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Six Flags Magic Mountain Tatsu Flying Coaster

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Hopefully they are removing the cars for a major overhaul. Lord knows they need it. And with the Angels Flight problem a couple years ago, the whole ride could probably use a complete rehab. The construction sounds like a great reason to do a complete rebuild of the ride system.

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08/02/05 - Lots more clearing work, new markers, and crazy rumors!!!!


Ok, here are some new photos, they will most likely span 3 posts so don't respond back right away please!


...and now looking to the left up towards Roaring Rapids, more markers.


Standing in the middle of the path facing towards Ninja and Deja Vu, looking to the right up at Sky Tower you can see some footers and columns coming down...


Under the exit stairs to Roaring Rapids.


Marker by the Roasted Corn place...this ride is going to dominate a lot of the area.


Up in the Roaring Rapids Camp Area you can see they have removed several trees since last week.


Looking up towards the other station you can see they are doing A LOT of work in and around the track area. I still don't see track pulled up, but it's looking bad for Orient Express at this point.


Here's a new mark in the bottom station for Orient Express.


To the left of the bottom station for Orient Express they are doing a lot of work and I even spotted a new marker pretty far down the hill!


Looking up at where the stairs to the Summit used to be, a lot of trees have been removed and several more are marked for removal.

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More Photos from 8/2/05


...Looking the other direction, the electric is going over towards Orient Express (which if you remember is where the Queue Bldg. markers were)


Between the Eagles Flight Station and the Ninja Station they are doing some major electrical work...


Looks like some of the trees from the gardens already found new homes!


Station is wide open with some newer stuff in there...don't know if they're just using it as a staging area or maybe part of the new ride.


Going up towards the Eagles Flight Station.


That looks like a marking for a footer and a column right smack in the middle of Samurai Summit...I'm wondering if there could be a lot of downtime this winter on the mountain!


Most trees, bridges, and other stuff is gone from the old gardens.


...looking directly across from that towards the old Eagles Flight station there are more markers in there.


On the left side of the old Japanese Gardens several new markers have appeared...

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Last group of photos from 8/2/05!


Back side of the Eagles Flight station (view from coming up the hill)...again it's open wide with a lot going on inside.


Another shot of some new markers towards the left of the gardens.


It's hard to tell in the photograph, but that hole in front is already at least 10 feet deep and probably 25 feet in diameter. Last week if you recall we decided that the only way that the tower could come down would be to implode it into a giant pre dug


Okay, now to the crazy rumor portion of the update starring: Sky Tower!


Even more casing for electric lines provided from Newhall Electric.


A closer look at the digging and electric work...

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Wow, they have done ALOT in 2 days. Impressive.


Part of me would be sad to see the sky tower go, I mean, it is an icon. But the other part of me figures if it's not ever going to open, blow that sucker up and put up a good coaster.


Gregg "In all my visits to the park, I have never been up the Sky Tower" C.

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I have a feeling that neither Orient Express nor Sky Tower are going anywhere. But they both have to remain closed in order for construction to take place.


The old Eagle's Flight station coming into the picture has thrown me for a loop. SFMM really ought to do something with that space, either by using the old building somehow or tearing it down to build something else.


Has anyone thought of the possibility of several attractions/shops/restaurants going in up there? The marked construction area is way too big in my opinion to be putting in just a coaster, in my opinion. Wouldn't it be great if we were getting not only a coaster, but a flat ride or two, or maybe some kind of drop tower?


All the construction at SFMM these days is indeed getting interesting. I can't wait to see what the mountain looks like next spring!



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^^ You would think if they are going to be adding a coaster to the mountain that they would put a shop and maybe another restaurant. Then again, nothing opens before noon so maybe it wouldn't do any good.


^ You know where you turn the corner heading up to Ninja after taking the back side of the hill up? Where the Bathrooms and the Superman shop are? There is a building there, that's the old Eagles Flight station. The other station was at the foot of the Superman tower. Which is why they can't bring it back.


I haven't been this interested in something going on at SFMM since ... well, pretty much forever.

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Just a side note, there were two separate Eagle's Flight rides originally. From the station at the top of the mountain (the one we're talking about, and which was called the Shangri-La station BTW) you could go north to the Galaxy Station (right where the Superman tower is now) or northwest to the El Dorado Station (just behind where the Freefall tower is now).


So there, y'all learned something today.



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I just keep looking at the scope of this project and thinking of what happened at SFGAdv with the Golden Kingdom. It would make a lot of sense to just rebuild/retheme the area on the mountain as part of a project with a new coaster as the centerpiece. That would explain SO MANY markers.

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