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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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^ For Club TPR you get a 1 year membership when you sign up. So if you signed up today, you would be a Club TPR member and get all the perks until Sept. 22 of 2014. Club TPR is a bargain, you should definitely join though, it's totally worth it.

Definitely joining so I can do this, I was just wondering if we needed to sign up for media day or anything so they know how much food to make, how to schedule it, ect. I've been to a VIP event at Kings Island once for my dad's work and loved it and I'd love to go to another one to ride this awesome new coaster. I just want to wait until this season is over to regist


Regarding my comment about Wild Eagle earlier, what I was saying is that I had ridden mostly towards the front the first few times and found that it lacked forces, and then rode in the back right and found that it was just a bit more intense. But when I rode in the back on the left... OMG!!! For some reason this seat felt like it was in a whole new league of intensity compared to the rest of the coaster. That ride resulted in a lot of loud commentary from me because I was so surprised to be getting such an intense ride on what I thought was a tame coaster. It was the only time I ever had an issue with stapling and I honestly found it slightly difficult to keep my hands up on the eight curve. So I don't think the whole thing is intense, but the forces are the most powerful in that seat. I just found it surprising and if Banshee gives the same intensity as that back seat, it'll definitely trump Afterburn as my favorite invert.

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^ For Club TPR you get a 1 year membership when you sign up. So if you signed up today, you would be a Club TPR member and get all the perks until Sept. 22 of 2014. Club TPR is a bargain, you should definitely join though, it's totally worth it.

Definitely joining so I can do this, I was just wondering if we needed to sign up for media day or anything so they know how much food to make, how to schedule it, ect. I've been to a VIP event at Kings Island once for my dad's work and loved it and I'd love to go to another one to ride this awesome new coaster. I just want to wait until this season is over to regist


Regarding my comment about Wild Eagle earlier, what I was saying is that I had ridden mostly towards the front the first few times and found that it lacked forces, and then rode in the back right and found that it was just a bit more intense. But when I rode in the back on the left... OMG!!! For some reason this seat felt like it was in a whole new league of intensity compared to the rest of the coaster. That ride resulted in a lot of loud commentary from me because I was so surprised to be getting such an intense ride on what I thought was a tame coaster. It was the only time I ever had an issue with stapling and I honestly found it slightly difficult to keep my hands up on the eight curve. So I don't think the whole thing is intense, but the forces are the most powerful in that seat. I just found it surprising and if Banshee gives the same intensity as that back seat, it'll definitely trump Afterburn as my favorite invert.


All the information you will need will be posted in the Club TPR forum.

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Also, Gatekeepers restraints are fixed. The vests do not tighten anymore.


I noticed that on my ride last night. Didn't feel the restraint tighten either (sat on left side, second row, inside seat).


Banshee is going to look pretty sweet from the Action Zone entrance/Delirium. Let's hope the entire area gets a makeover in the near future.

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Also, Gatekeepers restraints are fixed. The vests do not tighten anymore.


I noticed that on my ride last night. Didn't feel the restraint tighten either (sat on left side, second row, inside seat).


Banshee is going to look pretty sweet from the Action Zone entrance/Delirium. Let's hope the entire area gets a makeover in the near future.



All they would really need to do is relocate Flying ACE Aerial Chase to that side and they could rename the area "Dangling Feet World"

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Also, Gatekeepers restraints are fixed. The vests do not tighten anymore.


I noticed that on my ride last night. Didn't feel the restraint tighten either (sat on left side, second row, inside seat).


Banshee is going to look pretty sweet from the Action Zone entrance/Delirium. Let's hope the entire area gets a makeover in the near future.



All they would really need to do is relocate Flying ACE Aerial Chase to that side and they could rename the area "Dangling Feet World"

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I wonder if this thing will fly up as quickly as the floorless coaster at Heide Park did? I'm looking forward to it as well.


I wouldn't be surprised based on how fast cedar fair were able to put up Gatekeeper really quickly last year.

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^ They just need lots of cement!


I was there the other day and things are moving along very quickly...not sure how to get a 'backstage pass' so I couldn't take any real good pictures that haven't already been published.

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Nice to see this coaster beginning to gain progress. I will be checking back especially for the reveal of the trains which hopefully should be revealed not long after track completion (or before). Looking at the three images Robb posted, I see that in the third image, the support closest to the camera has a different foundation than I've seen before to any other B&M foundation. Are B&M testing a method similar to how Gerstlauer and Maurer Sohne place there supports? It should be interesting to see them use this method on any future projects.

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I am very anxious to see how this ride turns out. I love the Batman Inverts, and I've enjoyed some of the larger ones like Montu, so I'm curious to see where this will play in.



LOVE MONTU! My number 1 inverted!


I am hoping Banshee will tear through the batwing like Montu does!

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Going from the design it seems like it will be new B&M floaty through at least the first portion. The bottom of the batwing looks like it will pack some force, and if there is no trim between the pull out and the second loop the rest might actually carry it's own. I'm not convinced there won't be a trim between the large elements and the second half just based on the animation (Intimidator Carrowinds anyone?); that second loop looks really tight, and the not so heartlined twist and small helix just scream "trim me" lol. It'll be a fun ride regardless, and at least I won't have to drive more than an hour and 15 min to get on a B&M inverted coaster, but I'd be surprised immensely if this packs the kind of punch found on the older inverts. And there's my pointless $.02

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