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The Official "TPR Europe Trip 2008" Thread!

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Running back to the bus after ERT was the second greatest workout I got on the trip (after the ropes course in Belgium). Thanks Elissa for not killing us all!


No workout for me! I was at the bus on time waiting patiently. Managed to snap a few more pics for my TR while I was waiting...


Broke boys with little cash to snag a ride to the next destination will make sure he's where he's supposed to be!



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Broke boys with little cash to snag a ride to the next destination will make sure he's where he's supposed to be!


Hey, they had us locked into the trains for the last several cycles. We were like prisoners of Expedition GeForce.

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I have to agree with Ryan that the Tour des Flours monorail ride was just insanely good and psychedelic. If the Flaming Lips ever had a ride, this would be it!


Also big shout outs to Holiday Park for the awesome hairtime (for what little hair I have left) ERT, beer, hot dogs, goodie bags, and all around great hospitality! Thank you!

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Hey, they had us locked into the trains for the last several cycles. We were like prisoners of Expedition GeForce.


Hey Joe, "locked in" implies a lack of consent, and we were all SO asking for it!! You can't imprison the willing!


And Mark - I don't know if I'd go quite so far as to call Tour des Flours "insanely good" - but it was definitely insane! Hell, I was feeling a little insane myself after riding that one...

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Two points: one for GeForce, one for the Les Miserables reference.

Heh...I wondered if anyone would get that reference!


--Robb "Les Mis Fanboy!" Alvey


Nice! I'm a huge theatre geek, and Les Mis is my absolute favorite. You can't go wrong with quoting musicals in a trip report.

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^ Same. I probably saw Les Mis about 20 times when I was "stationed" in London for work during the mid 90s. I was sad to find out it doesn't play hardly anywhere anymore.


I haven't seen a show in about 8 years now. I need to get more!



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extra, extra, extra, extra ert was great. I just made sure that I got to the bus before Robb. The kids asked if we should run and I said " Only if you see Robb getting close"!



Craig "who wasn't leaving GeForce till Robb got out of the seat next to me" Knor

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^ Same. I probably saw Les Mis about 20 times when I was "stationed" in London for work during the mid 90s. I was sad to find out it doesn't play hardly anywhere anymore.


I haven't seen a show in about 8 years now. I need to get more!





Maybe this will help



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Whoo Hoo another great new avatar pic. Thanks Robb! And you wouldn't know it from the pics, but I was on the final extra extra extra ride time train. EGF was running so much better than last year, and is definitely my number one steel. Thanks Holiday World!


And Steve... Karma.


Karma Karma Karma.

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I've enjoyed all the updates immensely and I've got to say that I'm almost insanely jealous of how much fun it looks like you all had.


Also.. Just wondering, but what's the deal with the helmet in this picture? It just struck me as odd to see someone riding a coaster with a helmet on. I've got to admit that I haven't read every TR of the European trip, (although I've looked at a lot of the pictures) so if it was addressed somewhere else, please excuse the question.


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Great photos and TR. I wonder if there is any way EGF will live up to the rep it gets on TPR when I finally get to ride it. Somehow I think it will.


I will admit now to my fandom of Les Mis. I even have music from the show on my Ipod. Uber LesMis nerd.


I feel so free now.


I think there are still some traveling versions of the show:





^^Must admit I did not notice the guy with the helmet in that picture.

Not sure why..............

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Oh wow... I really can´t understand why almost everyone here loves Expediton Geforce that much. I think it´s a nice ride but not more than a lower top ten coaster.


It's possible that you just haven't ridden it on a good day. EGF apparently doesn't always run as well as it did for us this year. It's a big crazy ride and is therefore a real maintenance challenge to a smaller park like Holiday Park that doesn't have a big park maintenance budget.

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Oh wow... I really can´t understand why almost everyone here loves Expediton Geforce that much. I think it´s a nice ride but not more than a lower top ten coaster.


So out of aprox. 2000 coasters you would rank it as a lower top 10 ride, so 8,9 or 10 would be your rank. Where exactly do you think most of us are ranking it to love it so much? It is currently my favorite steel which makes it about my number 5 coaster overall.


Ginzo, if he lives in Germany and has a picture of the ride on his avatar I am thinking he has probably rode it on a good day.

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Ginzo, if he lives in Germany and has a picture of the ride on his avatar I am thinking he has probably rode it on a good day.


I don't know. I talked to someone who rode EGF a week or two before we did and said it wasn't running all that great. Just floater airtime mostly.


Holiday Park knew we were coming and was ready for us. Did you notice the maintenance guys inspecting the train at the end of the ERT session? And the coaster wheels out in front of the ride?

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Whatever Joe, he is from Germany and we're from the Midwest I still think he has a better chance to have rode it on a good day.


Maybe so. I'm just pointing out the fact that the coaster doesn't always run as well as it did for us.

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