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Photo Trip Report - Silverwood Theme Park

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what a great little park. I think I enjoy the smaller parks more so than the gluttony-filled Six Flags-Disney parks, although I recently lifted my 24-year boycott on Disney, so we'll see. The coasters look great, at any rate (Don't understand the first time through the trees thing i keep seeing here; will have to ask the translator)


It's funny. I hadn't even heard of a Rock-O-Plane until last year when our town's anorexic county fair had one, but have been riding Sky Divers for decades. Am glad to see that this flat is still living a good life somewhere...less so for the Corkscrew of Pain (my first ever credit at age 8 or something), but historical relevance is also a big one in my book.


Gross side note: I lived in Hutchinson, KS for years, where the Kansas State Fair is held every Sept., and the Sky Diver was always on the periphery of the midway, butt-up against the hideously-crowded "kidway."

While this seems fine in theory, the flat was always called (by riders) the "Sky Puker" , for obvious reasons, and invariably, some poor parent watching their kids on the kiddie rides would be standing under the the rotating-down end of the Diver and get coated. I know..TMI, but it was funny in a warped sense.


I digress. thanks for the virtual trip and hope to see you all when PT is done!



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Great trip report Jimmy. Silverwood may not be the greatest park in the world but it knows how to set up a skyline (at least with the woodies). I've lived in Montana for over 17 years now and last year was my first visit to Silverwood, coming from CA I can't say that I was in a big hurry to go. However I was pleasantly surprised when I went. Small park with great potential, beautiful natural surroundings and pleasant people. This year the Mr. and I plan on taking our two oldest children. This will be there first Big coaster tryouts, it just maybe what I need to post my first trip report. So Jimmy if you will be up again in August let me know.

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When I saw the PTR, I looked in because the name seemed familiar. Then I saw it and I knew why. If ever I get the chance to go up North to where my dad and Mimae (Gramma) live, I'd be able to go to this park. I think I might check it out next Summer. Maybe actually finally ride a good woodie.

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