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Bible-themed park to open in Germany in 2012 (seriously)

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Biblical theme park planned in Germany


Wed Jun 4, 12:29 PM ET


BERLIN (AFP) - If you ever fancied lunch in the Tower of Babel, visiting an "original size" Noah's Ark or a multimedia depiction of the final battle between Good and Evil, you may not have long to wait.



Under plans announced by a group of Swiss evangelical Christians and reported by the German press on Wednesday, Genesis Park, a theme park based on the Bible, will open at a yet to be chosen site in Germany by 2012.


It will group some 40 attractions over an area the size of 70 football pitches encompassing all areas of the Christian story, according to the organisers' website.


The centrepiece will be what the organisers call an "original size" Noah's Ark which is 150 metres (490 feet) long and surrounded by water.


Other attractions will include two roller coasters -- one giving an idea of the Great Flood and another on the theme of heaven and hell -- a miniature version of Biblical-era Israel and a Roman amphitheatre.


Visitors will be served food at the City of Enoch, a Tower of Babel panorama restaurant, an Old Testament-era desert tent, and a mock-up of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus -- also the location for the main shopping mall.


"We would like to transmit the story and the message of the Bible in an active and exciting way, so that many people in our society may have the opportunity to experience up close the most wonderful and fantastic love story of all, the love story of our Creator and Jesus Christ," the website said.


The project is well short of the necessary 120 million euros (185 million dollars), but organisers are talking with German investors and hope to raise enough by the end of the year, according to the Frankfurter Rundschau daily.

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Sounds a bit weird for Europe..


I don't think that it will be a park the Europeans will flock to, just because of the theming - we are not as Christian as the Americans.


But okay - why not; if they get some good rides...........

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Sounds a bit weird for Europe..


I don't think that it will be a park the Europeans will flock to, just because of the theming - we are not as Christian as the Americans.


But okay - why not; if they get some good rides...........


I was thinking the same thing, but I don't live in europe so I can't really say for sure.

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Oh, this can be fun or this can be tragically bad....


On the fun side, I love the idea of strolling, cartoon-like biblical characters like Noah, Jesus, maybe the whale that swallowed Jonah... OOOO, and Jezebel! Let's not forget her, with her "Biblical Ho" costume!


I think one of the restaurants should have all-you-can-eat loaves and fishes.


Coaster about heaven and hell? Yeah, sounds like a dive machine to me! Maybe they will call it the Holy Roller. Hey, if they do the water trough like on Shiekra, they could say it was the Parting of the Red Sea...


The great flood coaster could be a Mack water coaster/ flume ride or something. Ark-shaped cars would climb to the top of Mt Ararat before making the plunge.


Back to the heaven and hell coaster.... it could be a twin-track coaster. Put two LIM "spaghetti bowl" coasters side by side. The heaven side has lap bars, the hell side has OTSRs.


There should be a petting zoo around the Noah's ark replica, with two of everything.


A shop that sells crucifixes could be called "My Cross to Bear".


Communion Cookie snacks could be Nilla Wafers with a little cup of purple grape juice for dipping.


There could be a rotor with flames painted along the walls, and called "The Fiery Furnace". Jesus would appear as a hologram amongst the riders just before the ride ends.


Most important: every ride should have a thrill factor high enough to get all the riders to constantly scream Oh, My God!


I got a million of em, folks! I'm here till Tuesday. Try the veal.

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wasn't there another discussion about some bible park in Germany already? or was I wrong...

Anyways...these bible parks need to stop...they are getting quite annoying


No, that was in the Netherlands. It was a joke for 1 april.

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The only other funny thing about this whole bible theme park is that the year is being constructed is 2012 the "great return of Quetzalcoatl" Another religious view for a new beginning. I read about it in a book by Daniel Pinchbeck. The beast is a bird or snake like creature.The mayan and aztec calenders etc speak of it.

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^Why not? It's not as if it's offensive to other religions, forcing people to become Christian, or actively mocking other religions. I think it's a good idea, I mean, how many other theme parks are themed on space, adventure etc. And some 40% of the world are Christian, and non-Christians would go too. And if there were decent credits there, you lot would go too



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This intrigues me. Dunno why, because Religion is one of those topics I stay away from in discussions. (Politics and Football are the others).


I guess the potential creativity and themeing appeal, regardless of content. And it is different, and I go for different when it comes to parks.


Hey, why not? It'd be an adventure.

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I just can't imagine them building any sort of religious-themed park without having something in there that totally offends someone enough for them to never come back.


Christianity? Which version would be represented? Catholic? Protestant? Could a group of Irish people all visit it without half of them getting upset?


Will they have a dark ride that lets you ride through the inquisition and see people being tortured, maimed, and killed all in the name of the Prince of Peace?


Would games of skill offer Get Out of Hell Free cards as prizes?

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Will they have a dark ride that lets you ride through the inquisition and see people being tortured, maimed, and killed all in the name of the Prince of Peace?


Sounds like my kind of ride!


They could call it "Hypocrisy: the Ride"


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I just can't imagine them building any sort of religious-themed park without having something in there that totally offends someone enough for them to never come back.


Christianity? Which version would be represented? Catholic? Protestant? Could a group of Irish people all visit it without half of them getting upset?


Will they have a dark ride that lets you ride through the inquisition and see people being tortured, maimed, and killed all in the name of the Prince of Peace?


Would games of skill offer Get Out of Hell Free cards as prizes?


THAT'S what I meant!

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