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The Official "TPR Europe Trip 2008" Thread!

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Oh wow... I really can´t understand why almost everyone here loves Expediton Geforce that much. I think it´s a nice ride but not more than a lower top ten coaster.


I can only make an assessment based on the one day I was there and the multiple times I rode it. Ge Force was at the top of anyone's game that day.


My home park is Busch Gardens Europe, and being as I visit the place pretty often, I understand how the quality of a ride can vary, even over the course of one day. Some rides on Apollo's Chariot are better than others, for example.

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Oh wow... I really can´t understand why almost everyone here loves Expediton Geforce that much. I think it´s a nice ride but not more than a lower top ten coaster.



Dude, if a large group of people (many of whom have worldwide counts totaling 400, 500, 600, 700, and even 800+ coasters) are singing their praise over a coaster in your own backyard, then there really must be something to that. Just a thought.

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I'm agreeing with Chuck. The day we rode it, EGF was about as good as hyper-style steel gets. I find myself agreeing with Terry and preferring Winjas and Troy, but that comes to preferences--I like hypercoasters just fine, but I like unpredictability and out-of-control-ness more. There is no "right" or "wrong" here. (Unless you're trying to say that, say, Gouderix is better than Expedition GeForce, in which case you're probably brain-damaged.)


EDIT: If Expedition GeForce is a "lower top-ten coaster" for you, what coasters are you ranking higher? Are the ones you ride rarely or have traveled great distances for ranked higher? For that matter, how many coasters have you ridden? (It's possible that having a broader experience may give you a better idea of just how special EGF is on a good day.)

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All I know is that even in the supposedly "not good" rides in 2007, EGF still kicked the crap out of any other steel coaster on the planet, at least for me. The first drop is still the greatest element on any coaster ever. Honestly, the only other ride out there that I'd pick over EGF is Balder.



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All I know is that even in the supposedly "not good" rides in 2007, EGF still kicked the crap out of any other steel coaster on the planet, at least for me. The first drop is still the greatest element on any coaster ever. Honestly, the only other ride out there that I'd pick over EGF is Balder.


I can't disagree about the "kicked the crap out of any other steel coaster" part. My previous favorite steel is Maverick and the quality gap between EGF and Maverick is quite large.

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Oh wow... I really can´t understand why almost everyone here loves Expediton Geforce that much. I think it´s a nice ride but not more than a lower top ten coaster.


Also, if it makes you feel any better, something I've noticed from this particular TRP trip is my general observation that many American participants would probably be in agreement that several European parks hold the key to things that would greatly benefit many smaller American parks. For instance, bigger is not always better.


Colossus, Goliath, and EGF might have many members salivating (and rightfully so, I'm sure), but it's been mentioned that Formule X, G'sengte Sau, and Winjas were also big surprises/favorites from the trip, and would be great additions to many American parks. While EGF might be the standout, the others recieved rave reviews as well.

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^I really appreciated that parks like Europa, Phantasialand, and Tripsdrill didn't have just "off-the-shelf" rides. Rides like Euro Mir, Winjas, and G'sengte Sau really stand out. Heck, even the queues and loading stations for "inconsequential" rides like spinning boats and wild mouse coasters were often heavily themed.

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Oh wow... I really can´t understand why almost everyone here loves Expediton Geforce that much. I think it´s a nice ride but not more than a lower top ten coaster.

I think a lot of it has to do with what you're used to, what's new to you, and what you're jaded by.


Sounds like either EGF isn't your thing or you've ridden it too much to appreciate it anymore.


I think it's the same reason why porn stars don't think sex is a big deal anymore...


--Robb "You do have a picture of you and the ride in your avatar though..." Alvey

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Oh wow... I really can´t understand why almost everyone here loves Expediton Geforce that much. I think it´s a nice ride but not more than a lower top ten coaster.

I think a lot of it has to do with what you're used to, what's new to you, and what you're jaded by.


Sounds like either EGF isn't your thing or you've ridden it too much to appreciate it anymore.


I think it's the same reason why porn stars don't think sex is a big deal anymore...


--Robb "You do have a picture of you and the ride in your avatar though..." Alvey


Hey DDD - have you been unmasked?-are you a jaded porn star? are you Batman?


Your comments are fair enough and you no doubt call it as you see it, although I hope you have travelled far and wide also, because if not you may be a little disappointed with what everything else has to offer. It all depends of course on what 'does it for you' coaster wise. One thing that is for sure, you have caught everyones attention - and that is no bad thing because we all like a debate, albeit not necessarily on this particular thread.


For the record I put EGF in my top 4 steel coasters- not that it matters, but actually yeah - this coaster on this day was AWESOME! No.1 steel of the year experience - so far.....

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I think a lot of it has to do with what you're used to, what's new to you, and what you're jaded by.


Sounds like either EGF isn't your thing or you've ridden it too much to appreciate it anymore.


I think it's the same reason why porn stars don't think sex is a big deal anymore...


--Robb "You do have a picture of you and the ride in your avatar though..." Alvey


What he said; it was what I was trying to get at, though it would take a lot (and some bad rides), I think, before I could get jaded about that coaster.

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Glad to see EGF has improved. We (Towers Times) visited as part of our Tipi Trouble trip to Phantasialand, Holiday Park & Europa-Park in August 2007 and hated the place - we left at 3.30pm it was so bad and we didn't even rate EGF (it was our first time there)... I guess it comes and goes from amazing one year to meh the next. We even considered Silver Star better in some respects! Shock! Horror!


Still, great pics.


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We even considered Silver Star better in some respects! Shock! Horror!


I don't think any of us preferred Silver Star over EGF,.


I have to say I preferred silver star to EGF in one respect. On SS, while sitting in the station, I was not blinded by the sun. That is all.

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I have to say I preferred silver star to EGF in one respect. On SS, while sitting in the station, I was not blinded by the sun. That is all.


Okay, sunglasses on EGF would have helped a lot - usually being blinded on a coaster will take the overall experience down a notch for me. But even with the sun right in my eyes, EGF was still far and away the best ride experience of the entire tour.


One more credit for Silver Star - it had a catchy theme song.


(Chuck - we wrote the same comment at the same time! But it was "RIDE on (Silver Star)")

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We even considered Silver Star better in some respects! Shock! Horror!


My head is spinning as I try to imagine how much worse EGF had to have been running (or how much better Silver Star was) for them to be even close. For me, when we rode them, it wasn't.

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My heart bleeds for Silver Star...what a bad experience that could have been so good!. I LOVE floater airtime even more than ejector (OMG) and this ride had HUGE potential - but if ever there was a case of trims destroying a ride, then my experience (on that day and at that time) leaves me to give SS a massive thumbs down.


While I'm sure it didn't help I had ridden Nitro earlier that year...still and this is almost sinful - give me Vekoma, at least they produced a reaction in me for better or worse.

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You all shouldn't wonder so much about Der Der Dongt's post. I know him very well and he's just one of the greatest "Anti-EGF" dudes mankind has ever seen. ;) Actually there's nothing to add so far, because I totally agree with most of the posts above. I know EGF from the very first day and after 180 rides on it it's still in my top 10, but the point is that Holiday Park was prepared for TPR, so you guys had the possibility to ride an EGF running like the first years. I would murder if i would get the guarantee that EGF is running like 2001 when i visit Holiday Park the next time, seriously, just tell me who... ;)

Although the first drop still kicks ass I assume that 90% of the year EGF really runs like a "lower top ten coaster", provided that you already got some milestones...

Greetings from Bavaria! =)

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I am not really a "Anti-EGF dude". It´s more that it looks like the Holidaypark doesn´t take care of the coaster very much. Well, I have been on only a little over 100 coasters so far, but I like for example Maverick a lot better than EGF. It is still a good ride though, but it was a even better one back in 2005. Since then it kind of looks like it´s getting rougher and slower every year. Maybe the Holidaypark prepared Geforce pretty good for you visit or this is the answer why they only run one train even if the line is longer than 45 min. I don´t know, but since you all say the coaster was awesome during your trip it looks like I have got to stope by the next time you visit Germany and experience EGF TPR style. I would really like to meet you guys someday anyway.

Right now I am looking forward to visiting Hershey, SFA, BGE, KD, CP, KI and SF St.Louis next and the following week. So yeah, if there is anyone in those Parks wearing a tpr shirt I will definitely stop by and say hi.

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^See, your response says to me that you're just into very different sorts of rides. Look at our pictures, everyone has their hands up on GeForce and is just having an awesome fun time! On Maverick I feel like you need to hold on to avoid getting your skull crushed. Yes it's a fun good ride, but not even in the same league.

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