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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Great progress on Banshee. It's shaping up to be one good looking coaster.


Man, Kings Island is really hauling A$$ on construction with this. Looking great so far.


Cedar Fair needs to teach SFMM a thing or 2 about early construction.



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Anyone want to go to the park tonight? I want to get some pictures of this!

I have to work so I can't, but I'd love to see a picture of the skyline with Banshee's hill up to see how it'll change the way it looks from far away. As horrible of a ride as it was, I really feel like the park lacks a skyline with it gone, even with Diamondback. They'll need something that looks pretty nice to bring that back.


Sadly, due to how big the apex of the hill is, I doubt there's much airtime in the back on the drop.


About ride programming, I noticed on GateKeeper that the train dispatched slowly and engaged onto the lift slowly, but once the train was all on, the lift hill kicked up the speed and pulled you up pretty fast. Could we expect to see the same for Banshee? I rode GateKeeper and Wild Eagle both this season but I didn't notice it on Wild Eagle.


And this is just a nerdy little Jarrett thing, but I love the sound wing coasters make when they leave or enter the station going over the sensors. That "clang...clang...clang...clang" noise I noticed on both Eagle and GateKeeper, if you know what I'm talking about. I recently noticed that Diamondback makes the same noise, but much quieter. I feel like Diamondback's is muffled on all sides by the station trough on the bottom and sides, but the wing coasters don't have anything to muffle them on the sides but the seats, hence the louder clangs. I haven't been on an invert in a while but do they make that noise when they dispatch? I'd like to see it on Banshee, wonder I'd the new trains will allow it.

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^Correct. B&M lifts have 3 speeds. The lift will idle with no train present and then speed up slightly once a train begins to be dispatched that way the chain is moving at the same speed as the train so it engages the chain smoothly. Once the last car of the train is on the lift the lift will speed up to full speed.


You'll also notice B&Ms have what are called feeder motors (Image below) that run at the same speed as the lift chain so that the engagement is smooth.


Leviathan via

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I knew about the feeder motors, I just didn't notice the slight kick we got on GateKeeper. As much as I'll like Banshee now, I still wish that lift pullover was a bit less sharp. Forces aren't a HUGE thing for me, but I do like sitting in the back of most B&Ms to get that pop of air going over the lift. Though it's still fun on Wild Eagle and Diamondback.

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And this is just a nerdy little Jarrett thing, but I love the sound wing coasters make when they leave or enter the station going over the sensors. That "clang...clang...clang...clang" noise I noticed on both Eagle and GateKeeper, if you know what I'm talking about. I recently noticed that Diamondback makes the same noise, but much quieter. I feel like Diamondback's is muffled on all sides by the station trough on the bottom and sides, but the wing coasters don't have anything to muffle them on the sides but the seats, hence the louder clangs. I haven't been on an invert in a while but do they make that noise when they dispatch? I'd like to see it on Banshee, wonder I'd the new trains will allow it.


I also like that noise. Many B&Ms do it, some louder than others, though. Gatekeeper was the loudest one I rode. I found it funny that when I was riding Dragon Khan, which also makes some noise (although less than Gatekeeper) when entering the station, that the ride ops would clap along with the "clang" sound. I nearly found myself clapping too.

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