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California's expensive and crowded, but I live in a good area (Ventura County) with mild weather, peace and quiet, and all the fresh, locally grown strawberries and produce I can eat year-round.


So I'm staying for now.



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California. It wouldn't be bad if people didn't rip you off! Everything in California is a Ripoff! California would be a very nice state if they didn't rip you off on Everything! Even the Cafeteria food is a ripoff! Yet So many people LOVE California for its weather and SO many people come here. So the govoner rips everyone off so he becomes rich! Even if California didn't rip you off, Florida is still better!

Kevin"I enjoy California ALOT more than Alaska though!"Bujold

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Yeah, EBL actually does have a point. If you actually live in a decent area of California and you didn't have to travel anywhere around the state on a regular basis, it could be ok.


As for me, I really like the area where I live, Valencia (and no NOT because of SFMM!), but since I have to drive from basically Santa Clarita to LAX every day (see for yourself on the traffic map: http://traffic.tann.net/lartraffic/) and deal with LA traffic, LA people, and in general LA ever day, I hate it!


If my company was up here in Valencia, I'd love it, other than the fact that I don't think California has a single decent major park in it!


I far more enjoyed living in the Baltimore/D.C. area where, not only was Florida a short, cheap Southwest flight away, but I also had 33 parks, most of which are some of my favorites, and ALL of which crap all over the pathetic California parks within a few hours drive of where I lived.....


--Robb "...Knoebel's, Cedar Point, SFA, SFGAdv, Hershey, PKD, BGW, Wildwood, SFNE, Kennywood, Geauga Lake, *sigh*" Alvey

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California Hardly Sucks!


People like to rag on this state, yet they continue to live here.


How bad can it be???


You can say that well my job is in CA so I have to live here. But lets face it if you hated it here you could probably move on to another state...Yet you stay!!!


Granted CA is far from perfect, but it hardly sucks! Personally I like it here, there's lots to do, the theme parks may not be up to Islands Of Adventure standards (God I love that park) But at least you have some choices ( Disney, Six Flags, Sea World Etc...) Unlike other states...


Overall, for the time being I'm staying here!!! Because CA kicks Ass over many other states in the union!

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I've never been elsewhere out of California, moreover, Long Beach Area (i dont travel much). And earthquakes are nothing because the hard hitters come every now and then (3-5 years at the least) so no really destruction occurs.. compared to hurricanes down at the panhandle, every year packed freeways (just like LA traffic) and torn roofs windows, meticulous and ridiculous repair doesn't quite whet me appetite. Overall, I am fine here, where in the other parts of California its over 90 and down here in Long Beach, the marine layer and the ocean breezes are what's keep coast dwellers at a comfy 70-80 degrees (until the marine layer burns off, then it gets hotter). Bad thing is, that 1930ish quake in Long Beach, well, that fault is supposed to create a big one every 70 years or so.. its 2005, a bit past predicted, chances slowly increase.... gasp.

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try living in the bay area, wher I made $40,000, my wife made $40,000, and we had to have a roome\ate to aford the rent on a small three bedroom house


the same house I bought in Albuquerque for $85,000, is $667,000



The taxes are higher, gas and electric is double and close to triple what I pay, gasoline cost more, roads are worse, schools are worse, car fees are triple, traffic is infintaly worse, especially in L.A., where I at right now, Only in LA can you have a stop back up at midnight, nice


nope, Cali blows, its mismanaged, and while with the resurces of the state it should be leading the union, it is near the bottom., it has nothing to do with the parks in Cali, just living, and being ablw to provide for your family



And as for jobs, like Robb, My x roomate is a recuirter, and he finds highly qualified people to work in Cali, like Robb,


My friend, Oscar, get paid VERY well to do this, and business is booming, so There are paople who gat great deals at a job, live in Cali just to get paid



My mom said something very smart the other day" you guys did something very wise for your family, you left California"

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California Hardly Sucks!


People like to rag on this state, yet they continue to live here.


How bad can it be???


You can say that well my job is in CA so I have to live here. But lets face it if you hated it here you could probably move on to another state...Yet you stay!!!


Granted CA is far from perfect, but it hardly sucks! Personally I like it here, there's lots to do, the theme parks may not be up to Islands Of Adventure standards (God I love that park) But at least you have some choices ( Disney, Six Flags, Sea World Etc...) Unlike other states...


Overall, for the time being I'm staying here!!! Because CA kicks Ass over many other states in the union!

First off, in my profession, there aren't many other jobs outside of CA.


And IMO, the place sucks, at least the LA area. It's not the worst state in the world, and Orange County and San Diego are far better than LA, but I would prefer to live on the east coast if I could.


The reason I moved outta here in the first place was when I found a job in my profession OUTSIDE of CA, but that place closed up after three years.


When I find a job that can pay me an equivalent salary outside of the LA area, you bet your ass I'm outta here!



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I love California. I live about 30 miles east outside of LA. I do find it more and more frustrating at how expensive things are though, and if weren't for the weather sucking everywhere else and all my friends and family that are here, I would probably consider moving. I also love being able to go to the beach and Disneyland. I pretty much don't care about the mountains and hate being cold.


I also think Disneyland is still better than the Magic Kingdom, though I would love to have USF/IOA closer.


I admit that I used to be proud to be from here, but now that we chose a moron for a governor, it is kind of embarassing!

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I admit that I used to be proud to be from here, but now that we chose a moron for a governor, it is kind of embarassing!



uh,yeah that seems to be a trend, Pete Wilson, Grey Davis


both of those guy are horrible


At least Arnold did something he said he was goling to do, not saying he is good or anything

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I admit, I love San Diego, California. There's always nice weather, the beach is nearby, and there is a lot to do in the city. But the gas prices are insane!!! I don't want to even mention a past experiance I've had with that.


Allison 2KY, the weather in Florida is not as consistently good as California's. Sometimes it can be really hot, the pour thunderstorms the next days, and the hurricanes can be bad during the summers.


Besides the earthquakes, gas prices, pollution, and expensive prices overall, California's great.

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You should hear about this one gas staion in Long Beach, on PCH and Cherry, gas prices are twice as much as other going for up to 3.699 (highest i've seen it) which is insane because if you just drive another mile west, there's a cheaper chevron. I'll take a picture sooner or later.

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California Hardly Sucks!


People like to rag on this state, yet they continue to live here.


How bad can it be???


You can say that well my job is in CA so I have to live here. But lets face it if you hated it here you could probably move on to another state...Yet you stay!!!


Granted CA is far from perfect, but it hardly sucks! Personally I like it here, there's lots to do, the theme parks may not be up to Islands Of Adventure standards (God I love that park) But at least you have some choices ( Disney, Six Flags, Sea World Etc...) Unlike other states...


Overall, for the time being I'm staying here!!! Because CA kicks Ass over many other states in the union!


I will say that my Job is here, and I have to live here ... for now. But I'm telling you, as soon as I can get out, we are getting out. We were planning for 2 years, but it may only be less than a year out at this point.


My company just merged with a company with alot of east coast / mid-west possibilities ... Indianapolis, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Atlanta, Maryland, Virginia, New Hampshire, and a few others. There are also a couple of places I wouldn't consider ... Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, St. Louis.


As soon as I find something in my company, doing what I'm doing now (because I actually like my job) we are gone.

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Maryland kicks ass. Reasonable cost of living (well, as long as you don't live near DC!), lots of cool places to eat, the best baseball park anywhere, and you're within a day's drive of about 35 different parks, including Knoebel's!


I lived in CA for 12 years. I didn't mind LA so much (though I don't want to move back there), but you couldn't pay me to live in the bay area ever again...



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