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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Ive never got to ride this, but every review I have read was negative. Its just sad sad to see so much wood got to waste. This coaster didnt even last a decade. It just reminds me of the old ratler. They both have crappy layouts but are huge, but with treatment they could be great. Well hopefully what coaster they build in its place will be great.

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I've been to the park twice in June 2007 and June 2010 and SOB was never open, so for me it's sad to see it go. Another coaster I will never be able to ride.


However, I'm hoping whatever they replace this with will make up for the loss!

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just saw a new video!





Although it's quiet sad to see a coaster gets removed (doesn't matter how many times people called it bad a lost is a lost, besides I can't talk about it because I never ridden SoB ) it is always amazing to was them bring the ride down, and look forward on the replacement ride of the park. So what will replace SoB? Daughter of Beast?

No, on all seriousness I really see the park to go to Rockymontain for a new ride, and they won't surprise me with a ride like Outlawrun.

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^Wow, that is a pile of trash!


This picture reminded me of how much I absolutely HATED that que line! It was like they just stuck a bunch of switch backs on whatever available concrete they could find near the ride and called it a day.


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Although it's quiet sad to see a coaster gets removed (doesn't matter how many times people called it bad a lost is a lost, besides I can't talk about it because I never ridden SoB ) it is always amazing to was them bring the ride down, and look forward on the replacement ride of the park. So what will replace SoB? Daughter of Beast?

No, on all seriousness I really see the park to go to Rockymontain for a new ride, and they won't surprise me with a ride like Outlawrun.


Mourning Son of Beast is like being nostalgic for one of your past migraines.

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I rode the ride a few years after the loop was removed. It wasn't much to comment on and it was all levels of rough and bumpy because by that point I think SOB was just on life support. I rode the ride twice, regretted the 2nd time and moved on with my life. It's one of the few rides that I've been on or know of that I will NOT miss when it's totally done and gone.


When they decided to give it the initials SOB - they were right, it was an "SOB". *rimshot* *crickets chirp* Ok...that's my cue to leave now.

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Going into the future, I believe a modern "large" wooden coaster would fit this park perfectly. Not necessarily 200 ft tall, but on a larger than average scale. It should have no ties to The Beast in terms of how it would be branded. I do know that the word "giga" has been mentioned, and I think a gigacoaster would be amazing. If a giga were to arrive, I think an experience resembling I-305, or something that focuses on intensity, would perfectly complement the airtime machine that is Diamondback. This coaster does not have to be Intamin, as I have heard about the unoffocial scheme Cedar Fair has with manufacturers of certain coaster types. On the long term outlook, whatever replaces that SoB should not entirely close off that unique area of land Kings Island is privileged to have.

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Going into the future, I believe a modern "large" wooden coaster would fit this park perfectly. Not necessarily 200 ft tall, but on a larger than average scale. It should have no ties to The Beast in terms of how it would be branded.


You can rest assured knowing that anything wooden built on that plot of land will be associated with SOB.

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Overall, the ride was just a terrible idea to begin with. They invested a $20 million budget into building this thing, had it take up space that could fit several smaller coasters and for what? A ride that lasted just nine seasons. (And only ran in its original form for six). I hate to think of how this would be now if CCI or GCI, or even possibly Intamin designed it (depending on if the prefab was on the market by the time this project was brought up. I doubt it was, but even a regular Intamin wood coaster is still better than most other regular wood coasters)


Although, they could do a lot with the space. I, like everyone else, am glad to see this go.

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