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After reading opinions of my previous park, I have decided to try and make a second park, a more realistic one, with scenery and all.


I'm treating it as if I had one the big time lottery and decided to open a small park, and let it grow with time.


I have only a little bit of the park done right now, please tell me you're advice and opinions to help me build a better park.


Thank You,


Jackson Thurnquist/NASA Guy


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You don't really need much custom scenery. The queue to Wonderful wheel is good enough scenery for a first try. Don't go 0-100 in just two updates. If you improve over time, the park will be amazing. And it will be easier on your part.


Already I see some improvements since last update.



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More Rides Have Been Built, and I'm still trying to keep the low level feel to the park.


First I added Swing Thing, with a really cool TTD type station


Space Diver was next, and the station was designed to look like a NASA-Type Hanger


I built Gravitator with the old looking station because Rotor type rides with similar attributes were built years ago, so I gave it a nostalgiac feel.


For some reason the Qeue turned to grass?


Comments Appreciated!

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I love the Dragster style station on the swings. It really is looking nice. Just get ride of the water. It is taking up to much space and doesn't look to good. Just build a statue or an already made fountain.


Other than that, it looks good.



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I see MUCH improvement already, but still not very good. First of all, remove the small pond. Rectangular bodies of water are just NOT realistic. Then, replace it with a more rounded pond, using the terrain feature. Surround the pond with rocks, but work them into the ground so that it isn't too bulgy. I'd suggest using the rocks from Marnetmar's Leftoverz.


Also, I would add fences around the outside of all your paths. Try using something from DasMatze's Railings and Fences.


Can't wait to see what you do with this park!

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More Development Continues!


The ugly Rectangle lake has been removed and replaced! I am still searching for Scenery downloads, so more Landscaping to come


Here you can see the giant slide "American Drop", which since it has unlimited capacity there won't be anyone in line, so no Waiting Building. Also you can see Grand Carosuel, which is still a Work in Progress.


And this site has popped up . . .


I see MUCH improvement already, but still not very good. First of all, remove the small pond. Rectangular bodies of water are just NOT realistic. Then, replace it with a more rounded pond, using the terrain feature. Surround the pond with rocks, but work them into the ground so that it isn't too bulgy. I'd suggest using the rocks from Marnetmar's Leftoverz.


Also, I would add fences around the outside of all your paths. Try using something from DasMatze's Railings and Fences.


Can't wait to see what you do with this park!


If you could post some links to where I could download those that would be great!

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I figure that since it is taking me so long to collect cutom Scenery I should continue with Construction and add Landscaping and scenery later.


So the Latest from the park


The Area Around Grand Carosuel is done for the most part


Thunder Bobs are some of my favorite rides and for that reason the park decided to add them!


Space Shot, an S&S Space Shot ride, has been constructed. The park said it will shoot up 3 times for added fun and excitement!


Construction Continues over on the west side of the park, and with those supports that narrows the possibilities. . .


Also these crates have appeared. . .


And this site has popped up!


More Soon. . .

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^^Why don't you try suggesting what could make it better?


The Carousel looks decent right now, but what would make is *spark* is if you added some brick or stone walls along the bottom-edges (so you can't see underneath). Also, a nice, white, picket fence would look really nice around the flowers.


That's all I've got for now!

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I'd suggest moving thunder bobs out, and moving the carousel over a bit, because thats getting really cramped in there, when you see a carousel theres normally nothing around it but scenery and benches, that has a queve to another ride and a TTD station-type thing jammed right up next to it.


Also I would suggest spacing your other rides out from each other a bit too, this is starting too look more like a ghetto fair if you ask me. And then theres going to be a coaster which tries to make it a theme park but its not going to work out if you have all these flat rides crammed together.


And since I just joined the topic the Gravitron queve building I understand the whole "nostalgic" feel to it, but can you make it look a little bit better by adding some shrubbery or something around there, and maybe just a bit of shrubbery throughout the park too.


Other than that its looking pretty decent for your 2nd park, keep going, you've been improving no doubt. So dont let me get you down, just trying to add some constructive criticism here.

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