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Hershey Park - Fear Of Great Bear

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Ok I know this sounds really wimpy but I've never been on a real inverted coaster and I'm a little edgy. Great Bear at Hershey Park will be my first one to date and I'm a little nervous. I could use some advice and opinions about what other people think of it just to be sure I get a good impression.

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I see you have a zipper in your avatar, if you have actually ridden one of them, you can ride anything.


What scares you about an invert, is it because your feet are hanging or because you haven't been on a coaster with inversions?


Great Bear is fairly moderate for a full sized invert, I'd just ride it and if you don't like then so be it. Close your eyes if you're scared.

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I haven't been on Great Bear in years, so I can't really comment on it specifically. I think your best bet is to just do it. When I was younger, I was afraid of a lot of roller coasters, but once I went on them I was always fine. Try to find someone you know to go on it with you- I always feel better when I'm not going on the ride alone.

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Oh the things I can plant and torment into your mind right now because you have put yourself in such a feeble position, but nay I will not.


Ride it with some friends that you know, that will take off some of the edge to the fact that your just having pure fun. And keep your eyes OPEN even if your scared, if you close them (I dont know about you) but I get motion sick, and its better just to look anyways.

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Yeah I have ridden the Zipper and it's a great ride but I'm always nervous when I go on that too but I think everyone is. My first real coaster was lightning racer and I loved it and now I go on that every time I go to Hershey. In fact that was the last coaster I rode.

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All I can say man, is go for it. I still remember at 10 years old going to Six Flags Magic Mountain and being scared looking at X from the road coming up to the park, and saying to myself (I'm NOT riding that) but by the end of the day, I had conquered by fear of coasters, and ridden almost every one in the park. I even went back to ride X but it had a 2 and a half hour line so I didn't. But the point is just go for it. The worst thing that could happen is that you don't like it. . .

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If you like regular coasters then you should really like inverts. They can be as much FUN as sit down coasters if not more...I said fun not scary. It's kind of strange at first because you are below the track and there is nothing under your feet. If you can get past that, then it's all cake. Some of my favorite coasters are inverts. It's such a weird and different experience and sometimes you get the sensation you are almost flying in an upright position. I have never ridden this one only more intense inverts which I totally love. I am betting you won't ride this just once and after you are done with this one, you'll move on to the bigger and more intense inverts other parks have to offer. Bottom line...nothing to be scared of just have fun on it, that's what they are for.

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Dont worry about it. It is a newer B&M so you will be fine. Like B&M said before, it's not a Batman clone and it's not Raptor so you will be fine. It should be a good start on inverted coasters. Besides, if you like one like great bear, try something like Batman, as that thing really shoots you around the track. Just thank God you dont live near an SLC or you would not remember your first inverted experience due to head trauma . But it will be smooth and fun!


EDIT: I did my absolute best to make sense of this post. PLEASE use proper grammar and spelling in your posts or you may be asked to take a "time out" from the site. Be sure to review your posts before posting.---Joey

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Well you chose a great invert to start out with, Great bear was actually my first invert to and while I was scared to ride it(I was a huge wimp too before riding it) I absolutly loved it!


I blame Great Bear for making me so obsessed with coasters now though, after riding that 6 times last year I've wanted to ride pretty much every coaster I can find. Just because it was my first it tends to be my favorite invert but I think they are all great. If you like Great Bear try to make it to Busch gardens europe and ride Alepngeist, and Universal in flordia has a really cool racing type invert coaster called Dueling Dragons. All are some of my favorite coasters and I use to be a HUGE coaster wimp too!

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I love great bear.

The ride is a different ride if you ride in the front verses the back. I would suggest riding it in the front or second seat first. Its less intense and you can see where your going. In the back its more intense because you cant see when the turns are coming up and you get the usual back seat of a coaster ride. You should ride both areas. I think great bear is the best in the back , to me.

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Is it just me, or do these sorts of threads seem a bit self centered?


It seems we get a lot of threads with someone saying "I'm worried about riding (insert coaster here), is it ok?"

And then have several pages of fairly generic replies after that basically say "Yeah, go ride it, its perfectly fine, I was nervous about riding once too, but don't worry, you'll love it!"


Its a theme park community here, so a response like that is predictable anyway...you wouldn't expect park fans to discourage others from taking part in the pastime they enjoy so much.


My question is, do people really need this sort of self affirmation?


The only way you'll find out if you like something is to "grow a pair down there" and try it for yourself.

If you love it, then awesome, go ride the rest of the coasters out there. If you hate it, then don't ride any other things like it, and get some therapy or whatever for the traumatic 2 minute ride you had.

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