented ride when it first announced?



Oooooooo! I want a commercial stimulator. Depending on your partner, and the way you like it, it could be very forceful.



I LOL'd.


Am I the only one who's imagined a coaster with vibrators in the seats that changed intensity depending on the speed of the ride? With the tallest, fastest drop saved for the very end? Probably. I do have a very, very filthy mind.



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Not entirely true.. the bottom of the first drop is at the top of the hill... standard landscaping skills will allow for a slanted hill that will allow the water the naturally run off...



I don't think we will see concrete... if we were going to, we would have already seen it...

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If there is some digging that will have to come, I hope they make it look as natural as possible. Slopes rather than ditches, and please not concrete!


Am I the only one who thinks concrete trenches look cool on inverted coasters?

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