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Europa Park Discussion Thread

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There is an interview in our regional newspaper with the engineer of the "Wodan"-coaster Joe Dravers and he mentioned a intresting point... he said that the coaster is so twisting and has so many shifts in direction that they had to construct new trains for this one... they build trains with only twoseater wagons with very flexible joints that connect 12 of them together to one train. And he mentioned that 3 trains will operate at this coaster at the same time...


i am little bit confused now, i never ridden gci before but as i remember from pics here in this forum the normal Millenium Flyer trains are two seaters,too!? or maybe I am wrong... or maybe the german jounalist translated something wrong.


here is the original part in german (full article and source on http://www.badische-zeitung.de/rust/europa-park-wer-steckt-hinter-der-neuen-holzachterbahn):


"Ich habe schon längere Bahnen konstruiert, aber noch keine die auf knapp 36 Meter über Grund reicht, und noch keine mit so vielen Windungen und Richtungswechseln", erzählt der Chefingenieur. Wegen dieser Besonderheit des Wodan-Timburcoasters konnte Draves auch nicht auf die gängigen Modelle von Zügen zurückgreifen, sondern hat für die Europa-Park-Bahn eigens neue konstruiert. Jeder Wagen wird nur als Zweisitzer gebaut und durch ein flexibles Gelenk mit dem nächsten verbunden sein. Zwölf solcher Wagen werden einer Perlenkette gleich aneinandergereiht einen Zug bilden. Drei solcher Züge sollen sich einmal zeitgleich auf der 1000 Meter langen Bahn bewegen.


"Nur mit einem solchen Kettensystem der Züge sind die kurzen Windungen überhaupt befahrbar. Da werden die Piloten während der Fahrt ganz schön gerüttelt. Das wird ein Heidenspaß", begeistert sich Draves selbst für dieses neue Fahrgefühl.


My translation try:

"I have build longer coasters, but not one that was 36 meters above the ground and no one that was so twisty and has so many shifts in direction", said the engineer. Because of this speciality of the "Wodan-TimburCoaster" Braves couldn't use common coaster trains, but has to develop new ones for the Europa-Park Coaster. Every wagon was just built as double-seater which is connected by a flexible joint with the next one. Twelve of such wagons will be connected like a pearl necklace to built a complete train. Three such trains should move through the 1000 meter long track at the same time.


"Just with such a chain system of the trains the track is actually drivable. The Pilots will get shaked very much during the ride. That will be a lot of fun" said Draves very enthusiastic about the new riding experience.


and they listed some intresting facts about the coaster:

Typ: Holzachterbahn Höhe: 35 Meter Schienenlänge: 1050 Meter Spitzengeschw.: mehr als 100 km/h Fahrzeit: 3,25 Minuten Max. Gefälle: 52 Grad Max. Schienenquerneig.: 65 Grad Anzahl Züge: 3 Fahrgäste pro Zug: 24 Personen Baugrundfläche: 1,6 Hektar Beton: 3000 Kubikmeter Holz: 1000 Kubikmeter/21 000 Balken Nägel: 2 Millionen Schrauben: 100.000 Bauzeit: 9 Monate



Type:WoodenCoaster, Height: 35 Meters, Length of the track: 1050m, max. Speed: more than 100 km/h, riding time: 3:25 minutes

max. incline: 52 degrees, max. banking: 65 degree, number of trains: 3 with 24 people per train, size of the building area 1,6 hectare,

amount of cement used: 3000 cubic metre , amount of wood used: 1000 cubic meter or 21000 bars, amount of nails used: 2million amount of screws: 100.000, Building time: 9 months

Edited by Kooky
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that's what i thought and edited the text, while you were posting your answer i looked at pictures from other gci coaster and don't see more twistyness or specialitys as in other ones. And all the Millenium Flyer trains were looking like two seaters... so looks like that is a little bit of bad journalism or translation that is responsible for this article.

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^not worth the time of translating it but sometimes i am to enthusiastic when i read something like this, that i don't start to really think about it before i put much work on a topic so learning by failing

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Think that everyone is right here that its about the normal Millennium flyer's trains.

These pictures are a bit old but still worth the posting:

Lead car train 1.

Train 3 completely ready for transport.

These are all from the Wodan coaster. They are from great coasters interns. As you can read all 3 trains are on there way or already there this was posted on GCII on 16th February by the current intern.

But still they look like the normal trains.


Must say station is looking good so far great work.

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^ The would stand there perfectly. I was the wolfs completely forgotten but it was one of my favorite pieces of theming about this coaster. Hope they going to spit real fire but don't see any gas pipes going up to the top.

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^ The would stand there perfectly. I was the wolfs completely forgotten but it was one of my favorite pieces of theming about this coaster. Hope they going to spit real fire but don't see any gas pipes going up to the top.


All in time.

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