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The Official TPR "East Coast/Behemoth Trip" Update

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I want to know what was written on the answer sheet to #6.....the part after Hot Fuzz Rich, the stuff in parenthesis....


The full answer was "Hot Fuzz Rich (who owes me $50 for stealing my signature move)" (as discussed earlier on the Europe trip thread, I think it was... me and my devil horns...)


Also, you can't see too good in the photo, but I made a nice little drawing of you as well. It's better than the drawing I did of Ike from South Park, but not as good as my octopus drawing.

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Great pictures, I wish I could have made it out for the event. Maybe next year, if it happens again.


BTW, some coasters at the park used to have single rider lines (BSC, Time Warp, and Behemoth) but people, for reasons I can't comprehend, actually complained about them.

I knew a few people that worked on Italian Job in it's first season and they told me that got a lot of complaints about how groups of people would be angry that single riders got to go on before them and wait less time.

Time Warp still has theirs, and I believe it's still used, but I never see anyone in it.

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Thanks for the pictures. Now I know what I'm getting myself into in 2 weeks,going to Behemoth Blast(WNYCC/ACE event).

Except of course there will be ACErs there!


Its been intersting to hear from almost every park we have been to on this tour they have told us how much "different" we are than ACE.


We have been told we are more laid back, less "hard core", more energetic atmosphere, "more girls", we don't complain about stuff, and I heard the best comment where we were given T-shirts from a park and were told "wow, we had ACE here a couple weeks ago and ran out of XL shirts....you guys barely took any!"


I like hearing these things. I've always felt the TPR group is more about fun and less about counting the number of bolts a coaster has....

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Its been intersting to hear from almost every park we have been to on this tour they have told us how much "different" we are than ACE.


We have been told we are more laid back, less "hard core", more energetic atmosphere, "more girls", we don't complain about stuff, and I heard the best comment where we were given T-shirts from a park and were told "wow, we had ACE here a couple weeks ago and ran out of XL shirts....you guys barely took any!"


I like hearing these things. I've always felt the TPR group is more about fun and less about counting the number of bolts a coaster has....


A confession - I actually go to both TPR and ACE events (wow, I feel so out-of-the-closet now...) I have nothing against ACE, really, but I do have to say I have a lot more fun at TPR events. Yes, there is a noticably different energy between the groups. TPR tends to be a younger, more energetic crowd. And yes, ACErs are more "hard core" - that is, more "hard core" about making a bee-line for the buffet tables at chow time! (Hence the need for more of the XL shirts - American Chow Enthusiasts?) Seriously though, I'm not trying to diss ACE in any way - there are some great people there as well. But when I have to choose between an ACE event and a TPR event (which has already happened twice), TPR wins out pretty easily.

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"more girls"...

"wow, we had ACE here a couple weeks ago and ran out of XL shirts....you guys barely took any!"





Why am I the answer to a trivia question? Again?

I'm sure Robb just threw in some local trivia, like which TPR member was born when Canada was still a part of the British empire

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I'd just like to say thank you to Robb and Elissa for allowing us to meet up with the East Coast trip at Hersheypark yesterday.


It was another great day! We even made a little side trip to Dutch Wonderland and rode the famous Lady Gay. And that night ERT session on Lightning Racer was amazing. One of the best ERT sessions I've ever had. My ranking of Lightning Racer shot up several slots after last night as that coaster seems made for a rowdy group like we had last night. The interactive nature of it, the taunting and jeering of the opposing train, made it just a blast. Several people were still laughing in the bathroom after they shut down the ride!


Thanks again!

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I'd just like to say thank you to Robb and Elissa for allowing us to meet up with the East Coast trip at Hersheypark yesterday.


It was another great day! We even made a little side trip to Dutch Wonderland and rode the famous Lady Gay. And that night ERT session on Lightning Racer was amazing. One of the best ERT sessions I've ever had. My ranking of Lightning Racer shot up several slots after last night as that coaster seems made for a rowdy group like we had last night. The interactive nature of it, the taunting and jeering of the opposing train, made it just a blast. Several people were still laughing in the bathroom after they shut down the ride!


Thanks again!

I also made a trip to Dutchy while i was there, without our ERT the lines were insane, Sooperdooperlooper looked like it was 3 hours! I must agree Lightning Racer ERT was awsome. I feel bad for those employees at Wildcat i don't know if anyone was there.

That ERT affected my voice so bad, i couldn't speak too well the next day after yelling at the opposing train (which I later became a traitor and switched to Thunder) I just wish more people would've moved to Thunder to make it more or a race, we lost by a whole train length. I really hate that the night ended, that hour of ERT didn't seem to last long at all.

Thanks again for one of the best days EVER, although the drive home was horrible.. barely able to stay awake.

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My family and I Enjoyed this event soooo much we are talking about a euro trip maybe in 2010 as 2009 we are already planing on a Disney world trip in May.


We rode Behemoth 25 times during the ERT's


Thanks Again Robb & Alyssa and everyone else for making this possible.

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