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Looking for Cedar Point info/questions

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I think that they change some of them periodically, but you can pretty much count on Millenium Force, Maverick and Skyhawk being open early.


I have had bad luck on the early entry two visits in a row. Last year for Halloweekends, MF got stuck on the lift hill. This year Maverick broke down and I still waited at least 45 minutes to ride!


Still, it is nice to stay at the park, on the premises. I have stayed at the Breakers and Camper Village and while neither are overly fancy, it is nice to be so close to the park. A beach walk at night is wonderful with the coasters in the backdrop. We saw a great t-storm on the horizon last month while we walked the beach...it was simply awesome.


* TGIF's (Hotel Breakers) is not a bad place to eat and you pretty much know what you are getting when you go there. The exotic drinks are expensive though! $8+!!!


* A new Japanese steak house (Tomo Hibachi) has opened in the Breakers where the Italian pizza place used to be. Looks nice, but didn't eat there, unfortunately.


* Game Day Grille is okay - I wouldn't say wonderful, but okay. They have beer, which is a plus (warm or cold).


* Happy Friar by the Gemini and Pirate Ride - awesome cheese fries. Perfect for that heart clogging lunch, if you are so inclined!


* Deep fried cheese on a stick w/ cheese dipping sauce (various places hidden in the park) - need I say more???

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Hi there,

I just got back from 5 days at Cedar Point, Had a FANTASTIC time. Weather was a bit iffy with some thundershowers a couple of the days (not all day just intermittently) but it turned out to be a good thing since it kept the crowds down. On Tuesday when the weather was clear skies the park was PACKED! ! ! ! Way more then the weekend. I still had a fantastic time,. I purchased the platinum pass which includes free parking, early entry and access to the ERT days (which luckily I got a chance to check out, Dragsters rescheduled ERT night that is! ! ! !, got about 8 launches in at night it was very fun, most were front row!)

As for food, I enjoyed Johnny rockets although the service was hit or miss but sitting at the bar will get you seated right away!, T.G.I.F (just outside the park in Hotel Breakers was fun as well) as for the 8 dollar drinks I thought that was a good deal considering in Los Angeles drinks are in the 10+ dollar range! $15 for some tropical drinks.


The Early entry is nice although considering there are two entrances into the park, the main gate and the Hotel Breakers entrance (which is much closer to Maverick and Millennium force) those folks get to the rides much quicker, Cedar Point is HUGE and it takes a while to walk from the main entrance to those attractions (especially Mav since that is at the very end of the park!) You could always run but plan ahead for a nice long run!


Have lots of fun! I sure did, I am ready to go back to tell you the truth.

Maverick, Millenium Force, TTD (among the others!) are fantastic rides in my opinion they contain exactly what I love about coasters, personally I travel to Cedar Point specifically for those attractions. I could and do spend all day riding them over and over again!, Front row of course!


Have a great great time! Remember front row, its worth the extra 20 minutes or whatever it is. But you already knew that!


P.S. make sure you ride the ferris wheel, it is a wonderful view, how amazing it is to be surrounded by water, CP is really a great park. Oh I almost forgot ride demon drop as much as possible, since it is the last 1st gen free fall tower and rumor has been going around for sometime now that it is on its way out Enjoy it for me while you still can!




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T.G.I.F (just outside the park in Hotel Breakers was fun as well) as for the 8 dollar drinks I thought that was a good deal considering in Los Angeles drinks are in the 10+ dollar range! $15 for some tropical drinks.


Point well taken! Being a small town guy, I guess that I am just used to lower prices on drinks. My partner and I once had to pay $32 for two Manhattans in an airport in Hilo, Hawaii. I about crapped when she told us the total! They charged us per shot, but that didn't surprise me much...being an airport bar and all.

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How long do you think the lines will be for rides like MF/TTD/Maverick from mid-day till closing, and when does the park close the lines and if you get in line before it closes do they make sure everyone gets on the ride??


Ive heard the park is very big on preventing carry-ons which i have no problem with,but ive read that they even hassle you if you have a hat/baseball cap, is that true???

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I've only been there once (three days last month), but what they were doing at that time was, is you're in line by the time it closes, you get a ride but depending on the ride and the operators you don't necessarily get to choose the front seat. (On the other hand, one of the days they were assigning seats on Maverick all day long. Another day they weren't.)


The funky part was, the park's closing time was listed as 10 PM, but at every ride we were at at closing they said we had til 10:08 to run around and get back in line for re-rides (They were also doing some sort of fireworks/laser show every night at 10, but between the re-rides and the sheer size of the park, we never got anywhere near it by the time it finished!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
If your staying at Breakers express, can you get to the park early, park in CP's lot and still enter the park via the Breakers hotel entrance which is closer to rides like Maverick???




When you get to the toll booths stay as far left as possible. Tell them you're going to soak city and they'll send you back perimeter road. Park in the lot by Gemini and walk over to the Magnum gate.

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Last time I went to Cedar Point was on a Thursday in July so you should be fine in early August. Friday might be slightly busy especially towards the later hours(many locals visit after work). Last time I went though, we rode 11 roller coasters and that was in just one day. I think you will have plenty of time to get everything in in two days.

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I'm planning a two day trip to Cedar Point on August 7/8 which is a Thursday and Friday.

I haven't been to the park in at least 5 years and plan on getting to the park close to opening on Thurs and opening on friday.


I was wondering what tips you may have to make this a enjoyable visit and one where I can maximize the amount of roller coater rides we can get on.

I do have a few questions for those who have visited the park or stayed on site.


Does the park give out free water like Six Flags parks do, do they offer a skip in line program. Where would you recommend eating inside the park.


And for those who have stayed on site is the extra hour worth the price of staying at a Cedar Point hotel and can you get on alot of rides in that hour???


Thanks in advance for your help.


Alright I think I can help! If you want free water just ask at most of the food places and they will give you a cup of water. Plus the park has plenty of water fountains. I would recommend you eat at Panda Express in front of Millennium Force or Chic Fila next to Maverick. There are no Skip the line programs like Six Flags. Cedar Points line program is... If you want to ride the ride you wait in the 2 1/2 hour line! Personally I do not think the extra hour is worth it. The only rides open in the extra hour are Maverick, Millennium, Sky Hawk, Dragster (HAHA), Raptor, and Iron Dragon. Since a lot of people stay in the resorts your wait during the extra hour will be about the same as during the day. Dragster is almost NEVER open for the resort guest so I would not even get my hopes up on riding the ride until well after the park opens. Hope that helped some and have fun during your trip!


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