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TPR's Ever Evolving Park Index

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Theme park reviews on Theme Park Review--who would've thunk it? I remember this being talked/typed about at some point when it was first being discussed, and I thought it was a great idea then. My opinion hasn't changed. Thanks to Robb and Larry for raising the TPR bar even higher!

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Wow, that looks interesting and is a great idea. I love to find all these things at one place and it´s good to inform some friends about parks. Especially the idea to put a "nostalgia" section into the index and the advices for the park are great!


I have some suggestions:

  • - A KidTums Park Ranking would be great, in dependence on the KidTums Corner of the TPR Magazine. That would be interesting for Families.
    - Isn´t it possible to mark the parks who give discounts with the ClubTPR Card (not exactly, only that they are in the discount list) for example with a stamp logo or something else
    That would be a good commercial for being a ClubMember and the Parks (and maybe it´s also a good presentation to get new parks involved into the discountlist)
    - Same question for a marker which park is in the next TPR Trips


but those two last ideas would mean, that it´s very hard, to get the park index up to date.


I´m really impressed in your work so far and wonder what else you have in your pocket for the next time. Thought, this side is great and don´t need improvements, but everytime I get impressed by new ideas! I like it.

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^The nostalgia section already exists in the Park Index, but the new format makes it more visible


KidTums review - the family friendly rating helps it that area, but we are unlikely to write specifically about a park from a kid's point of view. This project is already a big undertaking (We've been working on it for 2 years.)


Robb and I have talked about making a visible tag on each park's home page if Club TPR discounts apply, it is still being discussed.


I don't see a real benefit to your last suggestion. Also, trip itineraries sometimes change before the trip happens.

Edited by larrygator
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^^The benefit should be the same as with the ClubTPR. But I guess you´re right, especially because I can´t imagine how much work you all have with the whole page and you can rate that better.


I missed the nostalgia section, because the parks I looked for don´t have one - OK and I guess sometimes I didn´t recognize them

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